iOS开发:iOS13.0,iPhone App开发新的规定





Xcode11.0及其以上的开发工具,放弃了Application Loader上传App到AppStore这个渠道,改用全新的一款上传App到AppStore的工具Transporter。这个也是一款App,需要开发者去AppStore下载。




The new Transporter app for macOS makes it easy to upload your binary to App StoreConnect. To get started, download Transporter from the Mac App Store, and simply drag and drop your binaries into the upload window. With Transporter you can:

Upload your .ipa or .pkg files to App Store Connect.

View delivery progress, including validation warnings, errors, and delivery logs, so you can quickly fix any issues.

See a history of past deliveries, including date and time.

The Transporter app is available in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.

适用于macOS的全新Transporter应用程序使将二进制文件轻松上传到App Store Connect变得容易。首先,请从Mac App Store下载Transporter,然后将二进制文件拖放到上传窗口中。使用运输车,您可以:

将您的.ipa或.pkg文件上传到App Store Connect。





2:Sign in with Apple(使用Apple登录)


Now users can sign in to your apps and websites with their Apple ID, and can even use Face ID or Touch ID. With privacy and security features, Sign in with Apple is a great way to help your users set up an account and get started right away.

现在,用户可以使用其Apple ID登录到您的应用和网站,甚至可以使用Face ID或Touch ID。借助隐私和安全功能,“使用Apple登录”是一种帮助用户设置帐户并立即开始使用的好方法。

Sign In With Apple官方文档说明

关于Sign In With Apple的集成,请移步参考这里

3:New Guidelines for Sign in with Apple(使用Apple登录的新准则)

Make it easy for users to sign in to your apps and websites using the Apple ID they already have. With privacy and security features built-in, Sign in with Apple is a great way to help users set up an account, sign in, and engage with your app quickly and easily. All accounts are protected with two-factor authentication for superior security, and Apple will not track users’ activity in your app or website.

We’ve updated the App Store Review Guidelines to provide criteria for when apps are required to use Sign in with Apple. Starting today, new apps submitted to the App Store must follow these guidelines. Existing apps and app updates must follow them by April 2020. We’ve also provided new guidelines for using Sign in with Apple on the web and other platforms.

方便用户使用已有的Apple ID登录您的应用和网站。借助内置的隐私和安全功能,“使用Apple登录”是帮助用户快速轻松地设置帐户,登录并与您的应用互动的好方法。所有帐户均受到两因素身份验证的保护,以提供更高的安全性,Apple不会跟踪用户在您的应用程序或网站中的活动。

我们更新了《 App Store审查指南》,为何时需要应用程序使用“使用Apple登录”提供了标准。从今天开始,提交到App Store的新应用必须遵循这些准则现有应用程序和应用程序更新必须在2020年4月之前进行。我们还提供了有关在网络和其他平台上使用Apple登录功能的新指南。

新的App Store审查指南,请点击这里

4:App Updates for HTML5 Apps(HTML5应用的应用更新)


In order to provide users with the secure and curated experience that they expect on the App Store, we have always specified that apps must be self-contained bundles. This means that the core features and functionality of the app must be contained within the binary of the software, rather than made possible by referring users outside of the approved app, including through the use of HTML5. Apps that provide core features and functionality dynamically with web technology like HTML5 are best delivered to everyone in Safari, rather than through the curated App Store.

To prevent fraud and abuse, the exceptions to this rule have always been very narrow. In June, we updated guideline 4.7 sections 4, 5, & 6, to further narrow these exceptions and clarify an existing restriction. Apps containing or running code that is not embedded in the binary cannot provide access to real money gaming, lotteries, or charitable donations, among other changes.

All new apps must follow this guideline and we urge you to update your existing apps as soon as possible. If your existing app requires more time to implement the guidelines, we’ve provided an additional six months, until March 3, 2020, to bring it into compliance.

为了向用户提供他们期望在App Store上获得安全和精心策划的体验,我们始终指定应用程序必须是独立的捆绑包。这意味着应用程序的核心特性和功能必须包含在软件的二进制文件中,而不是通过在批准的应用程序之外引用用户(包括使用HTML5)来实现。通过Web技术(例如HTML5)动态提供核心功能的应用程序最好以Safari的方式交付给所有人,而不是通过精心策划的App Store。

为了防止欺诈和滥用,该规则的例外始终非常狭窄。 6月,我们更新了指南4.7第4、5和6节,以进一步缩小这些例外的范围并阐明现有限制。包含或运行未嵌入二进制文件中的代码的应用程序无法访问真钱游戏,彩票或慈善捐款以及其他更改。


5:Get Ready for Dark Mode(为黑暗模式做好准备)


Dark Mode introduces a dramatic new look for iPhone and iPad that is seamlessly integrated throughout the system and simple to turn on from Control Center or Siri. With a dark appearance for all user interface elements, your app’s content becomes the focus.

When a user has Dark Mode turned on, all apps built with the iOS 13 SDK will run in Dark Mode. Learn how to optimize for Dark Mode, then test your apps on a device running the latest  version of iOS 13 or iPadOS. If you need more time to make your apps look fantastic in Dark Mode, or if Dark Mode is not suited for your app, you can learn how to opt out.

深色模式为iPhone和iPad引入了一种引人注目的新外观,该外观与整个系统无缝集成,并且可以从Control Center或Siri轻松打开。所有用户界面元素的外观都呈黑色,因此您的应用程序内容将成为焦点。

当用户打开黑暗模式时,所有使用iOS 13 SDK构建的应用程序都将在黑暗模式下运行。了解如何针对暗模式进行优化,然后在运行最新版本的iOS 13或iPadOS的设备上测试您的应用程序。如果您需要更多时间使您的应用在黑暗模式下看起来很棒,或者如果黑暗模式不适合您的应用,则可以了解如何退出。


6:Upcoming Changes for 17+ Age Ratings and App Availability(17岁以上年龄分级和应用程序可用性即将发生的变化)


In an effort to open up additional opportunities for developers, we’ve worked with the government of the Republic of Korea on making more apps available on the App Store in the Republic of Korea. And to ensure that our global age rating system continues to help make the App Store safe for kids, apps that feature Frequent/Intense Simulated Gambling will be rated 17+ in all countries and regions starting August 20, 2019.

为了为开发人员创造更多的机会,我们与大韩民国政府合作,在大韩民国的App Store中提供了更多应用。为确保我们的全球年龄分级系统继续帮助确保App Store对儿童的安全,自2019年8月20日起,所有国家和地区具有频繁/强烈模拟赌博功能的应用的评分将超过17

7:Updated App Store Links(更新App Store链接)

Links generated for apps on the App Store now begin with Existing links that begin with will continue to work in their current form and will automatically redirect to the domain.

现在,在App Store中为应用程序生成的链接始于。以开头的现有链接将继续以其当前形式运行,并将自动重定向到域。


8:SwiftUI 更新变化

SwiftUI is an innovative new way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms, so you can create better apps with less code. With a declarative Swift syntax that’s easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new Xcode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync. Automatic support for Dynamic Type, Dark Mode, localization, and accessibility means your first line of SwiftUI code is already the most powerful UI code you’ve ever written.

SwiftUI是一种创新的新方法,可跨所有Apple平台构建用户界面,因此您可以用更少的代码创建更好的应用程序。 SwiftUI具有易于阅读且易于编写的声明式Swift语法,可与新的Xcode设计工具无缝协作,以使您的代码和设计完美同步。自动支持动态类型,暗模式,本地化和可访问性意味着您的SwiftUI代码的第一行已经是您编写过的功能最强大的UI代码。

9:Updates to the App Store Review Guidelines(App Store审查指南的更新)

apple更新了App Store审查指南

The App Store is dedicated to the best store experience for everyone. In order to continue providing a safe experience for users and a great opportunity for developers to be successful, we sometimes need to update the App Store Review Guidelines.

App Store致力于为所有人提供最佳的商店体验。为了继续为用户提供安全的体验并为开发人员提供成功的巨大机会,有时我们需要更新App Store审查指南。



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