


· Module 1 ACI Introduction

o Evolution of the Data Center

o Overview ofthe ACI policy model

o Review Tenants, Application Network Profiles (ANPs), End Point Groups (EPGs), Contracts, Route Leaking, L2/L3 Out

o VLAN security mapping to EPGs

o Network Centric vs Application Centric Deployments

· Module 2 Fabric Switches

o The different models of spine and leaf switches

o Overview of ASIC and capabilities

· Module 3 Application Policy Infrastructure Controller

o Discuss the purpose of the APIC

o How it is configured and the features it provide to ACI

· Lab 1 ACI Fabric Discovery

o Setup the APIC from the setup script

o Then proceed to discover and add the leafs and spines to the fabric

o Learn to navigate the GUI

· Module 4 Fabric Physical Policies

o Setup Interface and Switch policies

o Understand VLAN pool dynamic and static modes and blocks

o Domains and AEP

o LLDP/CDP vs Pre-provisioning for VMM integration

· Lab 2 Fabric Access Policy Configuration

o Initial setup of the fabric

o Fabric Access Polices

o Setup VLAN pools, AEP, Interface and Switch Policies

· Module 5 Tenant Logical Overlay Policies

o Understand the logical configuration of ACI

o We’ll cover subnet advertisement

o Contract scope, reachability and how it affects route leaking between VRFs

o Common tenant vs tenant to tenant communication and forwarding

o VLAN/subnet management in ACI and existing Data Center Fabric


· Module 6 Fabric Operations and Forwarding

o How the fabric works

o Where does VXLAN come into play

· Module 7 VMM Integration

o How to integrate Hypervisors into ACI

o Discuss the major Hypervisors

o How the port-groups are used to place VMs into EPGs

· Lab 3 VMM integration

o In this lab, we will configure ACI integration with VMware ESXi hosts and provide EPG configuration as port groups in the vCenter environment

· Lab 4 Communications Using Contracts

o In this activity, we will use contracts to establish connectivity between EPGs in the same tenant

· Module 8

o Describing how to connect a layer 3 network outside the ACI fabric to be integrated with ACI

· Lab 5 Establishing Layer 3 External Connectivity

o Configure Layer 3 to existing Data Center


· Lab 6 Advanced Communication Using Contracts

o In this lab, the student will create specific Protocol filters

o Create contacts

o Configure communication between external Users and EPG VMs

· Module 9 Layer 2

o Setup Layer 2 to existing/legacy Data Center

o When to use L2 external and when to use L2 EPG methodology

o L2 Domains vs Physical Domain

o Legacy VLANs

o Static L2 VLAN mapping inside the leaf

· Lab 7 Layer 2 External Connectivity

o Configure Layer 2 to existing Data Center

o Properly setup network scope and flooding

o Contract scope and communication

o Bonus setup ERSPAN session

· Module 10 Integrating L4-7 with ACI

o Understanding how to integrate layer 4 – 7 services like firewall and load balancers

o Discussions of supported vendors and implementation of the services to the EPGs

· Lab 8 Service Insertion

o Configure ASAv Service Insertion using various methods

· Module 11

o Integrating ACI into existing Environments

o DCI using traditional IP connectivity

o ACI methods for Multi-Pod and Mulit-Site (Fabric)

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