名校励志英语演讲 第185期:一切皆有可能(7)_英语演讲 - 可可英语
The letter reads: "Remember, there are distinctive qualities that set apart the successful Chinese....strive to excel in all you do; 信里这样写道:“记住,成功的中国人具有和其他人不同的特质...所有事情都要努力做得最好;
be a superb parent willing to curtail your own pleasure for the sake of better nurturing your children; 做一个愿意为培育自己子女放弃自己的快乐的杰出母亲;
be generous, fair, tolerant, eager to learn from other cultures while sharing your own. 要慷慨、公正、宽容;不仅要乐于和别人分享你自己的文化,还要热情学习别人的文化。
But beyond these attributes, remember to have an absence of arrogance and boastfulness; 除此之外,切记不要骄傲自大、自吹自擂;
have unfailing courtesy, forbearance, sensitivity of others' feelings and above all, the ability to diffuse your anger and grievance, 要时刻保持礼节,容忍别人,理解别人的感受;最重要的是,要化解你的怒气和悲痛,
not by surppressing them but by transforming them into helpful, positive emotions. 不是压抑它们,而是把它们转变成积极的、有利的情感。
In an age and environment of pretension, you have a precious Chinese cultural heritage which we are proud to pass down to you....." 在浮夸的年代和环境中,你又珍贵的中国文化传统,我们为能把它传递给你而骄傲...”
And so, with my parents definition of distinguished leadership in my drawer at all times, 于是伴随着抽屉里我父母对杰出领导力的定义,
I have pushed forward to redefine aggressive as assertive, yet hopefully never abrasive, 我敢于将攻击性重新定义为决断性,但希望避免伤及他人,
to insure that I'm tough enough to make the hard decisions, but never unfairly, always treating people well... 来确保我在做出艰难决定时能足够强硬,但又不失公正,始终善待别人...
reminding myself at all times to have the humility and sensitivity which is expected in the Chinese culture, 提醒自己既要时刻保持中国文化所倡导的谦逊和感性,
adapted to the needs of the pressing business environment which requires a healthy dose of outwardly expressed confidence and courage. 同时也要有商界高压力环境所要求的外显的自信和勇气。
In a way, my own experiences reflect those of many women in the business arena 在某种意义上,我自己的经历映射了商界中的许多女性,
who struggle to retain the best of who they are while carving out a successful management career. 她们也在为保持最佳的自我和追求成功的管理生涯而奋斗。
During my visit here, I have met and talked with so many women, 在我来访期间,我遇见了很多女性,同她们交谈,
and I am truly heartened that the doors of opportunity are beginning to open for women in every field. 令我感到欣慰的是,在所有领域,机会的大门已经为女性敞开。
But I also know that real change is a slow process, 但我也知道真正的改变需要一个漫长的过程,
so I am hopeful that my own experiences as a woman and as a leader will provide a valuable perspective. 因此,我希望我自己作为女性领导者的经历能够提供一个有价值的视角。
As the company for women, Avon's commitment to providing developmental opportunities for women is second to none. 作为一家“比女人更了解女人”的企业,雅芳的首要承诺就是为女性提供发展的机会。
As you might expect, Avon has a solid representation of women in senior management. 你们可能知道雅芳的高级管理层很多都是女性。
In fact, this was one of the reasons I joined the company a decade ago, 实际上,这也是我十年前加入这家公司的原因之一,
working my way up the ranks through areas of increasing responsibility. 然后不断努力工作,得到升迁,承担更多的责任。
But interestingly, it has only been in recent years that "the company for women" 但是有意思的是,只有在近几年这家“比女人更了解女人”
has also emerged as the company for women in senior leadership positions. 是公司才让女性出现在高层管理者的职位上。
Until the last decade, women were not well represented in the executive suite. 十年前,执行层队伍中几乎没有女性,
With few exceptions, middle management was about as far as they could go. 而中层管理人员中也只有零星几个。
Here was a company with virtually 100% women customers and sales representatives, yet capable women simply could not get to the top. 这是一个客户和销售代表几乎100%是女性的公司,但有能力的女性偏偏无法上升到高层职位。