Day 4: Improving Relationships as a Primary Goal
第 4 天:将改善关系作为首要目标
Nonviolent Communication suggests that improving the quality of our relationships is a primary goal.Indeed, that connection with ourselves and other people takes a higher priority than being right, winning, making more money or looking good to other people. If you focus on improving the quality of your relationships through deeper connections, you will improve the state of your life,enhancethe peace and love in your life, and feel better about yourself.
I learned this through personal experience. I worked from time to time with a business colleague. Over the years, our relationship deteriorated to the point where we had no civil connections with each other. Our association was worst just as I was starting to look at how I contributed to the angst in my relationships. As a result, I started to focus more on my connections with people rather than trying to be right or to win arguments.
Within a remarkably short time, my colleague was telling me how much she admired the change I was making and how much she enjoyed her relationship with me. We both expressed our sadness for our earlier behaviors. Today, we are close colleagues who work together in a variety of projects and easily call each other a friend.
When you shift your focus to valuing your connection with other people, you improve the quality of your life and your relationships. Everyone whocrosses your path willbenefitfrom this shift of focus. It isinevitable.
Be aware today of the times when your priority is to win or to be right rather than to connect, then shift your focus to connection with others.