在类的构造函数中给一个整数数组, 实现两个方法 query(start, end) 和 modify(index, value):
对于 query(start, end), 返回数组中下标 start 到 end 的和。
对于 modify(index, value), 修改数组中下标为 index 上的数为 value.
给定数组 A = [1,2,7,8,5].
query(0, 2), 返回 10.
modify(0, 4), 将 A[0] 修改为 4.
query(0, 1), 返回 6.
modify(2, 1), 将 A[2] 修改为 1.
query(2, 4), 返回 14.
- 同[Interval Sum I]的思路一样,只是做成了Interval Sum类,实现API
- 分别定义了
class segmentTreeNode:
def __init__(self, start, end, Sum):
self.start, self.end, self.Sum = start, end, Sum
self.left, self.right = None, None
class Solution:
# @param A: An integer list
def __init__(self, A):
self.root = self.build(A, 0, len(A) - 1)
def build(self, L, start, end):
if start > end:
return None
root = segmentTreeNode(start, end, 0)
if start != end:
mid = (start + end) / 2
root.left = self.build(L, start, mid)
root.right = self.build(L, mid + 1, end)
root.Sum = root.left.Sum + root.right.Sum
root.Sum = L[start]
return root
# @param start, end: Indices
# @return: The sum from start to end
def query(self, start, end):
return self.queryHelper(self.root, start, end)
def queryHelper(self, root, start, end):
if root.start == start and root.end == end:
return root.Sum
mid = root.start + (root.end - root.start) / 2
leftSum, rightSum = 0, 0
if start <= mid:
if mid < end:
leftSum = self.queryHelper(root.left, start, mid)
leftSum = self.queryHelper(root.left, start, end)
if mid < end:
if start <= mid:
rightSum = self.queryHelper(root.right, mid + 1, end)
rightSum = self.queryHelper(root.right, start, end)
return leftSum + rightSum
# @param index, value: modify A[index] to value.
def modify(self, index, value):
self.modifyHelper(self.root, index, value)
def modifyHelper(self, root, index, value):
if root.start == index and root.end == index:
root.Sum = value
mid = root.start + (root.end - root.start) / 2
if root.start <= index and index <= mid:
self.modifyHelper(root.left, index, value)
if mid < index and index <= root.end:
self.modifyHelper(root.right, index, value)
root.Sum = root.left.Sum + root.right.Sum