EN Note # A Study in Scarlet, Chapter 1-7

上一期薄荷阅读的时候读到了著名的Three Days To See
最近一期终于读到心心念念的Detective Holmes
在享受情节之余 终于开工了 果然对男神还是真爱的…


Chapter 1
I'm the very(正是) person for him.

I know nothing more of him than(仅仅) I have learned from meeting him occasionally in the laboratory.

It seems to me that you have some reason for washing your hands of the matter(撇清关系).

I could imagine his giving(他的行为,所有格+doing) a friend a little pinch of some drugs he had discovered, not out of ill-will, you understand, but simply out ofa spirit of inquiry(探索精神) - in order to have an accurate idea the effects.

Chapter 2
At the sound of our steps, he glanced round and sprang to his feet(匆匆站起→突然直起身) with a cry of pleasure.

That is a question which has puzzled many an expert(=many experts).

I have found a reagent(试剂) which is precipitated(被沉淀) by hemoglobin(血红蛋白), and by noting else.

"I have to be careful, for I experiment with poisons a good deal(=often)." He held out his hand as he spoke, and I noticed that it was covered with similar bandages(绷带).

I think we may consider the thing as settled(就这么定下了).

What on earth(究竟) do you mean?

Chapter 3
His eyes were sharp and intense, and his thin nose gave his whole expression an air(神态/气场)of alertness and decision(一种果断而警觉的神态).

I must confess that I was extremely curious about this man.

"But the Solar System!" I protested(抗议).

Again I had an opportunity of asking him a point-blank question(直截了当的问题), my delicacy(审慎) prevented me from forcing another man to confide in me(向我吐露心声).

Chapter 4
I picked up a magazine from the table and attempted to pass the time with it.

From a drop of water, a logician could gather the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other.(相当于“一叶知秋”)So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a signle link of it.

When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seen, must be the truth.

No man lives, or has ever lived, who has brought the same amount of study and of natural talent to the deduction of crime as I have done.

Here was an opportunity of taking the pride out of him(挫挫他的锐气). He little thought of this when he made that random guess(随便瞎猜).

We heard a loud knock, a deep voice below, and heavy steps climbing the stairs.

He clicked his heels together, raised his hand in a salute, and was gone.

Chapter 5
He was a man with some amount of self-importance(=conceit) and a certain air of command.

You broke the line of thought(思路), but perhaps it is as well(也无妨).

If you were asked to prove that two and two made four, you might find some difficulty, and yet you are quite sure of the fact.

When Holmes insisted upon(执意+doing)stopping and finishing our journey upon foot, we were still a hundred yards or so from the house.

Chapter 6
The wallpaper was blotched(弄脏) with damp patches(潮湿的斑迹), and here and there great strips had peeled off(剥落), showing the yellow plaster(灰泥) beneath.
In one corner of the room, a large piece had peeled off, leaving a yellow square of rough plaster.

It was a man about fourty-three or fourty-four years old, middle-sizes, wide-shouldered, with curly black hair and a short beard. (受害人描述)

On his rigid face there stood an expression of horror and hatred.
His eyes wore(流露)an expression of deep thought.

Gregson had a stretcher(担架) and four man at hand. At his call, they entered the room, and then the dead man was lifted and carried out.

You may be very smart and clever, but the old dog(老家伙) is the best, when all is said and done(毕竟,终究).

"Have you made an inquiries about(询问关于…) this man?"

"This case will make a stir(引起轰动), sir," he remarked. "It beats anything I have seen, and I've seen a lot in my life."

Chapter 7
As he spoke, he took a tape measure(卷尺) and a large round magnifying glass(放大镜) from his pocket.

There was a world of contempt(轻蔑) in his voice as he spoke.

When a man writes on a wall, his instinct leads him to write about the level of his own eyes.

He was more than six feet, was in the prime of life.(正值壮年)

If a man can step four and a half feet without the smallest effort(毫不费力), he can't be that old.

They say that genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.人们都说天才有无止境地吃苦耐劳的本领。

Surely you are not as sure as you pretend to be of all those details which you gave.

I passed my hand over my forehead. "My head is in a spin(手忙脚乱)," I remarked,"the more one thinks of it the more mysterious it grows."

(to be continued……)
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