1. 导出格式
目前为止,Gitbook 支持如下输出:
- 静态HTML(静态网站)
- PDF格式
- eBook格式
- Mobi 格式
在本系列文章的 Gitbook-介绍和安装详解 已经介绍了怎么安装 ebook-convert
2. 基本命令
gitbook build:导出静态网站HTML格式文件
gitbook pdf:导出PDF格式文件
gitbook epub:导出ePub格式文件
gitbook mobi:导出Mobi格式文件
# 1. 生成 `html` 静态网站文件并输出 `debug` 级别日志
$ gitbook build --log=debug
# 2. 生成 `pdf` 文件并输出 `debug` 级别日志
$ gitbook pdf book.pdf --log=debug
# 3. 生成 `epub` 文件并输出 `debug` 级别日志
$ gitbook epub book.epub --log=debug
# 4. 生成 `mobi` 文件并输出 `debug` 级别日志
$ gitbook mobi book.mobi --log=debug
3. 导出书籍为HTML格式的静态网站
默认静态编译就是 HTML 格式的静态网站,默认导出文件到书籍目录的下的 _book
在书籍目录终端中执行 gitbook build
命令就可以将书籍导出到目录 _bo0k
# 静态编译导出HTML静态网站文件,如果需要查看生成日志过程,可以加上--log=debug
$ gitbook build
info: 28 plugins are installed
info: 22 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "insert-logo"... OK
info: loading plugin "favicon"... OK
info: loading plugin "search-pro"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "github"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "code"... OK
info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK
info: loading plugin "emphasize"... OK
info: loading plugin "image-captions"... OK
info: loading plugin "anchor-navigation-expand"... OK
info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "flexible-alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "auto-scroll-table"... OK
info: loading plugin "lightbox"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "hide-element"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "chapter-fold"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 38 pages
info: found 26 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
warn: "this.generator" property is deprecated, use "this.output.name" instead
warn: "navigation" property is deprecated
warn: "book" property is deprecated, use "this" directly instead
info: >> generation finished with success in 2.8s !
# 简单查看生成的_book目录
$ tree -L 1
├── _book
├── book.json
├── node_modules
├── README.md
└── SUMMARY.md
# 简单查看_book目录中的内容
$ cd _book
$ tree -L 1
├── gitbook
├── index.html
└── search_plus_index.json
4. 导出书籍为PDF格式文件
相信大家对 PDF
格式的文件应该不会陌生的吧,在实际生活的场景中,PDF 文件也是比较常见的,比如电子发票,公告文档,材料文档,说明文档等等...
接下来就来介绍一下 Gitbook
中将书籍怎么导出成一个PDF格式的文件。在书籍目录终端中执行 git book pdf
命令就可以将书籍导出到书籍目录下的一个名称为 book.pdf
# 将书籍导出到PDF文件,如果需要查看生成日志过程,可以加上--log=debug
$ gitbook pdf
info: 28 plugins are installed
info: 22 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "insert-logo"... OK
info: loading plugin "favicon"... OK
info: loading plugin "search-pro"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "github"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "code"... OK
info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK
info: loading plugin "emphasize"... OK
info: loading plugin "image-captions"... OK
info: loading plugin "anchor-navigation-expand"... OK
info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "flexible-alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "auto-scroll-table"... OK
info: loading plugin "lightbox"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "hide-element"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "chapter-fold"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 38 pages
info: found 28 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
warn: "this.generator" property is deprecated, use "this.output.name" instead
warn: "navigation" property is deprecated
warn: "book" property is deprecated, use "this" directly instead
info: >> generation finished with success in 11.9s !
info: >> 1 file(s) generated
# 查看生成的book.pdf文件
$ tree -L 1
├── _book
├── book.json
├── book.pdf
├── images
├── node_modules
├── README.md
└── SUMMARY.md
5. 导出书籍为ePub格式文件
说起 ePub
文件格式,相信大多数人还是比较不熟悉的,相比较 PDF 格式,ePub 格式在日常生活中使用的场景并没有那么平凡,所以这里简单给大家介绍一下 ePub 格式:
ePub(Electronic Publication的缩写,意为:电子出版),是一个自由的开放标准,属于一种可以“自动重新编排”的内容。
电子出版(Electronic Publishing)是指以数字代码方式将图、文、声、像等信息编辑加工后存储在磁、光、电介质上,信息通过计算机或其他具有类似功能的设备读取使用的一种出版形式。电子出版(elektronisches Publizieren)分成在线电子出版(elektronisches Online-Publizieren)和离线电子出版(elektronisches Offline-Publizieren)两大类型。
在书籍目录终端中执行 gitbook epub
命令就可以生成一个名称为 book.epub
# 将书籍导出到ePub文件,如果需要查看生成日志过程,可以加上--log=debug
$ gitbook epub
info: 28 plugins are installed
info: 22 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "insert-logo"... OK
info: loading plugin "favicon"... OK
info: loading plugin "search-pro"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "github"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "code"... OK
info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK
info: loading plugin "emphasize"... OK
info: loading plugin "image-captions"... OK
info: loading plugin "anchor-navigation-expand"... OK
info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "flexible-alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "auto-scroll-table"... OK
info: loading plugin "lightbox"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "hide-element"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "chapter-fold"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 38 pages
info: found 29 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
warn: "this.generator" property is deprecated, use "this.output.name" instead
warn: "navigation" property is deprecated
warn: "book" property is deprecated, use "this" directly instead
info: >> generation finished with success in 4.5s !
info: >> 1 file(s) generated
# 查看生成的book.epub文件
$ tree -L 1
├── _book
├── book.epub
├── book.json
├── images
├── node_modules
├── README.md
└── SUMMARY.md
6. 导出书籍为Mobi格式文件
在书籍目录终端中执行 gitbook mobi
命令就可以生成一个名称为 book.mobi
# 将书籍导出到Mobi文件,如果需要查看生成日志过程,可以加上--log=debug
$ gitbook mobi
info: 28 plugins are installed
info: 22 explicitly listed
info: loading plugin "insert-logo"... OK
info: loading plugin "favicon"... OK
info: loading plugin "search-pro"... OK
info: loading plugin "splitter"... OK
info: loading plugin "github"... OK
info: loading plugin "sharing-plus"... OK
info: loading plugin "code"... OK
info: loading plugin "advanced-emoji"... OK
info: loading plugin "emphasize"... OK
info: loading plugin "image-captions"... OK
info: loading plugin "anchor-navigation-expand"... OK
info: loading plugin "alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "flexible-alerts"... OK
info: loading plugin "auto-scroll-table"... OK
info: loading plugin "lightbox"... OK
info: loading plugin "tbfed-pagefooter"... OK
info: loading plugin "hide-element"... OK
info: loading plugin "prism"... OK
info: loading plugin "chapter-fold"... OK
info: loading plugin "donate"... OK
info: loading plugin "fontsettings"... OK
info: loading plugin "theme-default"... OK
info: found 38 pages
info: found 31 asset files
warn: "options" property is deprecated, use config.get(key) instead
warn: "options.generator" property is deprecated, use "output.name" instead
warn: "this.generator" property is deprecated, use "this.output.name" instead
warn: "navigation" property is deprecated
warn: "book" property is deprecated, use "this" directly instead
info: >> generation finished with success in 6.0s !
info: >> 1 file(s) generated
# 查看生成的book.mobi文件
$ tree -L 1
├── _book
├── book.json
├── book.mobi
├── node_modules
├── README.md
└── SUMMARY.md
7. 结束
关于使用 Gitbook
导出各种格式电子书籍的介绍已经结束了,在我们日常使用中其实大多数情况都是导出静态 HTML