1.Rachel ,You wanna put the marshmallows in concentric circles.
2.You have to start getting over her ,all right ?
If You play ,You get Some frash air ,Maybe it'll take your mind off Janice .
3.Can I say You for second ?
4.Here You Go .
5.Bunny up !
6.You're stuck with me .
7.I almost caught that one .
8.And was the curse lifted ?
1.A stripper at a bachelor party .That is So cliche .
2.Keep it inside .Learn How to hide your feelings .
3.And who may i say is calling ?
4.Hold on a second .
5.What kind of discount do We get ?
6.Any question So far ?
7.He's just gofing around .
1.Your lip went bald .
2.You got panties stuck to your leg .
Ahem ,that's because I was just grbbing Some things out of the dryer ...and static cling .
3.I will wakeYou up in a way that has proved very popular in the past .
4.Naked friends .
5.Just none in there ,We're probably out .
6.I got to sit in on a meeting with the reps from Calvin Klein .I told my Boss I liked This line of lingerie ,She orderD a ton of it .
7.How often do You read it ?
8.So isn't it a bit cold out of shorts ?
9.Sometimes You guys just burst into flam .
10.The Man is showing brain .
11.The tomatoes are squishing .
12.Ok just put a little club soda on it .Get to throw it right away .
13.I just throw them out .
14.What is going on ?
15.How do You mean ?
16.So how's the lasagna Go over ?
17.I'll call You back .
18.I do have a blind date ...
19.S:tretchy pants