
规格  重10.9kg

Specifications and weighs 10.9 kg


In the Chinese zodiac, the dragon is the most people call worship. Its image while some evil, but is Chinese candidate as a symbol of auspicious and noble, is popular. Combine with the role of religion.

The legend of the dragon and cultural are some east Asian countries such as China's history, is one of the most representative of the Chinese nation culture symbol. In the han and other ethnic traditional culture, is commonly used to represent auspicious, is one of the four sacred animal. The dragon has infiltrated every aspect of Chinese society, become a kind of cultural accumulation. Dragon is the symbol of China, a symbol of the Chinese nation, a symbol of Chinese culture. For every Chinese people, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a YiXu, a feeling of closely. "Descendants of the dragon", "descendants of the dragon" the designation, often makes Chinese people excited, exert oneself, proud.


China dragon king belief is with the rise of Buddhism, but the dragon king of the dragon and with the Indian Buddhism have very big difference. Can say Chinese dragon king is the product of Buddhism Taoism mix.


"Swastika" word in Sanskrit means "set by the auspicious," Buddhism is Buddha chest now think it's phase, there are auspicious, hail and Wan Shouzhi, longevity and the tang dynasty empress wu two years (693) using Chinese characters, pronounced "m". Use word "swastika" four terminal extends outward, and can be evolved into various brocade, the moral pattern used to long chain and Wan Fuwan a life of constant head, also called "Wan Shoujin".

描金是金彩装饰方法之一,描金是用本金(金粉)或亮金(金水)描饰装饰纹样或配合其他装饰作边线或金地使用。 本金的使用技法较亮金操作要困难得多,而且由于含金量高,一般只局部使用于高级产品,一般产品都采用亮金(金水).描金装饰均用手工描绘,金水的操作步骤较为简便,手工操作方法是根据装饰部位用描金笔蘸取金水描绘花纹,镶边、铺金地或结合其他装饰使用。

Paint is one of the gold decoration method, the colour is the principal (gold) or bright gold (home) tracing decoration decoration pattern or use or cooperate with other adornment as a sideline. The use of the principal techniques is bright gold operation is much more difficult, and because the gold content is high, generally only partial use in advanced products, products are commonly use bright gold (home). Paint decoration are painted by hand, the goldwater's procedure is relatively simple, manual operation method is according to the decorative parts dip in with the colour pen in jinshui paint decorative pattern, edge, spread gold base or combined with other adornment use.


Natural crystal has a special "piezoelectric effect". No defects of single crystal crystal after processed into jewelry to wear the body, and the generation of the human body can produce a weak electromagnetic field, the electromagnetic field has the stable mood, make human body energy concentration, relieve patients' pain and tension, speed up the recovery, and other functions. Such as the United States "crystal therapy", as the center, is the crystal pressure in patients with injury of adjuvant therapy.


Crystal, like other gems, formed in the special geological structure environment, contains some trace elements beneficial to human body, such as iron, copper, manganese, titanium, zinc, nickel, drill, selenium, etc., due to the formation of crystal by underground radioactive radiation and keep there is a small amount of radioactive elements (content is minimal, not harmful to human body, but similar radiation therapy), these trace elements through friction and often will along the wool stoma with human sweat glands into the human body and promote the balance of trace elements in the body, make your body more harmonious.

White crystal, focus, focus, expand the memory function, is a complex of all energy, said wang. Town house, evil, evil spirit, purify the body, remove disease gas, human good luck.


For often play with crystal, more emphasis on crystal representative significance. They think that crystal is energy, different crystal of spirituality. Natural crystal because of its price is more expensive than some, but people tend to think of natural crystal because of its forms through hundreds of years, much longer than the history of mankind), of heaven and earth will contain have better spiritual. To pure natural crystal with little, if any will be very expensive. Synthetic crystal can be made very pure, but less sense. But artificial besides high purity, crystal craft gifts can be made into various shapes, and injected new color, this is a natural crystal. As more and more people like crystal, leading to the market value of the crystal. And like component of crystal, but also the broad masses of fans flocking to clinching the treasures.

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