Vincent Van Gogh and his Doctor"Gachet"


Finally, I watched the movie "Loving Vincent", all the lines of flowing are based on the style of Vincent's paintings. Pictures and pictures, total of 65000 pieces, and 125 artists createdanother elaborate , stereoscopic vision art " Loving Vincent."


One of Vincent’s portrait "Doctor Gachet", was used to be the most expensive auction price of all his paints,and still is now, have been gotten much attention. The deep love of Vincent mademe studying the painting seriously and here I would like to share with fans ofVincent. Same as the last time ,the introduction of Vincent's "starrynight", this painting also has two versions, almost same versions. Thefirst version in 1990, also well known as a record at the time of the mostexpensive art auction record ,bought byJapanesebusinessman Saito for $82.500 million ,which exactly 100 years after Vincent shothimself. This record had been kept for 14 years until May 5, 2004, which wasbroken by Picasso's "Boy with a pipe" for $104 million.


I am a serious person, so researched theU.S. inflation rate from 1990 to 2005, as below shown:


Then the value of US $82.500 million equaled to $130 million in 2005, far exceed 104 million. So in the perspectiveof financial attributes, as the most expensive art auction , the “Doctor Gachet“has not been broken in 2004. In 2015, the top 10 of the most expensive artauction, taking into effection of inflation, I believed that Vincent’s “DoctorGachet " has remained the top three.


Of course, oneprince of Arabia boughtthe "Savior"by $450 million in in November this year., which far high than the originalranked first 1.79 million. Wheather this picture was drawn by Da Vinci or not ,itsvalue was wander.If anybody is interested in it, maybe research more online.


Well,come our story! Let’s seethe first version of this magic “Doctor Gachet”.


You can see thatthe color Painter used was similar as "The Starry Night" .A collisionsof blue and yellow, which is Vicent's unique strokes and paintings. Mr. Vincent,who has never been trained professionally, expressed his inner feelings intothe flowing light and flowing shadow on the canvas with his special sights,vivid and fresh, no one can copy it.


But why did this painting be able to sellin such a high price, what is its value? Then we have to tell about the specialrelationship between Vincent and Doctor Gachet


Doctor Gachet was used to be the last spiritof doctor of Vincent before he shot himself, also an important person who has accompaniedVincent in his the last three months .Their relationship was no longer therelationship between a simple doctor and a patient. Gachet was crazy about artat that time, he often stroked Vincent's paintings and murmured something;And oftenexcited as a child when Vincent has been drawing, jumped and pointed. He had foundVincent's great talent. He was jealous in the deep of his heart. He was jealousthat this genius could draw a beautiful painting in two hours which he couldnot draw in his two life.


Vincent van Gogh's first impression of Gachet was unfavorable. He wrote to Theo and remarked: "I think that we must not count on Dr. Gachet at all. First of  all, he is sicker than I am, I think, or shall we say just as much, so that's that. Now when one blind man leads another blind man, don't they both fall into the ditch?"However, in a letter dated two days later to their sister  Wilhelmina, he relayed, "I have found a true friend in Dr. Gachet, something like another brother, so much do we resemble each other physically and also mentally."Such ambivalence has been filled throung the last three months of hislife. Vincent has understand more of Doctor Gachet beyond the surface ofthings, a deeper understanding from the heart. This was also indicated in hispainting---“portrait of doctor Gachet”, injected more feelings and throb. Ofcourse, this kind of emotion, let the painting had the soul, also gave it morevalue which have been never be replaced.


This first version has a typical style of Vincent's portrait - strong colors, rough outlines, active lines, and strong feelings. The background was no longer ordinary cabin walls, but extended to the blue sky and the hills outside,the limitless background gives peoplethe huge hope. There were two colorful books on the table in front of us, whichsymbolized wisdom. And in front of the book, there was a flower that wascarefully preserved in the water cup. This flower was a herb medicine called"digitalis", which symbolizes vitality as well as the occupation ofhuman in the portrait -- doctor. The neatly buttons on the coat showed thegentleman's taste. The Doctor Gachet hold his head,with the red hair and the sullenface under the soft hat, have shown a romantic mood. This sentiment was themainstream of the art world, which began to diffuse throughout Europe since theend of the eighteenth Century. However, Except his face of romantic sorrow, it wasdepressed and helpless.


Doctor Gachet loved the portrait verymuch when he saw it. He asked Vincent to draw one more for him. So that was thesecond version of the "Doctor Gachet".


Maybe Vincent had found the mad spirit ofGachet, which was a jealous hypocrite. Those ugly appearances were captured byVincent ,which shown on the canvas of the second version of the portrait.


The background of the painting was no longer complex, only the simple blue background of the hut. There was boring without any different level. The books that shown wisdom were missing. The digitalis,which had been carefully kept in the cup, now fell slouch on the table. The button of the gentleman was gone. The cloudy eyeball was permeable with abnormal nervous. The face and hands had a gray color,listless and melancholy. It seemed thatthe whole face was vague and incapable of remembering. It was said that this paintinghas been hung at Gachet’s home ,until he died.


If the first version of Doctor Gachet shown “resemble each other physically and also mentally”,which Vincent wrote to his sister.Then the second version of Gachet must be the mad which he wrote to his brother.


The second version of the " doctor Gachet " is collected by the Orsay Museum in Paris , which is same museum with a collection of Vincent’s "Starry Night Over The Rhone".


Although the first version of the "Doctor Gachet " has created a auction miracle, and the Japanesebusinessman Saito, also has declare that he would bring it to his tomb. But afew years after, the financial crisis was happened in Japan.In 1996, Saitodied, the painting was sold again by his family in a loss price. Who's in thehands at the end now? There are many rumors, some people said it is in NewYork, and some people said it is in France or Switzerland. Many museums andauctions have tried to determine where the painting is. I have heard thatsomeone has seen it in the Metropolitan Museum of New York this year. Is THATtrue?


(I am original on Dec 14th,2017. If reproduce and please indicate the source.Thanks.)

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