[20130112]The best, the worst and the ugly 最好的、最坏的和丑的-挑选共同基金的艺术



The best, the worst and the ugly


The art of picking mutual funds


Jan 12th 2013 | from the print edition

AT THE end of 2011 small investors who had bought mutual funds that focused on index-linked giltswere feeling pretty smug. It was the best-performing British sector of that year. But woe betide themif they then hung on to the funds all the way through 2012. The sector was last year’s worst performer.


The difficulties facing investors when selecting individual mutual-fund managers are well known. Past returns may be a result of luck, not skill, and a smart manager may be hired away by a rival firm. But perhaps past data can still be of some use for asset-allocation purposes, if only as a contrarian indicator?


To test the principle Ed Moisson of Lipper, an information provider, analysed the records of British mutual funds over the past 30 years. At The Economist’s request, he compared the records of the best-performing, median and worst-performing British sectors over one-, three- and five-year periods (see chart).

信息咨询公司理柏(Lipper)的Ed Moisson为了验证上述原理,分析了过去三十年里英国共同基金的表现。应《经济学人》之请,他分别比较了一年期、三年期、五年期内英国表现最好、中等及最差的基金种类(见图表)。

The analysis shows two forces at work. The first is momentum, the tendency for shares that have performed well to continue to do so. Momentum is a long-established phenomenon at the level of individual stocks and is a puzzle for those who believe that markets are efficient. How can information that is widely available, like past price performance, be a useful guide to future price movements? Theory suggests that the momentum effect should be quickly arbitragedaway.


The persistence of momentum has been explained by the relationship between investors and the fund managers who look after their money. Investors choose fund managers on the basis of past performance. When those fund managers get new money from clients, they invest in their favourite stocks. Because those managers have been successful, their favourite stocks are likely to be those that have already performed well.


The chart suggests momentum also exists at the sectoral level. Buying a fund in the best-performing sector of the previous year earns a higher average return over the next year than either the worst or the median performer. Extend that period forwards by another four years, and the best sector in the prior year outperforms the worst by close to 30 percentage points.


The second force is reversion to the mean. Assets can become overvalued: think of Japanese shares in the late 1980s or dotcom stocksin the late 1990s. As values return to normal, the assets underperform.


The reversion-to-the-mean effect shows up most over longer periods. Investors selecting a sector on the basis of its prior five-year performance would have earned much higher returns over the followingfive years by selecting the worst-performing sector than the best. The gap is more than 30 percentage points. In the long term it pays to be contrarian.


It may seem surprising that the reversion-to-the-mean effect is not stronger over shorter periods. But mutual-fund sectors are not equal: some asset classes are likely to have a higher average return than others. Equities are more volatile than bonds or cash and have accordingly paid a premium returnto investors over time. In the tables showing the one-year past performance, there are more equity sectors (22) in the best category than in the worst (19); by contrast, there are more bond and cash sectors (9) in the worst list than in the best (6). That gives funds in the top sectors a natural upward bias.


Any momentum or contrarian strategy is likely to focus on equities, and in specialist sectors where the swings are wildest. Technology and telecoms funds were the best performers over five years on four occasions in the 1990s, and the worst performers four times in the first decade of the 21st century. Funds focusing on smaller firms have been the best annual performers on nine separate occasions and the worst on eight others.


So what are the momentum and contrarian bets for 2013? The best British sector last year was UK smaller companies. Investors betting that the trend will continue will need strong nerves: the FTSE SmallCapindex trades on a price-earnings ratioof 37and offers a dividend yieldof just 2.7%, almost a point below the yield on blue chipsin the FTSE 100. And the contrarian bet? The worst-performing sector over the past five years was property, a popular investment a decade ago. Perhaps the attractions of an asset that offers a decent income and a hedge against inflation will come back into fashion.


from the print edition | Finance and economics


1. mutual fund 共同基金

共同基金是集合公众的资金,由专业的资产管理公司受托负责投资的一种方式。投资人共同承担风险,共同分享投资利润。基金经理根据基金既定的目标以及规范,将投资人的资金分散投资在各种资产上。共同基金为投资人带来分散投资以及专业资产管理的益处,同时也是流动性很高的资产,变现方便,但投资人必须向基金公司支付资产管理费,很多基金亦收取认购费以及赎回费,这会降低投资者的回报。共同基金一般追求参照市场指标(benchmark)的相对回报,即只要不跑输大盘已算及格,所以一旦市场进入大空头,投资者往往亏损惨重,但仍需支付资产管理费。另外,随着共同基金成为主导市场的主要力量,基金表现要超越大盘日益困难,很多基金的表现还不如大盘。共同基金是开放式基金,封闭式基金不能称为共同基金. 在英国,共同基金亦称为unit trust.


指那些看法与市场多数意见相反,操作方向与当前趋势相逆的投资人。 例如,在大部分市场人士仍在积极抛售股票时,反向操作者会择机买进,因其相信卖压可能已接近完全释尽,或者市场已进入超卖状况。

Someone who moves or acts in the opposite direction to the general trend. A contrarian investor buys stock when the rest of the market is selling.

3. FTSE(Financial Times and Stock Exchange)富时指数公司

A company that specializes in index calculation. Although not part of a stock exchange, co-owners include the London Stock Exchange and the Financial Times.

The FTSE is similar to Standard & Poor's in the United States. They are best known for the FTSE 100, an index of blue-chip stocks on the London Stock Exchange.

4. Equity

指股东在公司中所占的权益,多用于指股票。英文equity market是指股票市场,即股票发行与交易的市场。

The shareholders' stake in a company. Equity markets are the markets in which shares or stocks are issued and traded.

5. price-earnings ratio (P/E或PER)股票的市盈率/本益比/价格收益比率

指每股市价除以每股盈利(Earnings Per Share,EPS),通常作为股票是便宜抑或昂贵的指标(通货膨胀会使每股收益虚增,从而扭曲市盈率的比较价值)。市盈率把企业的股价与其制造财富的能力联系起来。


6. Dividend Yield股息收益率


"The ratio of annualized dividends to the price of a share. Dividend yields are widely used to measure the income return of a share. High yields may mean high dividends, or they may mean that the price of the share has fallen, making the ratio look impressive despite a poor market rating of the company. Low yields may mean that the company's share price is high in anticipation of rapid growth, or that the company is not distributing much of its earnings in dividends, preferring to keep cash for reinvestment in the business. 







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