大家一起學英語|Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert? 你是一名外向者還是內向者

Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?

|Introvert /ˈɪn.trə.vɝːt/ n.c 内向者|延伸
|Introverts tend to read at home than go to party on weekends.|Intruder v. 闯入 introspection n.u 反省

|Extrovert /ˈek.strə.vɝːt/ n.c 外向者|延伸
|Most sales people are extroverts.| extrude v. 挤压成 Extrinsic adj. 外来的

Take this quiz from Quiet Power: The Secret Strength of Introverts to find out where you fall on the introvert-extrovert spectrum. There are no right or wrong answers. Just note the descriptions that most apply to you.

|Spectrum /ˈspek.trəm/n.u 光谱;范围|延伸
|The group includes students from both end of the social spectrum.|spectator n.c 观众 Speculate v. 推测

Quiet,Please! Introverts enjoy peaceful environments.安静,拜托!内向者享受平和的环境

-I prefer spending time with one or two friends instead of a group.

-I’d rather express my ideas in writing.

-I enjoy being alone.

-I prefer deep conversations to small talk.

|Small talk /ˈsmɑːl ˌtɑːk/ n.u 闲聊|延伸
|I don’t like party because I need to make small talk with strangers.|Small potatoes n. 不重要的事物 Small hours n. 凌晨 Small print n. 合约附属细则

-My friends tell me that I’m a good listener.

-I prefer small classes to large ones.

-I avoid conflicts.

-I don’t like showing people my work until it’s perfect.

-I work best on my own.

-I don’t like being called on in class.

|Call on sb /kɑːl/ v. 号召|延伸
|I now call on everbody to raise a glass to the happy couple.|Call of sth v. 使用 Call sb in v. 请人来 Call sb back v. 回拨电话给某人

-I feel drained after hanging out with friends, even when I have fun.

|Drained /dreɪnd/ adj. 累极了|延伸
|It was one of those movie that leaves you emotionally drained.|Drain away v. 消失 Drain v. 使变干、疲累、减少 Drain n. 排水管;负担

-I’d rather celebrate my birthday with a few friends and family than have a huge party.

-I don’t mind big independent projects at school.

-I spend lots of time in my room.

-I’m usually not a big risk-taker.

-I can dive into a project, practice a sport or instrument, or engage in something creative for hours at a time without getting bored.

-I tend to think before I speak.

-I’d rather text or e-mailthan talk on the phone with someone I don’t know very well.

-I don’t feel totally comfortable being the center of attention.

-I usually like asking questions more than I like answering them.

-People often describe me as soft-spokenor shy.

-If I had to choose, I’d prefera weekend with absolutely nothing to do to one with too many things

Keep in mind that this is an informal quiz, not a scientific
personality test. The questions were designed based on characteristics of introversion often accepted by researchers.

|Informal /ɪnˈfɔːr.məl/ adj. 非正式的|延伸
|‘Hi’ is an infromal way of greeting people.|inform v. 告知 Information v. 信息

The more often these descriptions applied to you, the more introverted you probably are. If only a few descriptions fit you, you’re likely more of an extrovert. You may also fall somewhere in between, in which case you’re probably an ambivert.

Ambivert /ˈæm.bɪ.vɜːt/ n.c 兼具内外向的人 延伸
Ambiverts like spending time alone ,but they also like being with friends Ambitious adj. 有野心的 Ambivalent adj. 两种感觉交杂的 Amble v. 轻松漫步

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