@(Copyright: Steven.W)[SakuraRainS]
I use English in my writing, this is a translated version with Google Translator. Don't mind the minor error. Thanks!
我在写作中使用英语,这是Google Translator的翻译版本。如有错误,多多包涵,谢谢!
First, be sure you have a server and you have already installed CentOS 7.x+. Python3 is necessary for installation in my case.
首先,请确保您有一台服务器并且已经安装了CentOS 7.x +。在我的情况下,安装Python3是必需的。
Login to your CentOS 7 VPS via SSH as a root sudo user, (Aliyun example: ssh root@ip_address), port number may not be needed:
以root用户sudo用户的身份通过SSH登录到CentOS 7 VPS(Aliyun示例:ssh root @ ip_address),可能不需要端口号:
ssh account@IP_Address (-p Port_number)
Then check that all installed packages on the server are updated to the latest version, by running the following command:
sudo yum update
If needed, install bzip2 package with the following command line:
sudo yum install bzip2
Typically, you don't need this anymore since the lates version contained bzip2
CentOS 7.x has the default python version 2.7. Please check!
CentOS 7.x具有默认的python版本2.7。请检查!
Anaconda 安装
Anaconda is recommended to install Python and Jupyter Notebook. Since it contained not only these popular software but some famous data science and machine learning packages.
建议Anaconda安装Python和Jupyter Notebook。由于它不仅包含这些流行的软件,还包含一些著名的数据科学和机器学习包。
Download the latest version of Anaconda, please check the version online https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/:
If you didn't ever install wget before, please use the following command line:
yum -y install wget
After that, start Anaconda installation by running the script, the command line is:
bash Anaconda3-2021.04-Linux-x86_64.sh
You will get the information looks like:
Welcome to Anaconda3-2021.04
In order to continue the installation, press the " Enter" , and this process may take you a few minutes since you should scroll down or review the license agreement. Please answer "Yes" after you scroll through the license. There will show you the default Anaconda installation path, for example(My server returns):
为了继续安装,请按“ Enter”键,此过程可能需要几分钟,因为您应该向下滚动或查看许可协议。滚动浏览许可证后,请回答“是”。例如,将显示默认的Anaconda安装路径(我的服务器返回):
/root/ anaconda3
Once the Anaconda installation is complete, to active your Anaconda installation, type the following command line:
source ~/.bashrc
Check if the installation was successful, run the following command line:
conda --version
Jupyter Notebook安装
Be sure you have pip3 before you install the Jupyter Notebook
在安装Jupyter Notebook之前,请确保您拥有pip3
pip install Jupyter
To generate Jupyter Notebook configuration file:
生成Jupyter Notebook配置文件:
jupyter notebook --generate-config
Jupyter Notebook password setting:
Jupyter Notebook密码设置:
1   Open Ipython, command line:  打开Ipython,命令行:
from notebook.auth import passwd
make sure you had copied a list of letters which is your password. We will modify some configuration and it will be used.
Modify your configuration file by using vim text editor after you generated your password successfully:
vim ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py
Find following information and change them:
c.NotebookApp.ip = 'server_ip' # you could try or your ip , some times '' doesn't work
c.NotebookApp.port = 8889
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False
c.NotebookApp.password = u'argon2: yourcode *'
c.NotebookApp.allow_root = True
If you are root user, please make sure add "--allow-root" at the end of command line:
如果您是root用户,请确保在命令行末尾添加“ --allow-root”:
jupyter notebook --allow-root
Error may occur since you set the firewall in the serever, do following steps to address this problem. Open local terminal prompt and type in: (Check the port if it is avaliable.)
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8878:localhost:8889 root@server_ip
Then you can open remotely as localhost:8878.
After fix this issue, run the command line beyond again.
Please attach the link or claim the authorship, No reproduction without permission. Please indicate the source if authorized.
@[Copyright: Steven.W/ SakuraRainS]