NLP笔记(3) -- 基于机器学习的模型,简单的梯度下降实践


  • 最近在学习NLP的课程,下面的代码,基本来自我的NLP课程作业,当然大部分都是模仿老师写的,使用Python完成,感兴趣的可以去我的github上面查看:
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Machine Learning--Gradient Descent(机器学习--梯度下降)


from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
data = load_boston()
X, y = data['data'], data['target']
array([2.7310e-02, 0.0000e+00, 7.0700e+00, 0.0000e+00, 4.6900e-01,
       6.4210e+00, 7.8900e+01, 4.9671e+00, 2.0000e+00, 2.4200e+02,
       1.7800e+01, 3.9690e+02, 9.1400e+00])
len(X[:, 0])
X_rm = X[:, 5]


  1. y代表着不同房子的房价,X代表着房子的各种变量,如大小,犯罪率等。可以看到,我们一共使用了506栋房子的数据。
  2. 为了简单起见,我们仅仅研究X的第6个参数与房价的关系,所以需要把第六个变量在各个房子上的取值单独拿出来为X_rm

  我们假设自变量与因变量之间是线性关系,即y = kx+bk,b为未知参数,定义price()函数,来计算给定自变量与参数值后的y值。我们的任务就是,找到一个合适的k,b参数值,使得当我们给定一个x,使用上式得到的预测值与真实值之间的差距尽可能的小。 如果我们能够找到比较合适的k,b参数值,那么就有可能得到准确率比较高的预测结果。


def price(rm, k, b):
    """f(x) = k * x + b"""
    return k * rm + b

def loss(y, y_hat): # to evaluate the performance 
    return sum((y_i - y_hat_i)**2 for y_i, y_hat_i in zip(list(y), list(y_hat))) / len(list(y))

# 也可以使用numpy来更简单的定义损失函数
import numpy as np
def loss(y,y_hat):
    e = np.array(y)-np.array(y_hat)
    return (e@e.T)/len(y)


  1. Python3 zip() 函数


Gradient Descent(梯度下降)



def partial_k(x, y, y_hat):
    n = len(y)

    gradient = 0
    for x_i, y_i, y_hat_i in zip(list(x), list(y), list(y_hat)):
        gradient += (y_i - y_hat_i) * x_i
    return -2 / n * gradient

def partial_b(x, y, y_hat):
    n = len(y)

    gradient = 0
    for y_i, y_hat_i in zip(list(y), list(y_hat)):
        gradient += (y_i - y_hat_i)
    return -2 / n * gradient

k = k -\alpha\times \frac{\partial loss}{\partial k}
k = b -\alpha\times \frac{\partial loss}{\partial b}

import random
trying_times = 2000
min_loss = float('inf') 
current_k = random.random() * 200 - 100
current_b = random.random() * 200 - 100
learning_rate = 1e-04
for i in range(trying_times):
    price_by_k_and_b = [price(r, current_k, current_b) for r in X_rm]
    current_loss = loss(y, price_by_k_and_b)

    if current_loss < min_loss: # performance became better
        min_loss = current_loss
        if i % 50 == 0: 
            print('When time is : {}, get best_k: {} best_b: {}, and the loss is: {}'.format(i, best_k, best_b, min_loss))

    k_gradient = partial_k(X_rm, y, price_by_k_and_b)
    b_gradient = partial_b(X_rm, y, price_by_k_and_b)
    current_k = current_k + (-1 * k_gradient) * learning_rate

    current_b = current_b + (-1 * b_gradient) * learning_rate


  1. Python中可以用如下方式表示正负无穷:float("inf"), float("-inf"),利用 inf 做加、乘算术运算仍会得到 inf。除了inf外的其他数除以inf,会得到0。
  2. Python random() 函数。。注意区分random模块中的random和numpy模块中的random。
  3. Python format 格式化函数。
  4. 1e-04代表1\times10^{-4}


When time is : 0, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 575.5349822522099
When time is : 50, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 277.9378161169662
When time is : 100, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 147.24895628021088
When time is : 150, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 89.8572545975801
When time is : 200, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 64.65372567052019
When time is : 250, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 53.58551239815359
When time is : 300, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 48.72477014152337
When time is : 350, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 46.59001559478237
When time is : 400, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 45.65236839246802
When time is : 450, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 45.24042644341104
When time is : 500, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 45.059346031766644
When time is : 550, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.97964764306714
When time is : 600, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.94447083305862
When time is : 650, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.928845550418174
When time is : 700, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.921806290539294
When time is : 750, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.918537593098634
When time is : 800, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91692476670531
When time is : 850, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91603915253814
When time is : 900, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91547293354079
When time is : 950, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91504701836891
When time is : 1000, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.914682759718445
When time is : 1050, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91434561990997
When time is : 1100, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.9140204318406
When time is : 1150, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91370053492356
When time is : 1200, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91338300417686
When time is : 1250, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91306655509527
When time is : 1300, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.912750623583214
When time is : 1350, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.912434961909526
When time is : 1400, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91211946127419
When time is : 1450, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91180407388745
When time is : 1500, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.9114887787528
When time is : 1550, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.9111735666393
When time is : 1600, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91085843348287
When time is : 1650, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.91054337748873
When time is : 1700, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.910228397858496
When time is : 1750, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.9099134942312
When time is : 1800, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.909598666438264
When time is : 1850, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.90928391439542
When time is : 1900, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.90896923805536
When time is : 1950, get best_k: 11.431551629413757 best_b: -49.52403584539048, and the loss is: 44.908654637387244



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