Black Beauty - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The next morning John took me into the yard and gave my coat a good brushing.

Just as I was going into my box, with my coat soft and bright, the master came in to look at me, and seemed pleased.

“John,” he said, “I meant to try the new horse this morning, but I have other business.

You can take him around after breakfast.

Go by the common and the Highwood, and back by the watermill (水磨) and the river. That will show how fast he can go.”

“I will, sir,” said John.

After breakfast, he came and fitted me with a bridle (马笼头) .

He was very particular in adjusting the straps.

He wanted to fit my head comfortably.

Then he brought a saddle, but it was not wide enough for my back.

He saw it in a minute and went for another, which fitted nicely.

He rode me first slowly, then faster and faster.

When we were on the common, he gave me a light touch with his whip, and we had a splendid run.

As we came back through the park, we met Mr. Gordon and his wife, who were having a walk.

They stopped, and John jumped off.

“Well, John, how does he go?”

“First-rate,” answered John, “he is as fast as a deer, and has a fine spirit too.

The lightest touch of the rein (缰绳) will guide him.

We met one of those traveling carts, and as you know, sir, many horses will not pass those carts quietly.

But he just took a good look at it, and then went on as quiet and pleasant as it could be.

Also there were some people shooting rabbits near the Highwood, and a gun went off close by.

He pulled up a little and looked, but did not move a step to right or left.

It’s my opinion that he has not been frightened or ill-used while he was young.”

“That’s good,” said the master, “I will try him myself tomorrow.”

The next day I was brought up for my master.

I remembered my mother’s advice and my good old master’s, and I tried to do exactly what he wanted me to do.

I found he rode on me well and also showed care for his horse.

When he came home, his wife was at the hall door.

“Well, my dear,” she said, “how do you like him?”

“He is exactly what John said,” he replied, “a friendly creature I never wish to mount. What shall we call him?”

“He is really quite a beauty, and he has such a nice and sweet face, and such a fine, intelligent eye. What do you say to calling him Black Beauty?”

“Black Beauty—I think that is a very good name.”

John seemed very proud of me.

He used to make the hair on my head and tail almost as smooth as a lady’s hair.

He would talk to me a great deal. Of course, I did not understand all he said.

However, I learned more and more to know what he meant, and what he wanted me to do.

He was so gentle and kind, and I grew very fond of him.

He seemed to know just how a horse felt.

When he cleaned me, he knew the tender places and the sensitive places.

When he brushed my head, he went carefully over my eyes as if they were his own, and never made me angry.

James, the stable boy, was just as gentle and pleasant as John, so I thought myself well off.

A few days after this, I had to go out with Ginger in the carriage.

I wondered how we would get on together, but she acted very well.

She did her work honestly, and did her full share. I never wish to have a better partner.

After we had been out two or three times together, we grew quite friendly, which made me feel very much at home.


As for Merrylegs, he and I soon became great friends.

Our master had two other horses in another stable. One was Justice, and the other was Sir Oliver.

We were quite happy in our new place.

Sometimes we had some free time for a few hours on fine summer Sundays.

The carriage never went out on Sundays, so we were all taken out into the home field or the old orchard (果园) .

The grass was so cool and soft to our feet. The air was so sweet.

The freedom to do what we liked was so pleasant.

We ran, lay down, rolled over on our backs, and ate a little of the sweet grass.

Then it was a very good time for talking, as we stood together under the shade of the large tree.






英国是纯血马的发源地。英国的育马者通过引进大量精选的东方种公马以提高赛马的速度、耐力、体型等品质,以应对比赛需要,由此培育出纯血马。其中,拜耳利一特克( Byerley Turk)、达利一阿拉伯( Darley Arabian)和高德芬一阿拉伯( Godol!ohin Arabian)这三匹外来种公马被认为是英纯血马的祖先。纯血马以巾短距离速力快著称,是世界上公认最优秀的赛马品种,这类纯血马的价格十分高昂,一匹顶级纯血赛马价值上百万美元。纯血马体高1.50 - 1.70米,作为世界上速度最快、身体结构最好的马匹,被称为“活的艺术品”。纯血马不仅是平地赛马范围的霸主,而且在场地障碍赛、三日赛和盛装舞步三个奥运马术作战马使用。不过在后来的两百多年里,夏尔马主要在农业上使用。







原句:The next morning John took me into the yard and gave my coat a good brushing.


原句:Go by the common and the Highwood, and back by the watermill and the river.


原句:When he cleaned me, he knew the tender places and the sensitive places.


1. He was very particular in adjusting the straps. He wanted to fit my head comfortably.


我们通常用「be particular about sth/doing sth」这个结构来表示“对……挑剔”,来个栗子:She is very particular about her clothing. 她对衣着特别挑剔。

2. They stopped, and John jumped off.

「jump off」很好理解,就是“跳下来”的意思,后面可以搭配cliff、stage、train等词。今天老师给大家补充这个短语的另外一个意思:开始,出发。举个栗子 :The attack will jump off at dawn. 进攻将从拂晓开始。

3. Also there were some people shooting rabbits near the Highwood, and a gun went off close by. He pulled up a little and looked, but did not move a step to right or left.

「go off」这个短语有很多意思,在这里的意思是“(枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声”,「close by」是一个副词短语,表示“在附近”,修饰这个枪声。

「pull up」在这里是“(使)停止;停住(车、马等)”的意思。这个短语也有很多意思,咱们先记住这一种,进一寸有一寸的惊喜嘛~

整句话就是说,林子那边有人在打兔子,旁边就有枪声响起,他只是停下来看了看,并没有往左或往右乱迈一步。John对Darkie的评价很高哦~ 不过很快他就不叫Darkie啦!

4. It’s my opinion that he has not been frightened or ill-used while he was young.



ill-bred (举止)粗野的,无教养的

ill-defined 不清楚的,不明确的

ill-founded 缺乏根据的,站不住脚的

ill-informed 所知不多的,消息不灵通的

ill-equipped 装备不良的,能力不足的

ill-tempered 脾气暴躁的,易怒的

5. “He is exactly what John said,” he replied, “a friendly creature I never wish to mount….”


He mounted his horse and rode away. 他骑上马走了。

We helped him mount the bike and gave him a little push. 我们帮他骑上了自行车,并轻轻推了他一把。

「never wish to do」这个短语,已经出现了三次了,不知道大家有没有发现呢~?它的意思不是“从来不想”,而是“从来没想过”,语气中有一种惊喜,大家可以仔细体会下~ 主人说:他的确和John说的一样,我从没想到还能骑上那么驯良的马……

6. She did her work honestly, and did her full share.

「share」在此处意为“应做的、应承担的、应得的一份”,「do one's full share」就是说某人做了自己该做的那部分,这里就是说,Ginger尽职尽责地工作,她是我最好的搭档~

7. After we had been out two or three times together, we grew quite friendly, which made me feel very much at home.

「be/feel at home」是一个固定短语,表示“(像在家一样)舒适自在,无拘无束”,除了上面的句子,我们再来举个栗子:After a while we began to feel at home with each other. 过了一会儿我们就无拘无束起来。

这个短语还有另外一个意思:“驾轻就熟,运用自如”,后面通常接「with」。来个栗子:Practice using the video until you feel quite at home with it. 练习怎么使用这台录像机,直到熟练为止。

8. We ran, lay down, rolled over on our backs, and ate a little of the sweet grass.

我们来讲讲「on」在这里的用法~ 「on」在这里作介词,表示“(身体重量)由(某部位)支撑”。「rolled over on our backs」就是打滚儿的意思,因为要用背部去接触、支撑自己的身体。我们在平时的生活中都可以用到,举几个栗子:

He raised himself on his elbows, looking out of the window. 他用胳膊肘支起身子,往窗外望去。

The baby girl was on her hands and knees in the bathroom. 小女孩儿趴在浴室的地上。




be particular in/about sth/doing sth 对……讲究、挑剔

jump off 从……跳下来;开始

go off (枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声

close by 在附近

pull up 停住(车、马等)

do one’s full share 完成某人应做的部分

feel at home 舒适自在,无拘无束

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