



describe('something slow', function() {

  it('should take long enough for me to go make a sandwich', function() {
    // ...



describe('a suite of tests', function() {

  it('should take less than 500ms', function(done){
    setTimeout(done, 300);

  it('should take less than 500ms as well', function(done){
    setTimeout(done, 250);


➜  mocha_demo mocha test.js

  a suite of tests
    ✓ should take less than 500ms (304ms)
    ✓ should take less than 500ms as well (255ms)

  2 passing (568ms)


➜  mocha_demo mocha test.js

  a suite of tests
    1) should take less than 500ms
    ✓ should take less than 500ms as well (256ms)

  1 passing (771ms)
  1 failing

  1) a suite of tests
       should take less than 500ms:
     Error: Timeout of 500ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.



it('should take less than 500ms', function(done){
  setTimeout(done, 300);


describe('a suite of tests', function() {
  beforeEach(function(done) {
    this.timeout(3000); // A very long environment setup.
    setTimeout(done, 2500);



const assert = require('assert');

describe('this is suite 1', function() {
  it('this is test case 1', function(){
    assert.equal(-1, [1,2,3].indexOf(0));

  it('this is test case 2', function(){
    assert.equal('test', [1,2,3].toString());
➜  mocha_demo mocha test.js

  this is suite 1
    ✓ this is test case 1
    1) this is test case 2

  1 passing (12ms)
  1 failing

  1) this is suite 1
       this is test case 2:

      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: 'test' == '1,2,3'
      + expected - actual


      at Context.<anonymous> (test.js:9:12)


mocha --help会显示下面的内容,包含了mocha的全部命令以及简单介绍

Usage: mocha [debug] [options] [files]


  -V, --version                           output the version number
  -A, --async-only                        force all tests to take a callback (async) or return a promise
  -c, --colors                            force enabling of colors
  -C, --no-colors                         force disabling of colors
  -G, --growl                             enable growl notification support
  -O, --reporter-options <k=v,k2=v2,...>  reporter-specific options
  -R, --reporter <name>                   specify the reporter to use
  -S, --sort                              sort test files
  -b, --bail                              bail after first test failure
  -d, --debug                             enable node's debugger, synonym for node --debug
  -g, --grep <pattern>                    only run tests matching <pattern>
  -f, --fgrep <string>                    only run tests containing <string>
  -gc, --expose-gc                        expose gc extension
  -i, --invert                            inverts --grep and --fgrep matches
  -r, --require <name>                    require the given module
  -s, --slow <ms>                         "slow" test threshold in milliseconds [75]
  -t, --timeout <ms>                      set test-case timeout in milliseconds [2000]
  -u, --ui <name>                         specify user-interface (bdd|tdd|qunit|exports)
  -w, --watch                             watch files for changes
  --check-leaks                           check for global variable leaks
  --full-trace                            display the full stack trace
  --compilers <ext>:<module>,...          use the given module(s) to compile files
  --debug-brk                             enable node's debugger breaking on the first line
  --globals <names>                       allow the given comma-delimited global [names]
  --es_staging                            enable all staged features
  --harmony<_classes,_generators,...>     all node --harmony* flags are available
  --preserve-symlinks                     Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and caching modules
  --icu-data-dir                          include ICU data
  --inline-diffs                          display actual/expected differences inline within each string
  --inspect                               activate devtools in chrome
  --inspect-brk                           activate devtools in chrome and break on the first line
  --interfaces                            display available interfaces
  --no-deprecation                        silence deprecation warnings
  --exit                                  force shutdown of the event loop after test run: mocha will call process.exit
  --no-timeouts                           disables timeouts, given implicitly with --debug
  --no-warnings                           silence all node process warnings
  --opts <path>                           specify opts path
  --perf-basic-prof                       enable perf linux profiler (basic support)
  --napi-modules                          enable experimental NAPI modules
  --prof                                  log statistical profiling information
  --log-timer-events                      Time events including external callbacks
  --recursive                             include sub directories
  --reporters                             display available reporters
  --retries <times>                       set numbers of time to retry a failed test case
  --throw-deprecation                     throw an exception anytime a deprecated function is used
  --trace                                 trace function calls
  --trace-deprecation                     show stack traces on deprecations
  --trace-warnings                        show stack traces on node process warnings
  --use_strict                            enforce strict mode
  --watch-extensions <ext>,...            additional extensions to monitor with --watch
  --delay                                 wait for async suite definition
  --allow-uncaught                        enable uncaught errors to propagate
  --forbid-only                           causes test marked with only to fail the suite
  --forbid-pending                        causes pending tests and test marked with skip to fail the suite
  -h, --help                              output usage information


  init <path>  initialize a client-side mocha setup at <path>


  • mocha -w/mocha --watch用来监测测试文件的变化,一旦变化被监测到,立即执行测试
  • mocha -b/mocha --bail 只对第一个抛出的异常进行处理。只要有一个测试用例没有通过,后面的测试用例也不会执行了
  • mocha -d/mocha --debug 开启node的debug模式,能够对标记了debugger语句的代码进行调试
  • mocha -R/mocha --reporter 指定mocha提供的reporter形式或第三方reporter。默认是“spec”
  • mocha -u/mocha --ui指定使用的测试接口。默认是“bdd”
  • mocha -t/mocha --timeout指定测试用例的超时时间。默认是2s。 --timeout 2s或是--timeout 2000
  • mocha -s/mocha --slow指定测试用例执行时间为慢的阈值。默认是75毫秒。Mocha使用这个设置来标识那些运行时间很长的测试
  • mocha -g <pattern>/mocha --global <pattern>指定mocha去跑匹配描述和<pattern>一样的测试用例。类似于给测试用例打标签的作用
  • mocha --recursive test目录下面所有的测试用例都会执行,不止是第一层



  • BDD
    • 提供 describe(), context(), it(), specify(), before(), after(), beforeEach()和afterEach()
    • describe() = context(), it() = specify()
  • TDD
    • 提供suite(), test(), suiteSetup(), suiteTeardown(), setup()和teardown()
  • Exports
    • 类似于mocha前身expresso
    • 测试套件是对象,函数是测试用例
  • QUnit
    • 类似QUnit。测试套件单独定义在测试用例之前
    • 像TDD一样支持suite()test()
    • 像BDD一样支持hooks
  • Require
    • 允许通过require()来导入describe()it()的方法
    • 可以自己定义别名
    • 只能用mocha命令执行,node不行



  • mocha --reporter spec这是默认模式。是一个按照测试套件和用例分层次的视图
  • mocha --reporter dot显示一个由点组成的矩阵。点的颜色代表着不同的测试结果
  • mocha --reporter nyan显示了一个图。。。。。
  • mocha --reporter tap 基于Test Anything Protocol (TAP)
  • mocha --reporter landing 模拟飞机降落
  • mocha --reporter list 以列表的形式显示每一个测试用例
  • mocha --reporter progress 以进度条的形式显示
  • mocha --reporter json 输出json格式的报告
  • mocha --reporter min 只输出summary。可以与mocha -w一起使用
  • mocha --reporter doc 输出HTML格式的报告
  • mocha --reporter markdown 输出HTML格式的报告





--require should
--reporter dot
--ui bdd




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