General Cam Recommendation v0.2

For ones who have totally no knowledge of the camera. Here is some general advice.

Again, it's highly recommended to use the semi-structural form that helps us know your demand well in order to eliminate cognitive bias and improve the credibility of recommendations.

Cameram types.

Frequently, there is an integrated camera that has non-interchangeable lenses and the interchangeable dSLR or mirrorless.

The criterion to choose between is the functionality and whether the integrated lenses cater for you well.

Often, the integrated camera has less accessibility to a longer focal length (telephoto) to reduce size and weight. Other drawbacks could be fewer prime lenses available which good for budget portrait and landscape photography.

Thus, incoming section, the recommendation would be done by the integrated camera; camera body and corresponding lenses.

Integrated cameras


Moderate zoom range, no telephoto(70mm equi. maximum). Lightweight 4K video/vlog. Fast AF. Incredible image quality which outrages most APSC camera with standard zoom lenses.

If you don't use video at all, buy RX100III or RX100IV.

Ref pre-owned price RMB 3k with several accessories.

Bad battery capacity but acceptable for size and weight.


All focal range included. Image quality not as good as gen v.

Other similar to gen v.

Canon Powershot G5X mark ii/G7X mark ii/iii

Similar to RX100III or IV but better lenses.

Image quality should be similar to RX100. Functionalities TBC. Not good at video.

Fujifilm X100 T/F/V (gen iii, iv, v respectively)

35mm equi angle prime lenses, which should between 1x and 2x on a cellphone. Most frequently used focal length.

Lightweight, good image quality, beautiful shape.

IQ(Image Quality) worse than Sony E cameras.

Panasonic LX100ii

Best IQ in range. But not good at the video at all.

Camera bodies

For entry users, there's less rationale to recommend a Fullframe camera which increases weight and size MUCH but IQ improvement may not as significant.

Also, at the current time point(2021), No DSLRs are recommended unless you would like to go commercial photography with a limited budget. /Details emitted for an article topic.

One another consideration could be the system/manufacture influence and perspective. APSC could be the most versatile format as current for ecology(Lenses selection, IQ, etc.) Only Sony and Fujifilm could be recommended.

I'm not saying M4/3, Nikon and Canon EOS-M are not competitive. But they are not a significant player on market.

Sony E system

As your purchasing power, A6000* A6100, A6500* and A6600 are recommended. (*means only consider pre-owned)

They are all well built and above-average performance at the current time. That is why Sony cameras devalue surprisingly slow.(700 new in 2014, ~400 new/$300 used in 2021)

A6100 is similar to A6000 but slightly updated.

A6500 and A6600 have IBIS(In-Body Image Stabilization) which makes it easier for handheld photography. But this function is not literally needed the most time.(Also less cost-effective, a $10 pocket tripod do a much better job)

Fujifilm X system

Fujifilm is famous for colour render(which is fake), sexy shape and handling. You can consider it cheapo Leica as excessive price occurs for both body and lenses.

Never buy new Fujifilm gears. Unless you are willing to see price halve or quarter in the coming year(s).

Note All Fujifilm cameras are worse than Sony with a similar launch time. But this doesn't mean they are not worth purchasing. As you don't literally need the most advanced camera and lenses for a normal-good image. I'm also a Fujifilm X-E2 user.

The reason to buy Fujifilm could be low price pre-owned and quite unique experience. You can adjust the most setting at details without looking at the screen. That could be the similarity to Leica.

But again, as personal experience, X-E2 with standard zoom lenses produce a worse image than RX100V with significant increased weight and size, though better handling. So you have to keep in mind that.

X-T10, X-T20, X-T30 could be recommended. Others might be X-E2, X-E3.

For detailed model selection, please feel free to get in touch.

Canon RF system

If you still wanna go full-frame, EOS R/RP/R5/R6 are all good camera. As you can use RF 24-105 f4-7.1 which is inaccessible lightweight and compact for other systems.


Sony E system

General daily use

Sony 16-50 PZ OSS

The kit lenses normally come with the body for bundle sales.

You may not buy used as kit whereas you can easily get one alone for very cheap price(Supply always exceeds demand)

Sony 16-70 ZA OSS

An upgraded version of kit lenses. Better image quality and expanded zoom range.

E 55-210mm OSS

Kit tele lenses.

Get one if you need one besides standard zoom.

Sony 18-135 OSS

Longer tele end, you don't need a separated tele lens in most cases.

Note here, the wide end starts from 18mm /27.5mm equi. which may not as wide as your phone 1x view angle.

Viltrox 23mm F1.4 STM

Best all day prime lenses. (35mm equi.)

Superb image quality.

Sony E 35mm f1.8

Standard prime lenses, ~¥1000rmb. Slightly narrower for daily use.

Many Chinese manual ultrawide.

Get one for one or two hundred bucks(USD) for occasional ultra-wide usage.

Many Chinese manual normal lenses.

Get one for around one hundred bucks(USD) for daily use. (Viltrox

23/1.4 alternative)

Fujifilm X system

XC 16-50 OIS (gen I or II)

Previous Kit lenses. Decent IQ. I got mine gen I used copy for ¥300(2020RMB)

XC 15-45 OIS

Current Kit lenses. Slightly wider and smaller.

XF 18-135 R LM OIS

Similar to Sony 18-135 but more expensive.

XC50-230mm OIS

Kit tele lenses. ~1200RMB slightly more expensive than sony E55-210.

Get one if you need besides standard zoom.

XC 35/2

Budget standard prime lenses.

XF 23/2 R WR

'Budget' wide prime lenses

Viltrox 23mm F1.4 STM

Best all day prime lenses. (35mm equi.) XF23/2 alternative.

Many Chinese manual ultrawide.

Get one for one or two hundred bucks(USD) for occasional ultra-wide usage.

Many Chinese manual normal lenses.

Get one for around one hundred bucks(USD) for daily use. (Viltrox

23/1.4 alternative)

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