Mulan's travel guide: Best places to go for this winter holiday!

Mulan's Travel Guide

The winter holiday is coming soon! Want to find out some cool places to go for your winter getaway? Do you like warm weather? Or do you want to test your body in one of the coldest places in China! Let's check out the article below for the best winter getaways!


One of the coldest places in China where the temperature can go as low as -45 degrees Celsius is Harbin. Wow that's crazily cold eh! There are lots of tourist attractions in Harbin starting from theSt. Sofia Orthodox Church, the Provincial Museum, the Dragon Tower, the Ice Lantern in Zhaolin Parkand there is the Ice Festival every winter. These are just some of the cool places to do sightseeing around Harbin.  Since it's one of the coldest places in China, of course there will be snow! It's a good time to do some skiing and snowboarding! Bring your winter sports clothes and test your adrenaline with some extreme winter sports around Harbin!


The island of paradise! At least that's what everybody says when they go to Bali. The paradise island is located in the heart of tropical Indonesia. You can hear the sound of the waves breaking when you wake up in the morning. You can enjoy the beautiful sunset on the beautiful beaches around Seminyak. Sounds like heaven on earth! If you love to surf and go after waves, Bali would be the right choice for you as it also a Surfer's paradise. Lots of Australian people go to Bali just for surfing, and lots of Southeast and East Asia tourists come to Bali for the tanning experience. No wonder it's called the paradise island!


Hokkaidō's perfect powder snow has put it on the international map, but it has also blinded visitors to the year-round charms of Japan's northernmost island: a wild, mountainous landscape that begs exploration on foot, bike or motorbike; alpine villages where you'll stumble upon hidden onsen (spa); and sumptuous seafood – including crab, sea urchin and scallops – pulled from the rich and cold seas. Hokkaidō has become a lot more accessible this year thanks to the new bullet train linking its southern port city, Hakodate, to Tokyo. The route is covered by the popular Japan Rail pass (which allows for unlimited bullet train rides), and the line will eventually extend all the way to dynamic Sapporo, the provincial capital and host of next year's Asian Winter Games. (Lonely Planet)


Santorini may well have conquered a corner of your imagination before you've even set eyes on it. With multicoloured cliffs soaring over 300m from a sea-drowned caldera, it rests in the middle of the indigo Aegean sea, looking like a giant slab of layered cake. The island spoons the vast crater left by one of the biggest volcanic eruptions in history. Smaller islands curl around the fragmented western edge of the caldera, but it is the main island of Thira that will take your breath away with its snow-drift of white Cycladic houses lining the cliff tops and, in places, spilling like icy cornices down the terraced rock. When the sun sets, the reflection on the buildings and the glow of the orange and red in the cliffs can be truly spectacular. (Lonely planet)

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