
Are consumers about to become partners in the manufacturing process?


Themaker movementhas seen a massiveresurgence in recent years, allowing ordinary people toget involved in the technology manufacturing space. And with cheap, easilyprogrammable products like theRaspberry

Pion themarket, people don’t have to have all around expertise.


Rightnow, it’s a subculture. But if a new report from Deloitte is to be believed,everyday consumers could soon become a crucial part of the manufacturingprocess as whole.


Accordingto the report, changes in consumer demand, the nature of products, theeconomics of production, and the economics of the supply chain have led to afundamental shift in the way companies do business.


AsDeloitte Africa Manufacturing Industry Leader Karthi Pillay notes, consumers’rising power and unmet needs around personalisation, customisation, andco-creation are causing niche markets to proliferate.

正如Deloitt非洲制造行业领导人Karthi Pillay强调的那样,消费者不断提升的力量,围绕个性化和定制化所未满足的需求以及共同创造等原因都造成了利基市场的激增。

This isalready evident all about us: added sensors and connectivity turn previously‘dumb’ products into ‘smart’ ones, while products increasingly becomeplatforms—and even move into the realm of services. “Advancements in materialsscience are enabling the creation of far more intricate, capable, and advancedobjects, smart or otherwise. At the same time, the nature of the product ischanging, with many products transcending their roles as material possessionsthat people own, to become services to which they buy access,” says Pillay.


Astechnology continues to advance exponentially, the report says, barriers toentry, commercialisation, and learning are eroding. The result is that newmarket entrants with access to new tools can operate at much smaller scales,enabling them to create offerings which were once the sole field of the majorincumbents. Although large-scale production will always dominate some segmentsof the value chain, innovative manufacturing models—distributed small-scalelocal manufacturing, loosely coupled manufacturing ecosystems, and agilemanufacturing—are arising which can take advantage of these new opportunities.


Technologiessuch as additive manufacturing are making it possible to cost-effectivelymanufacture products more quickly, in smaller and smaller batches. Digitaltechnologies are also narrowing the distance between manufacturer and consumer,allowing manufacturers to bypass traditional intermediaries. Numerous factorsare leading manufacturers to build to order rather than building to stock. Inthis environment, intermediaries that create value by holding inventory arebecoming less and less necessary. Together, these shifts have made it moredifficult to create value in traditional ways.


“Thesetrends,” says Pillay, “have the capability of affecting different manufacturingsectors at different rates. To determine the speed and intensity of the comingshifts in a particular sector, companies should consider factors including theextent of regulation, product size and complexity, and the sector’s level ofdigitisation.”


Accordingto the Deloitte report, manufacturers should focus their strategies onconcentration and consolidation, rather than fragmentation. Due to competitivepressures, large manufacturers may experience increasing pressure to focus onjust one role, shedding aspects of the business that might distract from thecompany becoming world class in its chosen role. The likely result is asignificant restructuring of existing product manufacturers.


Ratherthan focusing solely on ‘make vs buy’ options, large players will have anopportunity to connect with, and mobilise, a growing array of new entrants,many of which will target fragmenting portions of the manufacturing value chainin order to deliver more value to their customers. Two emerging businessmodels, ‘product to platform’ and ‘ownership to access’, seem particularlypromising in terms of driving leveraged growth strategies.


Finally,given the emergence of more complex ecosystems of fragmented and concentratedplayers across a growing array of manufacturing value chains, businesses thatunderstand emerging ‘influence points’ will have a significant strategicadvantage. As the manufacturing landscape evolves and competitive pressuremounts, driven by the needs of ever more demanding customers, position willmatter more than ever.



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