The Flourishing of Elizabethan Art

 It is widely-acknowledged that, led by artists such as William Shakespeare, the era of Queen Elizabeth I experienced an art boom. Such a phenomenon was not only the byproduct of the Queen’s enthusiasm toward drama and literature, but more of a combined effort from various social facets.

 Placed under traditional monarchy, this artistic phenomenon was a direct consequence of Queen Elizabeth’s enthusiasm toward universal entertainment, in this particular case, arts. Universal education was the leading factor which contributed to her open mind. “Her studies included languages, grammar, theology, history, rhetoric, logic, philosophy, arithmetic, logic, literature, geometry, and music. She was also taught religious studies. Great attention was given to the study of languages.” Such intensive study, focusing on language arts, nourished Queen Elizabeth’s mature appreciation and understanding for her later policy which favored art recreation. Nonacademic studying also fostered the broad interests for this great queen. “These other lessons included sewing, embroidery, dancing, music, archery, riding and hunting.” These extra lessons taught by instructors from various social classes, in a beneficial way, determined her amazing flexibility in accepting art compositions within a great range. According to the demand of the Renaissance Period, such “universal women” were in great need for promoting individualism in art revival. And facts had proved that, such a queen indeed contributed to the art boom with help from her astonishing but well-educated enthusiasm.

 Such an artistic skyrocketing was also due to the relative economic prosperity, observed after the succession of Queen Elizabeth I. Before Queen Elizabeth I, three to four million people were considered to be poor because of the royal war. However, as Queen Elizabeth I stepped into power, their living conditions began to elevate, and art appreciation gradually became affordable. “Merchant Thomas Gresham founded the Royal Exchange to act as a center of commerce for the City of London. It was opened on 23 January 1571 by Queen Elizabeth, who awarded the building its royal title and a license. The Royal Exchange also proved to be hugely important in the economic development of England.” According to the excerpt, the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was lucrative for the development of mercantilism. Moreover, we can deduce that Queen Elizabeth I kept a good relationship with this newly-emerged social class. Politics aided economy provided Great Britain a stable source of national revenue. The accomplishment was soon put into actual uses, in building up infrastructures such as The Globe Theatre. The stability and prosperity of economy not only provided this nation funds to establish an environment for aristocrats to promote time, but also provided peasants with leisure that they could spend on art appreciation.

 Despite the major and continuous conflict with Spanish royal power, Queen Elizabeth I had introduced the long-wanted internal peace and rehabilitation. For artists who aimed for delivering ideas through various artistic forms, such as William Shakespeare, this period was desired without the religious wars between Protestants and Catholics. For their audience, when their basic needs (such as food, security and housing) were satisfied, they would like to walk into a theatre where they could relax and have better communication with other individuals from different classes. Their demanding elevated as wars ended. Due to Queen Elizabeth’s effort to adjust the nation’s religious state, the settlement of the two divisions had achieved internal peace. “The following year, the Act of Uniformity was passed which found a middle ground by which the Church of England was moderately Protestant but also continued many of the Catholic traditions.” Such a moderate religious approach reserved this conducive environment for art recreation.

 Sense of national pride and national identity had also built up the foundation for this elevation in art appreciation. English citizens had sensed a feeling of national identification by achieving the Great Britain Empire. During the reign of Elizabeth, the great Spanish fleet Armada was defeated by Francis Drake. And the ensuing consequence was England achieving its dominance over the seas. Such accomplishment along with prosperity in other socio-economic success had promoted England from its corner to the center of the world. Without doubt English citizens would be proud of their nationality and they could not hold down the ecstasy. Such eager demands helped art to move onto the stage. More and more plays written on the legends of great English lords and countless paintings focused on expressing military and religious success had been widely accepted by the major population. And finally, art as a common entertainment had been accepted by the public.

 Factors listed above include monarchic, economic, religious and social facets. It is not very elusive to conclude that this art boom led by famous artists was more of a combined endeavor. Art of this period not only helped shape the contemporary philosophy, but also were influenced by gradually-changing philosophy.


1. “Queen Elizabeth I”. web. 13/05/2018

2. “10 Major Accomplishments of Queen Elizabeth I of England”. web. 13/05/2018

3. Weir, Alison. “The Life of Elizabeth I”. Ballantine Books. 1996. print. 

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