

如果你翻过Tensorflow的核心代码,一定会奇怪表示图的class如此之多像GraphDef/Graph等。通常GraphDef表示一组与Graph相关的属性Jason对(本质上是Graph的Protocol buffer表示)。而真正Executor所执行计算的是Graph。一般我们用户使用高级语言像Python所构建好的graph模型,会在底下悄悄地生成一个由GraphDef表示的图结构来。然后我们使用Python等语言里的Session具体去分配内存,初使化参数,运行计算图时,TF的后端会将我们前一部所构建的GraphDef转化为一个可执行的Graph。




  • ConvertGraphDefToGraph

我们可以看到此函数中处了必需的两个参数GraphDef与Graph外还有一个参数叫GraphConstructorOptions。这个选项结构里面包含了所有用于指导此转换进行的选项参数。随着对Tensorflow core code了解的增多,我们会看到愈来愈多的此类将所有函数参数与配置项放入一个Option struct/class里面的做法。

struct GraphConstructorOptions {
  GraphConstructorOptions() {}

  // If true, allows internal ops in the GraphDef.
  bool allow_internal_ops = false;

  // If true, the graph def is expected to have fully specified
  // devices for all nodes. A node in the resulting graph "g" has the
  // device name set accordingly.
  bool expect_device_spec = false;
extern Status ConvertGraphDefToGraph(const GraphConstructorOptions& opts,
                                     const GraphDef& gdef, Graph* g);

去tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.cc里面查看此函数的定义,我们会发现原来其具体实现将依靠更深一层次的class GraphConstructor来完成。如下是它的实现:

Status ConvertGraphDefToGraph(const GraphConstructorOptions& opts,
                              const GraphDef& gdef, Graph* g) {
  ShapeRefiner refiner(gdef.versions().producer(), g->op_registry());
  return GraphConstructor::Construct(
      opts, gdef.node(), &gdef.versions(), &gdef.library(), g, &refiner,
      /*return_tensors=*/nullptr, /*return_nodes=*/nullptr,

以下是GraphConstructor的主要构成。它里面有个inner的struct Options,主要用来获得我们上述中所说过的外部的struct GraphConstructorOptions(还有下文将提到的ImportGraphDefOptions)里面的配置项。

我们能从下面代码中看出所有真正的Import GraphDef,然后进行检查合理性,安全性,然后再逐步建立Graph里的数据结构的一系列过程都在TryImport这个函数里面可见到。

class GraphConstructor {
  struct Options {
    Options(const GraphConstructorOptions& in)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
        : allow_internal_ops(in.allow_internal_ops),
          validate_colocation_constraints(false) {}
    Options(const ImportGraphDefOptions& in)  // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
        : allow_internal_ops(false),
          prefix(in.prefix.empty() || str_util::EndsWith(in.prefix, "/")
                     ? in.prefix
                     : in.prefix + "/"),
          validate_shape(in.validate_shape) {}
    bool allow_internal_ops;
    bool expect_device_spec;
    string prefix;
    bool uniquify_names;
    bool uniquify_prefix;
    std::map<TensorId, TensorId> input_map;
    bool skip_mapped_nodes;
    std::vector<string> control_dependencies;
    std::vector<TensorId> return_tensors;
    std::vector<string> return_nodes;
    bool importing;
    bool validate_colocation_constraints;
    bool validate_shape = true;
    static Status Construct(
      const Options& opts, NodeDefSlice node_defs, const VersionDef* versions,
      const FunctionDefLibrary* library, Graph* g, ShapeRefiner* refiner,
      std::vector<std::pair<Node*, int>>* return_tensors,
      std::vector<Node*>* return_nodes,
      std::vector<TensorId>* missing_unused_input_map_keys) {
    if (versions) {
      TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckVersions(*versions, TF_GRAPH_DEF_VERSION,
                                       "GraphDef", "graph"));
    GraphConstructor c(opts, node_defs, versions, library, g, refiner,
                       return_tensors, return_nodes,
    const Status s = c.TryImport();
    if (!s.ok()) c.Undo();
    return s;
  //所有真正Import GraphDef并构建Graph的一些过程序列
  Status TryImport() {
    return Status::OK();


  • ImportGraphDef


// Adds the graph in GraphDef `gdef` into an existing Graph `*g`.
// On error, returns non-OK and leaves `*g` unmodified.
// `refiner` can be null. It should be non-null if the caller
// intends to add additional nodes to the graph after the import. This
// allows the caller to validate shapes of those nodes (since
// ShapeRefiner::AddNode must be called in topological order).
// `results` must be non-null if `opts.return_tensors` or `opts.result_nodes` is
// non-empty. It can also be set to fetch the unused input map keys. If it's
// non-null, all the vector fields must be empty.
extern Status ImportGraphDef(const ImportGraphDefOptions& opts,
                             const GraphDef& gdef, Graph* g,
                             ShapeRefiner* refiner,
                             ImportGraphDefResults* results = nullptr);



struct ImportGraphDefOptions {
      : uniquify_names(false),
        validate_shape(true) {}
  //prefix, uniquify_names, uniquify_prefix这三个参数主要用于保证对来自GraphDef的新增节点其命名不与Graph中的原有节点相冲突。另外就是如果有冲突的话应当如何来处理。
  // Name prefix to use for nodes imported from the GraphDef.  For example, if
  // prefix="animals" and GraphDef contains a node "bunny" then the node will be
  // named "animals/bunny" in *g. Must not be already used as a node name or
  // prefix in the graph.
  string prefix;
  // If true, imported node names will be modified if their name already exists
  // in the graph. If false, conflicting names will be treated as an error. Note
  // that this option has no effect if `prefix` is specified, since `prefix`
  // will guarantee all node names are unique.
  bool uniquify_names;
  // If true, `prefix` will be modified if it already exists as a node name or
  // prefix in the graph. If false, a conflicting prefix will be treated as an
  // error. This option has no effect if `prefix` isn't specified.
  bool uniquify_prefix;
  //具体构建新节点时,作为intermediate结构来保存NodeDef TensorId到Graph中Node里TensorId间的映射。
  // Maps tensors in `gdef` to existing tensors in `g`. Inputs in `gdef`
  // corresponding to `input_map` keys will be remapped to the nodes in `g`
  // corresponding to the values.
  // Keys should not include `prefix`, i.e., a key TensorId's name should be the
  // name as it originally appears in `gdef`.
  // If this is non-empty, ImportGraphDef must be called with the shape refiner
  // used to create the existing nodes referenced in `input_map`.
  std::map<TensorId, TensorId> input_map;

  // If true, nodes that will have all output edges removed because of
  // overrides in `input_map` will not be imported.
  bool skip_mapped_nodes;

  // The names of existing nodes in `g` that the imported graph should have
  // control dependencies on.
  // Note that to avoid creating many redundant control edges, ImportGraphDef()
  // won't add control edges to nodes that will inherit the dependencies from
  // other nodes in `gdef`.
  std::vector<string> control_dependencies;

  // Tensors in `gdef` that will be returned via the ImportGraphDefResults
  // output parameter of `ImportGraphDef()`. If this list is non-empty, the
  // caller must pass a results object to `ImportGraphDef()`. The
  // `return_tensors` field will be populated with the imported nodes in `g`.
  // Entries should not include `prefix`, i.e., each TensorId's name should be
  // the name as it originally appears in `gdef`.
  // If this contains a tensor that's also being remapped via `input_map`, the
  // corresponding existing tensor in `g` will be returned.
  std::vector<TensorId> return_tensors;

  // The names of nodes in `gdef` that will be returned via the
  // ImportGraphDefResults output parameter of `ImportGraphDef()`. If this list
  // is non-empty, the caller must pass a results object to
  // `ImportGraphDef()`. The `return_nodes` field will be populated with the
  // imported nodes in `g`.
  // Entries should not include `prefix`, i.e., each node's name should be the
  // name as it originally appears in `gdef`.
  // Unlike `return_tensors`, `input_map` has no effect on the nodes
  // returned. `return_nodes` must be empty if `skip_mapped_nodes` is true.
  std::vector<string> return_nodes;

  // If true, checks that all colocation constraints are nodes in the GraphDef.
  bool validate_colocation_constraints = true;

  // If false skips shape validation.
  bool validate_shape;



struct ImportGraphDefResults {
  // The requested tensors associated with
  // ImportGraphDefOptions::return_tensors. Note that the index may be different
  // than the requested index if the returned tensor has been remapped according
  // to `input_map`.
  typedef int Index;
  std::vector<std::pair<Node*, Index>> return_tensors;

  // The requested nodes associated with ImportGraphDefOptions::return_nodes.
  std::vector<Node*> return_nodes;

  // Keys in ImportGraphDefOptions::input_map that don't appear in `gdef` and
  // weren't used as an input to any node in `gdef`. These keys are likely due
  // to typos, and callers may wish to treat their existence as an error.
  std::vector<TensorId> missing_unused_input_map_keys;


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