在中国,冬至是一个很重要的节日,这早已成为了一个传统。早在2500年前,中国人通过观察太阳测量出了冬至。中国自从古代就对冬至很重视,民间素有"冬至大如年"这样的说法。那么,你知道冬至的英文怎么说吗?这一天有什么特殊的呢? 答案是在这一天,北半球白天最短,夜晚最长。
Winter Solstice is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500 years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. China has attached great importance to the winter solstice since ancient times, and the folks have always said that the winter solstice is as big as the New Year festival. So, do you know how to say the winter solstice in English? What is special about this day? The answer is this day is the shortest for the daytime and the night is the longest for northern Hemisphere.
Winter Solstice 冬至
“solstice”的英文解释是“the time of either the longest day in the year (about June 22) or the shortest day in the year (about December 22)”。意即:一年中最长的一天(大约6月22日)或是一年中最短的一天(大约12月22日)。
因此,这个单词的用法比较局限,基本只能用来表示节气:Winter Solstice冬至,Summer Solstice夏至。
立春 spring begins 雨水 the rains 惊蛰 insects awaken
春分 vernal equinox 清明 clear and bright 谷雨 grain rain
立夏 summer begins 小满 grain buds 芒种 grain in ear
夏至 summer solstice 小暑 slight heat 大暑 great heat
立秋 autumn begins 处暑 stopping the heat 白露 white dews
秋分 autumn equinox 寒露 cold dews 霜降 hoar-frost falls
立冬 winter begins 小雪 light snow 大雪 heavy snow
冬至 winter solstice 小寒 slight cold 大寒 great cold
In the north, most people eat dumplings, but in the south, people eat dumplings and tangyuan. Although people celebrate in different ways, they share the same joy and their families gather to eat together. The winter solstice gives families a chance to reunite, young people go home, talk to their parents, and promote communication.
很多人用英文说饺子都喜欢用dumpling这个词,但按照维基百科的定义,dumpling 应该是一个“集大成”的概念:原则上,任何“面皮裹馅儿”的食物都可以叫“dumpling”,比如青团子、馄饨等。所以,用dumpling来表示中国特有的“饺子”就太过牵强了。所以,冬至之日,我们想用英文表达饺子就可以说Chinese dumpling,或者干脆直接用拼音Jiaozi.
饺子Chinese dumpling/Jiaozi
【例句】Mother served a piping hot bowl of Chinese dumplings.妈妈端上了一碗热气腾腾的饺子。
上面介绍说到“dumpling”可以表示任何“面皮裹馅儿”的食物,因此,向外国人介绍汤圆的时候可以说sweet/soft dumpling。另外根据汤圆的原料、形状,英文中也可以说sticky rice balls。当然,汤圆是我们中国人的传统美食,也可以直接用拼音Tang-yuan表示。
汤圆sweet dumplings/sticky rice balls/Tang-Yuan
【例句】In China, people eat tangyuan (sticky rice balls) to symbolize family unity and harmony.在中国,人们吃汤圆象征着家庭的团圆、和谐。Eating soft dumplings in winter is very nice.冬天吃些软糯的汤圆很幸福。
Happy winter solstice.冬至快乐。
Stay warm and healthy, and good luck in the new coming year. Happy winter solstice.祝你在新的一年里温暖、健康、好运。冬至快乐。
I wish our family peace and prosperity in the new year.我希望新的一年里,家庭和睦繁荣。
Winter solstice is coming and keeps warm in cold weather, take care of yourself.