横断山,路难行。 天如火来水似银。
亲人送水来解渴, 军民鱼水一家人。
横断山,路难行。 敌重兵,压黔境。
战士双脚走天下, 四渡赤水出奇兵。
乌江天险重飞渡, 兵临贵阳逼昆明。
敌人弃甲丢烟枪, 我军乘胜赶路程。
调虎离山袭金沙, 毛主席用兵真如神。
The scientist is as impartial as Nature in Turgenev's poem: he is as interested in the leg of a flea as in the creative throes of a genius. But the philosopher is not content to describe the fact; he wishes to ascertain its relation to experience in general, and thereby to get at its meaning and its worth; he combines things in interpretive synthesis; he tries to put together, better than before, that great universe-watch which the inquisitive scientist has analytically taken apart.