I said that professional writers are solitary drudges who seldom see other writers.
solitary - adj. | a solitary person or object is alone, with no others near them.
drudge - n. | a person who does hard, menial, or tedious work
Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read in several ways.
shoddily - adv. | carelessly or badlly
They obviously missed something, and they go back over the mystifying sentences, or over the whole paragraph, piecing it out like an ancient rune, making guesses and moving on.
piece - v. | (1) to complete, enlarge, or extend by an added piece or something additional [to piece out a library with new books.]; (2) to mend (a garment, article, etc.) by adding, joining, or applying a piece or pieces; patch.
rune - n. | 古代北欧文字; 芬兰古诗; 神秘的符号 (类似下面这种)
4. 有趣的短语或搭配 (下面这些词语并不难理解,但是在自己的写作中写不出这些精准有趣的搭配)
tremendous fun
circulate in the literary world
a man of letters
bring emotional baggage along
clotted language (”凝结、结块的语言“,好形象)
muddy thinker (muddy 对应 clear)
a galaxy of electronic devices
Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time. Remember this in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard.
这段话没什么理解的难点,但对于我来说特别有共鸣。大学以前,老师对我们在作文上的训练,往往更在意辞藻的铺排,以及如何在短时间内能够洋洋洒洒一篇得高分,几乎没有人给我们机会在写作时细细琢磨,准确地表达自己的想法。平日里习作时,我写作文的速度是很慢的,总是一句话想了又想,这个样导致我在模拟考的时候,有几次无法在规定时间完成(我也知道考试作文又得算另外一回事)。一度认为是自己速度太慢或是天赋不够,非常羡慕那些20、30分钟能写千字作文的同学。多希望那时有人能告诉我写作本来应该是什么样子,哪怕只对我说"it is because it is hard".