
Chinese Internet Tycoon Resigns From Troubled Company


​​✸✸Theembattledinternet tycoon behind struggling Chinese tech company LeEco has resigned from all his positions at the company’s publicly traded arm, the latest action in a stunning fall for one of the country’s most flamboyant tech icons.​

1) embattled 英 [ɪmˈbætld]   美 [ɛmˈbætld]  adj. 严阵以待的;(与敌人或批评者)处于交战中的,受围攻的  v.严阵以待;布阵;列阵(embattle的过去式和过去分词);整军备战

The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostageby his own soldiers.



​ ​​✸✸Jia Yueting hasstepped downas chairman of Leshi Internet and has also given up several other positions at the company, the company said in a filing. Mr. Jia will become global chairman of LeEco’s electric car business, a separate announcement said.​

​1) stepped down 下台

As the lady stepped down from the carriage, the gentleman politely handed her outof the car.


​ ​翻译:该公司提交的一份文件中声称,贾跃亭已辞去乐视网的董事长以及其他职位。另有公告称,他将成为乐视电动汽车业务的全球董事长。​

​ ✸✸Mr. Jia’s departure from Leshi Internet ended his tenureat the helmof one of China’s most ambitious tech companies. Last week, a court in Shanghai froze $182 million of assets tied to Mr. Jia, and on Tuesday, shares connected to Mr. Jia totaling 40 percent of Leshi Internet’s outstanding stock were frozen by courts, according to a company filing.​

​1) at the helm 英 [æt ðə helm]   美 [æt ði hɛlm] 掌舵,掌权

With him at the helm, we are a hundred percent safe crossing these treacherousrapids.


​ ​ ​翻译:贾跃亭离开乐视网,不再担任中国最雄心勃勃的科技公司之一的掌门人。根据公司提交的文件显示,上周,上海的一家法院冻结了贾跃亭名下价值12.37亿元人民币的资产,本周二又冻结了贾跃亭所持乐视网共计40%的股份。​

✸✸Mr. Jia aggressively pushed Leshi Internet, which had started as a video streaming portal, intoa spate ofnew business lines. Seeking to build a company combining content with hardware, he expanded LeEco, as the group of companies he controls personally has become known. Mr. Jia remains chairman of LeEco Holdings.​

​1) a spate of  一连串的;大量的

The worsening trade situation has already led to a spate of factory closures andlayoffs in China.



✸✸That expansion, however, relied heavily on debt to fund LeEco’s ever expanding list of projects and brought in a wide range of investors to fund the newly established LeEco companies. Some had little investment experience, and were presented with guarantees thatobscuredthe risk of start-up investing.​

​1) obscured  英 [əb'skjʊəd]   美 [əb'skjʊrd]   v.使…模糊不清,掩盖( obscure的过去式和过去分词 )

The veil she was wearing obscured her features.


​ ​翻译:然而,这种扩张主要是靠举债来为乐视不断扩大的项目清单筹集资金,以及吸纳各种各样的投资者来资助乐视建立新的公司。一些投资者几乎没有投资经验,乐视为他们做的演示中有种种保证,却没有说清投资创业公司有怎样的风险。​

​ ​✸✸“Today LeEco faces huge challenges and I take full responsibility,” Mr. Jia wrote in an open letter published Thursday morning in Beijing, asking for more time for LeEco and its electric car business. “We will fully repay our debts to financial institutions and suppliers,” he wrote.

​ ​翻译:“乐视至今日之巨大挑战,我会承担全部的责任。”贾跃亭周四上午在北京发表的公开信中写道,他希望为乐视和电动汽车业务争取更多的时间。“我们会把金融机构、供应商以及任何的欠款全部还上,”他写道。​

✸✸Mr. Jia began his careera long way fromBeijing’s booming tech corridor, starting in a county tax bureau in Shanxi, a coal-rich northern province. As China’s dot-com boom got underway, he moved into tech, starting a telecommunications company, and then founded Leshi Internet in 2004.​

​1) a long way from 相差很远

That's a long way from the truth.


​ ​翻译:贾跃亭最初在煤藏丰富的北部省份山西的一个县级税务局工作,与北京蓬勃的科技圈相隔甚远。随着中国互联网的蓬勃发展,他进入科技业,创办了一家通讯公司,并在2004年创立了乐视网。​

✸✸Two years later, the little-known Leshi Internet received acovetedslot for a public listing.

1) covet  英 [ˈkʌvət]   美 [ˈkʌvɪt]  vt.& vi.贪求,觊觎  adj.值得渴望的

She coveted his job so openly that conversations between them were tense.



✸✸Leshi Internet’s shares soared aftergoing publicas China’s retail investors got one of their first opportunities to bet on a start-up with big dreams. By 2015, the stock price propelled Mr. Jia to near the top of China’s richest list, according to the Hurun Report, which tracks the country’s wealthiest citizens.​

​1) going public 英 [ˈgəʊɪŋ ˈpʌblik]   美 [ˈɡoɪŋ ˈpʌblɪk]  [经] 公开经营

Tandy now regrets going public with her anger.


​ ​翻译:上市后,乐视网的股价飙升,中国的散户投资者有了第一批押注背负大梦想的创业公司的机会。至2015年,上升的股价将贾跃亭推上了胡润中国富豪榜的前列,该榜单追踪中国最富有阶层的排名。​

​ ​✸✸But Mr. Jia led his company into an array of businesses that have notpanned out. He invested hundreds of millions of dollars in developing LeEco’s smartphone business Le Mobile, in what the new LeEco chief executive, Liang Jun, last week conceded was mistimed: Fierce competition has eroded profit for most handset makers.​

​1) pan out  英 [pæn aut]   美 [pæn aʊt]  v. 成功,淘选;移动镜头,拍摄全景

None of Morgan's proposed financings panned out.


​ ​ ​翻译:但贾跃亭带领公司进入了一系列未能取得成功的业务。他投资上亿美元发展智能手机业务乐视移动——乐视网新任CEO梁军上周承认,该业务做的不是时候:激烈的竞争消磨掉了大多数手机厂商的利润。​

✸✸Last year, as Leshi Internet exhausted its credit lines at a dozen Chinese banks, Mr. Jia began pledging shares in LeEco companies as collateral for more loans, borrowing at least $2.1 billion from a variety of nontraditional lenders like security brokerage firms, trust companies and capital management firms. Today, shares Mr. Jia controls in at least six LeEco companies are pledged to lenders, according to Chinese corporate records.

​ ​翻译:去年,随着乐视网耗尽自己在十多个中国银行的授信额度,贾跃亭开始以乐视的股份作抵押申请更多贷款,从证券经纪公司、信托公司和资本管理公司等各种非传统贷款机构借入至少21亿美元。中国的企业档案显示,如今贾跃亭拥有的至少六家乐视企业的股份已抵押给了贷款机构。​

✸✸Those same shares were then frozen by courts this week as Mr. Jia had personally guaranteed the debt held by creditors of Le Mobile.


✸✸Mr. Jia’s personal guarantees bind together much of LeEco’s debt, setting up a potentially messy situation that could embroil all of the LeEco companies as creditors battle for assets. No LeEco company hasfiled for bankruptcy, a company spokesman said, and LeEco could still receive a bailout from investors or a state-owned company.​

​1) filed for bankruptcy 申请破产

The company's assets were frozen soon after it filed for bankruptcy.



​ ​✸✸LeEco’s electric car ambitions are centered on Los Angeles, where the financially troubled start-up Faraday Future, with more than 1,400 employees, is developing high-end electric cars in a bid to challenge the market leader Tesla Motors.

翻译:乐视颇具野心的电动汽车业务主要放在洛杉矶,在那里,拥有1400多名员工、已陷入财务困境的创业公司法拉第未来(Faraday Future)正在研发高端电动汽车,目标是挑战这个市场的领导者特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)。​

​ ​✸✸Mr. Jia remains Faraday Future’s largest shareholder and emphasized in his letter on Thursday that he would dedicate his energy to getting the company’s first production-ready model, called the FF 91, into mass production.


✸✸Faraday Future isin the process ofraising more than $1 billion, a spokesman for the company said in an email, noting that LeEco and Faraday Future are separate companies.​

​1) in the process of 英 [in ðə ˈprəuses ɔv]   美 [ɪn ði ˈprɑsˌɛs ʌv]  adv.在…的过程中

The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan



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