

通过链接 切换为默认版本
重启后,再通过如上链接 切换为上海版本

telnet用户 root
telnet密码 Zte521


[C:\~]$ telnet

Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
Login: root

BusyBox v1.01 (2015.08.08-02:26+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/ # sendcmd 1 DB p DevAuthInfo
<Tbl name="DevAuthInfo" RowCount="6">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU1"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="1"/>
                <DM name="User" val="telecomadmin"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="nE7jA%5m"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
        <Row No="1">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU2"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="1"/>
                <DM name="User" val="useradmin"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="5rhrj"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="2"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
        <Row No="2">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU3"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="2"/>
                <DM name="User" val="root"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="public"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="2"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
        <Row No="3">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU4"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="2"/>
                <DM name="User" val=""/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="zte"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
        <Row No="4">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU5"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="4"/>
                <DM name="User" val="admin"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="admin"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
        <Row No="5">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.AU6"/>
                <DM name="Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="IsOnline" val="0"/>
                <DM name="AppID" val="5"/>
                <DM name="User" val=""/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="samba"/>
                <DM name="Level" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Extra" val=""/>
                <DM name="ExtraInt" val="0"/>
/ # 


/ # iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
srvcntrl   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
lan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwports    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvdrop    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwinput    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
firewall   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvctlext  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
wan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
drop_no_nat  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
urldoor    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
webfilter  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
wfmode     all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
macfilter  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
upnp       all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
algfilter  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
ipfilter   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
portmapp   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
dmzmapp    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
firewall   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain algfilter (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain dmzmapp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain drop_no_nat (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state INVALID

Chain firewall (2 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere             icmp echo-request DEVWL match:WANDEV

Chain fwinput (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:netbios-ns DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:netbios-ssn DEVWL match:WANDEV

Chain fwports (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain ipfilter (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain lan_access (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain macfilter (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain portmapp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain srvcntrl (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain srvctlext (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:domain DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:bootps DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:bootpc DEVWL match:LANDEV

DROP       udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:snmp
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:52869 DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:1900 DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:58000 DEVWL match:LANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:17998 DEVWL match:WANDEV

Chain srvdrop (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:http DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:ftp DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:telnet DEVWL match:WANDEV

DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:https DEVWL match:WANDEV

Chain upnp (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain urldoor (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain wan_access (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
DROP       tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             DEVWL match:WANDEV
 tcp dpt:telnet

Chain webfilter (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain wfmode (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
/ # 


/ # 
/ # ps axu 
  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
    1 root        500 S   init       
    2 root            SW  [kthreadd]
    3 root            SW  [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 root            SW  [events/0]
    5 root            SW  [khelper]
    6 root            SW  [async/mgr]
    7 root            SW  [klogfile]
    8 root            DW  [ksuperlog]
    9 root            SW  [sync_supers]
   10 root            SW  [bdi-default]
   11 root            SW  [kblockd/0]
   12 root            SW  [ksuspend_usbd]
   13 root            SW  [khubd]
   14 root            SW  [kswapd0]
   15 root            SW  [aio/0]
   16 root            SW  [mtdblockd]
   17 root            SW  [nftld]
   28 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd2]
   50 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd5]
   65 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd4]
   74 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd8]
  157 root            DW  [phy_scan]
  159 root            SW  [eponmac_task]
  160 root            SW  [eponmac_pondnup]
  162 root            SW  [epondrv_scan_th]
  167 root            DW< [DSP_Rx]
  168 root            DW< [DSP_Tx]
  172 root        520 S   /sbin/insmod /kmodule/redirusb.ko 
  207 root        328 S   pc 
  208 root       4512 S   cspd 
  209 root        212 S   /bin/shellproxy ttyS0 115200 /etc/init.d/rcS /dev/tty
  211 root        204 S   /bin/shellproxy_getty ttyp0 
  212 root       4512 S   cspd 
  213 root       4512 S   cspd 
  214 root       4512 S   cspd 
  215 root       4512 S   cspd 
  216 root       4512 S   cspd 
  217 root       4512 S   cspd 
  218 root       4512 S   cspd 
  219 root       4512 S   cspd 
  220 root       4512 S   cspd 
  221 root       4512 S   cspd 
  222 root       4512 S   cspd 
  223 root       4512 S   cspd 
  224 root       4512 S   cspd 
  225 root       4512 S   cspd 
  529 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  530 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  531 root        348 S   ttynetd 
  532 root       3612 S   httpd 
  533 root        740 S   telnetd 
  534 root       2472 S   voip 
  535 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  536 root        636 S   simulation 
  537 root        636 S   simulation 
  538 root        636 S   simulation 
  539 root        636 S   simulation 
  540 root        636 S   simulation 
  541 root        636 S   simulation 
  542 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  543 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  544 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  545 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  546 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  547 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  548 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  549 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  550 root       1064 S   eponoam 
  552 root        740 S   telnetd 
  553 root       2472 S   voip 
  554 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  555 root        740 S   telnetd 
  556 root       2472 S   voip 
  557 root       2472 S   voip 
  558 root       2472 S   voip 
  559 root       2472 S   voip 
  560 root       2472 S   voip 
  561 root       2472 S   voip 
  562 root       2472 S   voip 
  563 root       2472 S   voip 
  564 root       2472 S   voip 
  565 root       2472 S   voip 
  566 root       2472 S   voip 
  567 root       2472 S   voip 
  568 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  569 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  570 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  571 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  572 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  573 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  574 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  576 root       3612 S   httpd 
  577 root        740 S   telnetd 
  578 root        740 S   telnetd 
  579 root        740 S   telnetd 
  580 root        740 S   telnetd 
  581 root       3612 S   httpd 
  582 root       3612 S   httpd 
  583 root       3612 S   httpd 
  584 root       3612 S   httpd 
  585 root       3612 S   httpd 
  586 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  587 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  588 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  589 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  590 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  591 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  592 root       1012 S   phoneapp 
  593 root       3612 S   httpd 
  594 root       3612 S   httpd 
  595 root       3612 S   httpd 
  634 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  635 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  637 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  638 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  639 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  640 root       1104 S   upnpd 
  712 root            DW  [TRACE]
  716 root            SW  [usl_scan]
  749 root        636 S   dnsmasq -r /var/tmp/default_resolv.conf -M 0 -T 6 -P 
  804 root            SW  [kTPTd]
  807 root        348 S   wscd -start -c /var/wscd.conf -w wlan0 -fi /var/wscd-
  813 root        232 S   iwcontrol wlan0 
  829 root        612 S   /bin/sh -ladmin 
  835 root        612 S   /bin/sh -ladmin 
  845 root        516 R   ps axu              
/ #        


/ # ls /etc  
profile                          device_sip_guangdong.xml
device_sip_jiangxi.xml           version
db_default_Fujian_cfg.xml        db_default_Heilongjiang_cfg.xml
hostname                         gshadow
gateicfgSCPD.xml                 dms
gateconnSCPD.xml                 zxv10.pem
db_default_Chongqing_cfg.xml     device_h248.xml
wscd.conf                        db_default_Liaoning_cfg.xml
ver_num_des                      device_h248_jiangxi.xml
services                         mdev.conf
rpc                              db_default_Ningxia_cfg.xml
init.d                           device_h248_sichuan.xml
db_default_Gansu_cfg.xml         device_h248_yunnan.xml
device_sip_qinghai.xml           passwd
default                          db_default_Guizhou_cfg.xml
authority.txt                    db_default_Xinjiang_cfg.xml
db_default_Yunnan_cfg.xml        db_default_Guangxi_cfg.xml
versioncode                      fstab
gateinfoSCPD.xml                 db_default_Guangdong_cfg.xml
device.xml                       iproute2
db_default_Hainan_cfg.xml        bashrc
gatedesc.skl                     device_sip_yunnan.xml
shadow                           modules
db_default_Xizang_cfg.xml        ctadmin
login.defs                       device_big.xml
db_default_Xian_cfg.xml          db_default_Qinghai_cfg.xml
device_h248_fujian.xml           tr64action.xml
sysconfig                        shells
inittab                          filesystems
device_h248_qinghai.xml          group
db_default_Shandong_cfg.xml      db_default_Tianjin_cfg.xml
db_default_Hunan_cfg.xml         hosts
db_default_Hubei_cfg.xml         aliases
db_default_Sichuan_cfg.xml       device_sip_sichuan.xml
db_default_Shanghai_cfg.xml      protocols
db_default_Jiangxi_cfg.xml       rcS.d
device_sip_fujian.xml            db_default_Henan_cfg.xml
resolv.conf                      device_h248_guangdong.xml
mtab                             db_default_Shanxi_cfg.xml
device_sip.xml                   db_default_cfg.xml
/ # 
/ # ls /etc |grep xml
/ # 


/ # ls /bin
bobtest           brctl             vsftpd            auth
wbctl             umount            iwpriv            fw_flashing
sc                echo              mkdir             mount
hostname          phtest            telnetd           pppoe-server
kshell            ntfs-3g           ip                cmapidbg
fpga              dipc              setmac            minizip
sleep             iptables          msntp             devmem2
wgets             rm                ls                ebtables
sim_test          ethdriver_test    logtousb          httpd
opticaltst        cat               tmtst             pppd
df                dnsmasq           shellproxy_getty  switchtst
upgradetest       igmp_proxy        wput              slctool
mknod             ash               date              pwd
kill              iwlist            ip6tables         multicast_test
ping              sed               grep              pc
mv                ttynetd-server    ping6             eponoam
sendcmd           traceroute1       voip              ln
rtrace            sh                ps                routed
cspd              cpeserver         redir             busybox
shellproxyctrl    epontest          sync              rmdir
sw_to_sp          tc                nand              chmod
upnpd             flash             iwcontrol         login
wput_tftp         shellproxy        oamtest           mld_proxy
usbtest           testftp           tso
phoneapp          wscd              egrep
simulation        cp                voipstat


/ # iptables -L INPUT
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
srvcntrl   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
lan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwports    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvdrop    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwinput    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
firewall   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvctlext  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
wan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
/ # 
/ # 
/ # 
/ # iptables -L INPUT 1
srvcntrl   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
/ # 
/ # 
/ # 
/ # 
/ # iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 21:23 -j ACCEPT
/ # 
/ # iptables -L INPUT
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination         
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:ftp:telnet
srvcntrl   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
lan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwports    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvdrop    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
fwinput    all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
firewall   all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
srvctlext  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
wan_access  all  --  anywhere             anywhere            
/ # 
/ # 
/ # iptables -L INPUT 1
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:ftp:telnet


光猫的配置是用数据库命令行 sendcmd 管理的

/ # sendcmd -h
sendcmd :
  -pc show        : show all APPID info
  -pc             : show command list of program manage
  [APPID]         : show command list of APPID program
  -l              : show default log level of user program
  -l [level(0-8)] : set log level for all user program
  -pc -b          : show pc bbx info
  log             :show command list of log debug

/ # sendcmd -pc
show   (show all program info) 
listerr (list all error log info) 
kill    [all] or [pid]
debug   [mode] 0[off] 1[on] 
restart [mode] 0[off] 1[on]
exception [mode] 0[off] 1[on]
-l show print level
-l [level] set print level
-b show bbx info 
PcDebug   : 0 (0:off ; 1:on)
exception : 1 (0:off ; 1:on)

/ # sendcmd -pc show
Name             APPID  pid   inst  StartedbyName    State    EchoMsg 
wscd             0      807   0     wlan_config      1        1       
dnsmasq          0      749   0     dns_mgr          1        1       
simulation       70     536   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
upnpd            66     535   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
voip             2      534   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
telnetd          61     533   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
httpd            3      532   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
ttynetd-server   0      531   0     cspd_misc        1        1       
eponoam          129    530   0     oam_mgr          1        1       
phoneapp         73     529   0     phoneapp_mgr     1        1       
cspd             1      208   0     pc               1        1       
/ # 

/ # sendcmd -pc -b
show   (show all program info) 
listerr (list all error log info) 
kill    [all] or [pid]
debug   [mode] 0[off] 1[on] 
restart [mode] 0[off] 1[on]
exception [mode] 0[off] 1[on]
-l show print level
-l [level] set print level
-b show bbx info 
PcDebug   : 0 (0:off ; 1:on)
exception : 1 (0:off ; 1:on)
/ # 

/ # sendcmd 1
sendcmd 1 :
  -p : show all PCB info
  -l : show log level of all PCB
  -l [level]: set log level of all PCB
  -task : show all tasks(threads)  info
  -socket  :show all socket(net local)  info
  -socket  :get/close
  -msg : show all PCB msg  info
  -timer : show all PCB timer  info
  -debug [FLAG]         : set/get 0(close) 1(open)
  -msgtimeout[ticks]    : set/get deal_message timeout
  -setdpr [udpwatch ip] : set udpwatch ip
  [PID Name] -p : show PCB detail info
  [PID Name] -l : show log level of PID module
  [PID Name] -l [level] : set log level of PID module
  [PID Name] ... : command of PID module
  -b : show bbx info
/ # 
/ # 
/ # sendcmd 1 DB

all:print all table
p [tablename] :print table info
pv:print view info
rreset:remote reset
lreset:local reset
reset:local reset
mobilerreset: mobile App remote reset
debug [0/1]: not reboot to see the file of critical param
set [tablename][rownum][dm][dmvalue] :
addr [tablename]: add ROW to table
delr [tablename][rownum]:delete  ROW of  table
pti [tablename]:  print the detail information of the table
fc [bin-file-name]:compress user config to bin-file-name
fuc [bin-file-name]:uncompress bin-file-name to user config
bckinterval [0]: time of backup 0:syn
bcktype [0/1/2]: backup type 0:no bck 1:all bck 2:part bck
backup : backup now!
partrst [ModName]: part restore now!
prtpdt : print all of product interface.
pcl : print cfg list.
pvf [ViewID]: print View Fun.
aset1 : 
aget1 : print View Fun.
aset1w : 
aget1w : 
aset1wnl : 
aget1wnl : 
aset1wp : 
aget1wp : 
addv : 
lck1w : 
find1w : 
pshm : show shmpool infomation
pstate : show state_machine infomation
saveasy : Asy save
decry : cfg decry
dbStati : 0:show Stati info; 1:clean Stati info[0/1]
killdog : kill watchdog

/ # 
/ # sendcmd 1 DB all
0               ALARMCONFIG
1               ALARMPARM
2               ARPDETECTConfig
3               AccessDev
4               AclCfg
5               AttrInfo
6               AutoEmulatConf
7               BoardInfo
8               BrGrp
9               BrGrp2ndIP
10              BrportInfo
11              CltLmt
12              DBBase
13              DDNSClient
14              DDNSHostname
15              DDNSService
16              DHCP6SHostCfg
17              DHCP6SHostInfo
18              DHCP6SPool
19              DHCPCComm
20              DHCPSBind
21              DHCPSComm
22              DHCPSHostCfg
23              DHCPSHostInfo
24              DHCPSOpts
25              DHCPSPool
26              DMSCfg
27              DNSDHCPHostsList
28              DNSHostsList
29              DNSRedirect
30              DNSSettings
31              DSSCfg
32              DSSInfo
33              DevAuthInfo
34              DevIPv6Ctrl
35              DevInfo
36              E8OPT125S
37              E8OPT16S
38              E8OPT17S
39              E8OPT60S
40              E8PINGKEEP
41              E8PINGKEEPCFG
42              E8RetranInterval
43              E8STBBINDINFO
44              E8Switcher
45              E8forAutoTest
46              EPONLlidConf
47              EPONProduct
48              EPONSilenceCount
49              EthAlarmProduct
50              EthPortConfProduct
51              FTPServerCfg
52              FTPUser
53              FWALG
54              FWBase
55              FWDMZ
56              FWIP
57              FWLevel
58              FWPM
59              FWPMDEV
60              FWPURL
61              FWSC
62              FWURL
63              FlowRL
64              HLTCtl
65              HLTInfo
66              HLTLanStatInfo
67              HistoryHLTInfo
68              HistoryHLTLanStatInfo
69              IGMPIPTV
70              IGMPProxy
71              IGMPWan
72              IPV6PRoute
73              InterfaceInfo
74              L2BAvailIF
75              L2BBridge
76              L2BFilter
77              L2BMarking
78              L3Forwarding
79              L3Forwarding6
80              L3ForwardingRT
81              L3ForwardingRT6
82              LAND
83              LANInfo
84              Log
85              LoopbackEthConf
86              LoopbackGlobalConf
87              LoopbackVlanConf
88              MAC
89              MLDProxyCfg
90              MLDWan
91              MONITORCONFIG
92              MONITORPARM
93              MTOUCH
94              MacFilter
95              MgtServer
96              MirrorConf
97              MobileAppInfo
98              MobileRightInfo
99              MonitorCollectorCfg
100             MonitorCollectorParm
101             MultiPortProduct
102             MultiWancConfProduct
103             MultiWancd
104             OAMdebug
105             OPTICAL
106             PDTCTUSERINFO
107             PDTWANCEXT
108             PINGDiag
109             PONCfgProduct
110             PRoute
111             PWSaving
112             PWSavingConf
113             ParamAttr
114             PdtInterface
115             PdtMiddleWare
116             PerformUpLoad
117             PhyLinkInfo
118             PortBinding
119             PortControl
120             PortControlExt
121             PortPriority
122             PrefixBanPort
123             PrefixCfg
124             PrefixIfDG
125             ProInfoCfg
126             ProxyDev
127             QOSBasic
128             QOSClassification
129             QOSPolicer
130             QOSQueue
131             QOSRule
132             QOSShaper
133             QOSType
134             QosCvpA
135             RIPConf
136             RIPIf
137             RaCfg
138             RouteIFInfo
139             RouteSYSRT
140             SELFBIND
141             SNTP
142             SimCardInfo
143             SleepCtrl
144             SrmCfg
145             SwitchCfg
146             TR069ClearPwd
147             TUNNEL46CFG
148             TelnetCfg
149             TimePolicy
150             TimeSynInfo
151             Tr069InformParaExtend
152             Tr069Queue
153             UPnPAPINPSK
154             UPnPAPINWEP
155             UPnPAPIPTV
156             UPnPAPIPTVPSK
157             UPnPAPIPTVWEP
158             UPnPAPInternet
159             UPnPCfg
160             UPnPConfProf
161             UPnPConfProfRule
162             UPnPConfTemp
163             UPnPDevLst
164             UPnPPortMap
165             UPnPServProf
166             USBBackup
167             USBStorageParList
168             Upgrade
169             UsbBakRst
170             UserIF
171             UserInfo
172             VLANBIND
173             VLANInfo
174             VOIPCAP
175             VOIPCIDCfg
176             VOIPCommPort
177             VOIPCommTTY
178             VOIPCommTotal
179             VOIPDRSLC
180             VOIPDSPCID
181             VOIPDSPDTMF
182             VOIPDSPFaxModemCtrl
183             VOIPDSPFaxModemTone
184             VOIPDSPFaxT38More
185             VOIPDSPFaxVbd
186             VOIPDSPJitterBuffer
187             VOIPDSPMisc
188             VOIPDSPModemVbd
189             VOIPDSPT38Fax
190             VOIPDSPTone
191             VOIPDSPToneRing
192             VOIPDSPVadCng
193             VOIPDSPVoiceGainEc
194             VOIPExt
195             VOIPHookCfg
196             VOIPIVRPassword
197             VOIPPhyCallFeature
198             VOIPPhyInterface
199             VOIPRcaCommon
200             VOIPSIPCfg
201             VOIPSIPEventCfg
202             VOIPSIPExtraCfg
203             VOIPSIPLANLine
204             VOIPSIPServerCfg
205             VOIPSIPSupportedCfg
206             VOIPSIPTimerCfg
207             VOIPSIPWANLine
208             VOIPSLMAD
209             VOIPSLMFaxMedia
210             VOIPSLMGlobal
211             VOIPSLMMedia
212             VOIPSLMSeviceKey
213             VOIPSLMTerm
214             VOIPSLMVOIPCfg
215             VOIPSLMWAN
216             VOIPSrBwListInf
217             VOIPSrCommonConfigs
218             VOIPSrGroupPrefix
219             VOIPSrOfficeDiMap
220             VOIPSrRouteDiMap
221             VOIPSrTidConfigs
222             VOIPVPCallFeature
223             VOIPVPNUMBERPROC
224             VOIPVPSERVICEKEY
225             VOIPVPSPEEDDIAL
226             VOIPVTCCfg
227             VoIPBGWCfg
228             VoIPBearInfo
229             VoIPCSLine
230             VoIPCapabilitiesCodec
231             VoIPDMTimerCfg
232             VoIPDSPCIDCfg
233             VoIPDSPMISCCfg
234             VoIPDTMFADVCfg
235             VoIPFMediaCfg
236             VoIPFaxModemRptCtrlCfg
237             VoIPFaxT38Cfg
238             VoIPFaxVBDCfg
239             VoIPH248LineCfg
240             VoIPH248MainCfg
241             VoIPH248SubCfg
242             VoIPHomeLine
243             VoIPHook
244             VoIPHookVPCfg
245             VoIPIADDiag
246             VoIPIVRPsd
247             VoIPLastSessionCfg
248             VoIPLineCfg
249             VoIPLineCodec
250             VoIPLineHistoryCfg
251             VoIPLineLastCfg
252             VoIPMMediaCfg
253             VoIPModemVBDCfg
254             VoIPPhyNumCfg
255             VoIPPoorQualityList
256             VoIPPortCfg
257             VoIPRTCPADVCfg
258             VoIPRTCPCfg
259             VoIPRTPADVCfg
260             VoIPRTPCfg
261             VoIPRTPREDCfg
262             VoIPRingerCfg
263             VoIPRingerDescrptCfg
264             VoIPRingerEventCfg
265             VoIPRingerPatternCfg
266             VoIPSIP
267             VoIPSIPEventSubscribe
268             VoIPSIPEventSubscribe2
269             VoIPSIPLan
270             VoIPSIPLine
271             VoIPSIPServer
272             VoIPSIPTimer
273             VoIPSLCCfg
274             VoIPSLCINFCfg
275             VoIPSLCTIMECfg
276             VoIPSRBwList
277             VoIPSRDigitCollect
278             VoIPSROfficeDigitMap
279             VoIPSROfficeGroupPrefix
280             VoIPSROfficePrefix
281             VoIPSRPhyRefListEnable
282             VoIPSRRouteDigitMap
283             VoIPSRTPCfg
284             VoIPSRTermination
285             VoIPSessionCfg
286             VoIPSimulateTest
287             VoIPT38ADVCfg
288             VoIPTONECfg
289             VoIPTONEDescrptCfg
290             VoIPTONEEventCfg
291             VoIPTONEPatternCfg
292             VoIPVMediaCfg
293             VoIPVPCallTimer
294             VoIPVPCodec
295             VoIPVPDTMF
296             VoIPVPLine
297             VoIPVPNP
298             VoIPVPNPPrefix
299             VoIPVPService
300             VoIPVoiceProcCfg
301             VoIPVoiceProfile
302             WANC
303             WANCD
304             WANCIP
305             WANCIPOpts
306             WANCIPPrvData
307             WANCPPP
308             WANCPPPComm
309             WANCPPPStatus
310             WANCServList
311             WAND
312             WANDCommCfg
313             WLANAD
314             WLANBase
315             WLANCfg
316             WLANCountry
317             WLANPSK
318             WLANWEP
319             WLANWMM
320             WLANWPS
321             WancpppProduct
322             WlanTime
323             WlanTimeCfg
/ # u


/ # sendcmd 1 DB p TelnetCfg
<Tbl name="TelnetCfg" RowCount="1">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="TS_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Wan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="TS_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TS_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TS_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="Max_Con_Num" val="2"/>
                <DM name="ProcType" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_EnableAfterOlt" val="0"/>
                <DM name="TS_Sprtwl_Mode" val="0"/>
                <DM name="WanWebLinkToTS" val="1"/>
/ # sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 TS_Enable 1
<Tbl name="TelnetCfg" RowCount="1">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="TS_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Wan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="TS_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TS_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TS_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="Max_Con_Num" val="2"/>
                <DM name="ProcType" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_EnableAfterOlt" val="0"/>
                <DM name="TS_Sprtwl_Mode" val="0"/>
                <DM name="WanWebLinkToTS" val="1"/>
/ # sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 Lan_Enable 1
<Tbl name="TelnetCfg" RowCount="1">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="TS_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Wan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="TS_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TS_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TS_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="Max_Con_Num" val="2"/>
                <DM name="ProcType" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_EnableAfterOlt" val="0"/>
                <DM name="TS_Sprtwl_Mode" val="0"/>
                <DM name="WanWebLinkToTS" val="1"/>
/ # sendcmd 1 DB set TelnetCfg 0 Lan_EnableAfterOlt 1
<Tbl name="TelnetCfg" RowCount="1">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="TS_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Wan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="TS_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TS_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TS_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="Max_Con_Num" val="2"/>
                <DM name="ProcType" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_EnableAfterOlt" val="1"/>
                <DM name="TS_Sprtwl_Mode" val="0"/>
                <DM name="WanWebLinkToTS" val="1"/>
/ # sendcmd 1 DB save                        
/ # sendcmd 1 DB p TelnetCfg
<Tbl name="TelnetCfg" RowCount="1">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="TS_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="Wan_Enable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_Enable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="TS_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_Port" val="23"/>
                <DM name="TS_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TS_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UName" val="root"/>
                <DM name="TSLan_UPwd" val="Zte521"/>
                <DM name="Max_Con_Num" val="2"/>
                <DM name="ProcType" val="0"/>
                <DM name="Lan_EnableAfterOlt" val="1"/>
                <DM name="TS_Sprtwl_Mode" val="0"/>
                <DM name="WanWebLinkToTS" val="1"/>
/ # 

/ # sendcmd 1 DB p PortControl
<Tbl name="PortControl" RowCount="8">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl1"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="80"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="WEB"/>
        <Row No="1">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl2"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="21"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="FTP"/>
        <Row No="2">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl3"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="22"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="SSH"/>
        <Row No="3">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl4"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="23"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="TELNET"/>
        <Row No="4">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl5"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="443"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="HTTPS"/>
        <Row No="5">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl6"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="161"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="SNMP"/>
        <Row No="6">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl7"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="58000"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="Tr069"/>
        <Row No="7">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="0"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="0"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val=""/>
/ # 

/ # sendcmd 1 DB set PortControl 3 PortEnable 1
<Tbl name="PortControl" RowCount="8">
        <Row No="0">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl1"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="80"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="WEB"/>
        <Row No="1">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl2"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="21"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="FTP"/>
        <Row No="2">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl3"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="22"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="SSH"/>
        <Row No="3">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl4"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="23"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="TELNET"/>
        <Row No="4">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl5"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="443"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="HTTPS"/>
        <Row No="5">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl6"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="161"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="SNMP"/>
        <Row No="6">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="IGD.PortControl7"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="58000"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="1"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val="Tr069"/>
        <Row No="7">
                <DM name="ViewName" val="0"/>
                <DM name="PortValue" val="0"/>
                <DM name="PortEnable" val="0"/>
                <DM name="RedirectPort" val="0"/>
                <DM name="ServName" val=""/>
/ # 



[C:\~]$ telnet

Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
Login: root

BusyBox v1.01 (2015.08.08-02:26+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/ # sendcmd 1 DB p DevAuthInfo|grep Pass
                <DM name="Pass" val="MBTACPHn58"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="5rhrj"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="public"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="zte"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="admin"/>
                <DM name="Pass" val="samba"/>
/ # 

超级管理员账户 telnetadmin
超级管理员密码 MBTACPHn58


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