昨晚睡觉近11点,今早小蛋儿叫醒的时候就没喊他,等到小蛋儿再次提醒神奇时间的时候亲了亲娃的小脸蛋儿,morning my baby, I love you.娃儿睡眼惺忪的回应,morning, mummy, I love you. 跟娃把昨晚的事情再次捋了一遍,谢谢他虽然很困但却坚持看完了音乐会,谢谢他的愤怒快速消散,重新恢复愉悦的心情,告诉娃无论你怎样,妈妈都一样的爱你,在妈妈眼里你永远是最棒的小朋友。娃点点头开始玩起了turtle and snail的游戏,我唱This is a turtle, hide in a shell,他边唱边演be-bop, be-bop, be-bop hide its head well. 后来遇到了whale,这次小乌龟开始打招呼啦,
the good morning train is coming, how are you,choo-choo
the good morning train is coming, how are you,choo-choo
the good morning train is coming,the good morning train is coming,
the good morning train is coming,the good morning train is coming,
how are you,choo-choo
say hello to whale, how are you,choo-choo
say hello to shark, how are you,choo-choo
say hello to penguin, say hello to nemo, say hello to hipppotamous, how are you
把原来的tiger,panda,Teddy,Turkey全部替换了下来。hippo的名字前几天在《what is very long》里看到,关于他的长娃不理解,于是跟他一起数音节,我的老天爷~竟然是五个音节,小娃说,那johny johny yes papa, eating a candy? no papa. telling a lie? no papa. open your mouth. oh hahaha才长呢!哇哦,这个真的好长好长好长好长……
跟娃把the good morning train的游戏转移到客厅,昨天新做的小火车开动咯~娃带着我在客厅里转圈圈,后来姥姥需要帮助我去忙了,回来的时候小朋友说刚才的动物园经历了一场暴风雪,于是戏精妈马上丢了一个mitten在里面,a boy lost his mitten in the snow.娃极其配合的开来一辆小火车,
M:Tomas saw the mitten and went in. Edward came by and saw the mitten, Tomas said,come in. Edward went in,
S:"I like stay in here, it's warm."
M:James came by and saw the mitten, Edward said,come in. James went in,
S:"I like stay in here, it's warm."
M:Tisser came by and saw the mitten,James said,come in. Tisser went in,
S:"I like stay in here, it's warm."
M:Henry came by and saw the mitten, Tisser said,come in. Henry went in,
S:"I like stay in here, it's warm."
M:Pacy came by ahhhhh-ch-oooo and saw the mitten, Henry said,come in. Pacy went in,
S:"I like stay in here, it's warm."ahhhhh-ch-oooo~~
M: Pacy popped out of the mitten, and henry popped out of the mitten, and tisser popped out of the mitten.(娃把一辆辆小火车从手套里拖出去)Edward popped out of the mitten, and tomas popped out of the mitten. The boy is back. "vow, here is my mitten. It's so big!"