Lesson 23-2 Bird flight
Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the bird, and these will ply the short wings with such irresistible power that they can bore for long distances through an opposing gale before exhaustion follows. Their humbler followers, such as partridges, have a like power of strong propulsion, but soon tire. You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey. The swallow shares the virtues of both schools in highest measure. It tires not, nor does it boast of its power; but belongs to the air, travelling it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home, feeding its flown young as it flies, and slipping through a medium that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse .such birds do us good ,though we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that; and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning.
pigeon /ˈpɪdʒɪn/ 鸽子
endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ 天生赋予
ply /plaɪ/ 不断供给
irresistible /ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl/ 不可抗拒的;无法抵制的;不可遏止的;
bore /bɔːr/ 使厌烦;令人厌烦
oppose /əˈpoʊz/ 反抗, 抵制;阻挠;
gale /ɡeɪl/ 大风;飓风
exhaustion /ɪɡˈzɔːstʃən/ 耗尽;筋疲力尽;疲惫;
humbler /ˈhʌmbələr/ 低下的,卑微的;谦逊的;
partridge /ˈpɑːrtrɪdʒ/ 鹧鸪,山鹑;山鹑肉
propulsion /prəˈpʌlʃn/ 推进;推动力
utter /ˈʌtər/ 彻底的;完全的;十足的
in highest measure 最大程度地
boast /boʊst/ 夸耀;夸口
belong to the air 在空中自如地飞翔
slip /slɪp/ 滑行
medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ 介质;方法; 中等的;中号的
adverse /ədˈvɜːrs/ 不利的;有害的;反面的
omen /ˈoʊmən/ 预兆;征兆;前兆
superstitious /ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃəs/ 迷信的;有迷信观念的
magpie /ˈmæɡpaɪ/ 喜鹊