He weighted some themes more heavily than others.
A college education isn't worth what you pay for it. Some people never reach a salary level appreciably higher than the level they would have reached without the degree.
One is that being able to support beliefs with reasons makes one a critical thinker. Virtually everyone has reasons, however weak they may be. The test of critical thinking is whether the reasons are good and sufficient.
Another misconception is that critical thinkers never imitate others in thought or action. If that were the case, then every eccentric would be a critical thinker. Critical thinking means making sound decisions, regardless of how common or uncommon those decisions are.
It is also a misconception that critical thinking is synonymous with having a lot of right answers in one's head.
This is not to say that all people have equal thinking potential but rather that everyone can achieve dramatic improvement.
skill in asking appropriate questions
Another is control of one's mental activities.
trifling with mental pictures, random recollections, pleasant but unfounded hopes, flitting, half-developed impressions