UIpath[习题总结篇] Lesson 1- Lesson 13 合集


Lesson 1 - Introduction to UiPath

Data Scraping Wizard

Single choice

(1) How can you extract structured data from a web page?

      Using the Citrix Recording Wizard

      Using the Data Scraping Wizard (√)

      Using the UiExplorer tool

Single choice

(2) The easiest way to get structured data from a web page is:

      by using Data Scraping. (√)

      by using Screen Scraping.

      by reading its contents with the Get Text activity and then parsing the result.

UiPath Studio

Single choice

(3) Which of the following is the IDE used to develop the UiPath workflows?

      Ui Explorer

    UiPath Orchestrator

    UiPath Studio (√)

Ps. IDE (integrated development environment)


Single choice

(4) What recorders are best suitable for automating virtual environments?

      Basic  Citrix (√) Web  Desktop

Single choice

(5) Can you retrieve text from a Citrix environment?

      No, you cannot. Only clicks are available inside a Citrix environment.

      Yes, using the Scrape Relative function in combination with an OCR engine. (√)

UiPath Explorer

Single choice

(6) What is UiPath Explorer used for?

      To get detailed information in regard to UI elements (√)

      Writing text in textboxes

      Clicking different elements of a web page

data types (variable)


Multiple Choice

(7) Which of the data types can be stored in a generic variable?

        Integer (√)Boolean (√)String (√)

Variables panel

Multiple Choice

(8) What kind of actions can be performed in the Variables panel?

        Setting default values for variables (√)

        Adding new variables (√)

      Changing variable types (√)

the scope of a variable

Multiple Choice

(9) How can we change the scope of a variable?

      By using the Outline panel

      By using the Variables panel (√)

      By using the Manage Variables section of the Ribbon menu (√)


Single choice

(10) What are Queues used for?

        Schedule when a robot should start its work

        Describe the activities inside a process

        Distribute transactional load among multiple robots (√)


Type Into

Multiple Choice

(11) The Type Into activity can receive inputs like:

        A static string. (√)

        A variable followed by the .toString method.  (√)

        An integer variable.

Single choice

(12) What activity can you use to type text in an application's field?

        Click Text    Type Into (√)  Get Text

Activities panel

Single choice

(13) Where can you see the list of activities that you can use in a workflow?

          In the Activities panel (√)

          In the Project panel

          In the Outline panel


Multiple Choice

(14)  The Orchestrator can:

        Send Start commands to multiple robots (√)

        Schedule robots to perform specific processes (√)

        Remotely control robots (√)

PDF document

Multiple Choice

(15) Getting the content of a PDF document is possible:

        This cannot be done by a UiPath robot.

        By opening the PDF and using screen scraping to get its data. (√)

        By using the Read PDF Text activity and providing the PDF file’s path. (√)

Lesson 2 - Variables Data Types & Control Flow

Control flow activity

Sequence activity

Single choice

(16) You can insert a Sequence activity in a Flowchart activity.

        True (√)  False

The If activity

Single choice

(17) What is the activity designed to represent a decision inside a Sequence?

        The Decision activity  The Try Catch activity (√)The If activity  The Assign activity

Flowchart activity

Single choice

(18) Can you insert a Flowchart activity in a Sequence? 

        Yes (√)  No

Multiple Choice

(19) When should you use the Flowchart workflow?

        When having multiple activities executed in a fixed order (√)

        When having a process with many decision blocks (√)

        When modelling a process that has loops to previous states

Flow Decision activity

Multiple Choice

(20) Which activity can you use if you want to test if a condition is true or false?

          Flow Decision activity (√)  Sequence activity  For Each activity  If activity  (√)     

Flow Switch activity

Single choice

(21) What is the best way to make a three-way decision inside a Flowchart?

        By using nested Decision activities

        By using a Switch activity

        By using nested If activities 

        By using a Flow Switch activity (√) 

Break activity

Single choice

(22) How can you exit from a For Each activity?

If activity  Assign activity  Terminate Workflow activity Break activity (√)

For Each

Single choice

(23) Which activity can you use if you want to loop through a collection of items?

          Flow Decision activity(×) If activity  For Each activity (√) Assign activity


Multiple Choice

(24) Which activities allow you to iterate through an array of strings?

        While (√) For Each Row For Each (√)Do While (√)

Do While

Invoke Workflow

Single choice

(25) What type of argument can you define to retrieve data from an invoked workflow?

        Out (√) In

Single choice

(26) What activity can be used to execute a workflow inside another workflow?

        Flowchart Assign(×) Invoke Workflow File (√) State Machine(×)



Multiple Choice

(27) In which types of variable can you store text?

        String (√)Generic (√) Integer  Double


Single choice

(28) How can you display an Integer value, myNumber, inside a Message Box window?

        “My number is $myNumber”

        “My number is “ + myNumber.Value

      “My number is ” + myNumber

      “My number is “ + myNumber.ToString (√)


Multiple Choice

(29) What type of content can you store inside a Generic type variable?

        Text (√)Dates (√)True/False (√)Numbers (√)

Single choice

(30) Given two Generic variables, A with value “123” and B with value 456, what would the Write Line output of A + B be?

An exception will be thrown.

123 + 456



data types


Multiple Choice

(31) What data types can be stored inside an array?

        Boolean(√) Integer (√)String (√)Double(√)

Lesson 3 - Data Manipulation

Get Row Item

Gets a value from a DataRow variable according to a specified column.

参考链接: https://activities.uipath.com/docs/get-row-item


Single choice

(32) What activity can you use to get the value from a certain cell, from a specific data table row?

        Get Row Item(√)    Write Cell    Read Cell      Remove Data Row

eg(Lexmark )


Multiple Choice

(33) If currentRow represents a row from a DataTable with two column in this order: Name and Age, what expression can be used to obtain the value from the column Age?

currentRow("Age")  (√)  currentRow.Age      currentRow(2)    currentRow(1) (√)

Multiple Choice

(34) How can you identify a column in a data table?

        Using the column name (√)

        Using the row name

        Using the row index

        Using the column index(√)

Single choice

(35) What .Net method of the datatable object can be used to filter a table by a condition? Filter(×)Select (√) ToString(×) Clone

automatically create a variable

Single choice

(36)  What key combination allows you to automatically create a variable from an activity’s property field?

Ctrl + A    Ctrl + K(√) Ctrl + N    Ctrl + P

variable type


Single choice

(37)  What variable type can you use to efficiently store the current time inside your workflows?               

          Array    DateTime(√)    Integer    String


Single choice

(38)  How can the index integer variable be displayed inside a Message Box activity?

        “Current index is: “ + index.ToString(√)

        “Current index is: “ + index

      “Current index is: $index”

      “Current index is: + index.ToString”

string (expression )

Assign activity

Single choice

(39)  What activity can be used to modify the value of an existing cell in a DataTable?

          Assign activity(√)    Add Data Column activity 

          Modify Cell activity      Add Data Row activity

the procedure of the assign activity

1. create an variable - rowIndex 

2. Assign activity



Single choice

(40)  What type of variables can be used as output for the Read CSV activity?

          List<DataRow> variables

          DataTable  variables(√)

        Array<DataRow> variables

        String variablesOutput DataTable activity

Single choice

(41)  Which of the following statements are true regarding the Output DataTable activity?     

          Returns the data contained in a DataTable as a string in a csv format (√)

          Writes a DataTable to an Excel file

          Returns a DataTable object

          Writes a DataTable to a csv file

data types

Collections category

Multiple Choice

(42)  Which of the following data types are included in the Collections category?

          List (√)Array (√)Dictionary (√)Int32

Lists and Arrays


For Each Row

Single choice

(43)  What activity can be used to loop through each row from a DataTable?

          If          Build DataTable            Flow Decision        For Each Row(√)

Multiple Choice

(44)  What activities can be used to iterate through an Array?

          Flow Decision              While (√)  For Each (√)    For Each Row


Multiple Choice

(45)  Which of the following statements is true regarding Lists and Arrays?

          List items can be added using an Add to Collection activity. (√)

          You can add any number of elements to an array. (×)

          You can iterate through a List using a For Each loop activity. (√)

          Array and List elements can be accessed by index. (√)

Lesson 4 - Recording


Automatic Recording

Single choice

(46)  How can you delay the Automatic Recording?

          By right clicking            By hitting the Escape key 

          By hitting the F2 key(√)            By clicking in the right corner of the screen

recording profiles

Basic Recording

Single choice

(47)  What type of container will Basic Recording generate?

          Excel Application Scope    Attach Browser  Attach Window  No container(√)

Citrix Recording

Single choice

(48)  What recording wizard would you use to automate UI interactions in an application that    does not offer support for selectors?

          Basic Recording    Citrix Recording (√)    Web Recording    Desktop Recording

Desktop recording

Single choice

(49)  What is Attach Window used for?

          Specifies that you are working with a browser.

          Specifies that you want to automate in background.

          Specifies that you are working with a Java window.

          Identifying the window you are working with. (√)

Single choice

(50)  When is it recommended to use Desktop recording?

          When you automate Citrix Applications

          When you automate Web pages

          When you automate more steps in the same window (√)

          When you automate one step

Multiple Choice

(51)  What is the difference between Desktop recording and Basic recording?

          Desktop recording generates containers (√)

          Basic recorder generates full selectors (√)

          Basic recorder is used only for web pages

          Desktop recording generates full selectors

Web Recording

(52)  What type of container will Web Recording generate?

          Attach Window    No container    Attach Browser  (√) Excel Application Scope

recording sequence

Single choice

(53)  Can you combine automatic recording with step-by-step recording in the same recording sequence?

          Yes(√) No

Automatic Recorder

Multiple Choice

(54)  Which of the following statements regarding the Automatic Recorder are true?

          It generates Type Into activities (√)

          It generates Click activities (√)

          It creates a skeleton for UI automation (√)

          It recognizes different types of UI controls (√)

Multiple Choice

(55)  How do you add activities to a workflow?

          Using the Automatic Recorder (√)

          From the Activities Panel by dragging and dropping (√)

          From the Step by Step Recording Action pane (√)


stop the recording

By hitting the F2 key

delay the Automatic Recording

add activities to a workflow

From the Step by Step Recording Action pane

From the Activities Panel by dragging and dropping

Using the Automatic Recorder

Lesson 5 - Advanced UI Interaction

input method


Multiple Choice

(56)  The downsides of using the Default input method are:

          The condition that the application must be active (√)

          The condition that the application must be running in background.

          Low speed (√)

Output or Screen Scraping Methods

OCR method (optical character recognition)

Single choice

(57)  The main advantage of the OCR method is:

          It works even if the application is running in the background.

          It works on every application even if it’s running in a virtual environment. (√)

          It’s fast.

FullText method

Multiple Choice

(58)  The most important advantages of the FullText method are:

          It works in Citrix environments.

          It's fast. (√)

          It works in the background. (√)

          It's accurate. (√)

Single choice

(59)  What is the best method to extract white text written on blue background in a desktop app?

        By using the Google OCR engine

        By using the FullText method (√)

        By using the Google OCR engine with Invert flag

        By using the Microsoft OCR engine

Single choice

(60)  Can the robot be programmed to ignore taking hidden information while using the Full Text method?

          No            Yes  (√)

Multiple Choice

(61)  By using the Full Text scraping method, the robot is able to:

        Get hidden information

        Get editable text (√)

        Get the entire visible text (√)

        Get font information (size, colour).

Native method

get text position

Web scraping

Data Scraping

Multiple Choice

(62)  What is the Data Scraping wizard for?

          Automating interactions with web pages

          Extracting text from one UI element

          Extracting correlated data from the web or other applications (√)

          Extracting whole tables from the web or other applications(√)

Single choice

(63)  What would be the best method to retrieve results from multiple Google pages?

          Data Scraping, because it can operate with structured data and return a data table. (√)

          Screen scraping by using the FullText method because it retrieves the entire text.

          Native, because it works in the background.

Single choice

(64)  What is the best activity for scraping tables from a web page?

          Get Visible Text

          Data scraping wizard (√)

          Get OCR Text


About UI Elements

参考链接: https://studio.uipath.com/docs/about-ui-elements

UI Activities Properties

Input Methods

参考链接: https://studio.uipath.com/docs/input-methods

Input Actions

Clicks Text typing Keyboard shortcuts Right-clicks Mouse hover Clipboard actions Etc.

Example of Using Input Methods

参考链接: https://studio.uipath.com/docs/example-of-using-input-methods

Output or Screen Scraping Methods

Output Actions

Getting text Finding elements and images Clipboard actions Etc.

Examples of Using Output or Screen Scraping Methods

Generating Tables from Unstructured Data

Relative Scraping

参考链接: https://studio.uipath.com/docs/relative-scraping

Lesson 6 Selectors

wildcard characters

Multiple Choice

(65)  What are the supported wildcard characters for selectors in UiPath Studio?

          $        &          *  (√)          ? (√)

Single choice

(66)  How can you improve the following calendar page selector to work only for dates in 2017?

          “<html app='chrome.exe' title='UiPath - Calendar - Week of May 1, 2017' />”

          “<html app='chrome.exe' title='UiPath - Calendar - Week of ?????, 2017' />”

          “<html app='chrome.exe' title='UiPath - Calendar -* 201?' /> “ (√)

          “<html app='chrome.exe' title='UiPath - Calendar - * 2017' />”

Find Element activity

Multiple Choice

(67)  Which of the following statements are true regarding the Find Element activity?

          It throws an exception if it doesn’t find the element on screen(√)

          It returns a boolean (True or False) values indicating wether or not the element was found

          on the screen

          It returns the found element in a variable for later use(√)

Single choice

(68)  How long will the Robot try to find an UiElement (if it is not available) on the desktop?

          The Robot will wait forever until it can find the element.

          10 seconds

          The value in milliseconds of the activity’s TimeoutMS property.      (√)

          30 seconds

Highlight activity

Single choice

(69)  What is the Highlight activity useful for?

          For troubleshooting and verifying selectors (√)

          For removing selectors

          For adding activities in Studio

UiExplorer tool

Single choice

(70)  How can you see the full list of attributes of Ui elements?

          By using the select from screen tool in Ui Automation activities.

          By using the UiExplorer tool. (√)

          You cannot.

Single choice

(71)  Can UiExplorer be used to record UI interactions?

          No    (√)    Yes

Element Exists activity

Single choice

(72)  The Element Exists activity throws an exception if it doesn’t find the specified element on the screen.

          True            False (√)


valid selector

Single choice

(73)  Can a valid selector identify different elements on the screen at the same time?

          No    (√) Yes

full selectors

Single choice

(74)  Can full selectors be used inside a container (Attach Window or Open Application activities)?

          No      Yes (√)

partial selectors

Single choice

(75)  Can partial selectors be used inside a container (Attach Window or Open Application activities)?

          No      Yes (√)

Lesson 7 - Image and Text Automation


Single choice

(76)  How can you scrape a field on a Citrix Environment when the value in that field changes each transaction?

          Find a static element nearby and use Scrape Relative(√)

          It's impossible because you cannot locate the element

Single choice

(77)  Consider having an application in Citrix Environment that has a button named ‘Accept’ and also a label that contains the Accept word. How can Click Text be customized in order to access the correct button?

        By using the Occurrence property. (√)

        By checking the element’s attributes.

        It can’t be done, having to click on a text that is duplicated can’t be controlled.

Single choice

(78)  Can the robot perform clicks alongside key modifiers (Shift, Ctrl etc) in a Citrix environment?

          Yes (√) No

Multiple Choice

(79)  Creating automation in a Citrix environment is challenging because:

          You need to interact with the app using only Image Recognition and OCR. (√)

          Selectors are hard to create for virtual environments.

          You don’t have direct access to UI elements. (√)

Citrix Recorder

Single choice

(80)  By using Citrix Recorder, can you automatically record a set of actions in a virtual environment?

          Yes  No(√)

Google OCR

Single choice

(81)  How can you improve accuracy when scraping with OCR a region that contains only digits?       

          Use Google OCR with “Numbers Only” (√)

          Use Get Text for the field in the Citrix Window

          Make sure the background is dark


Click Image

Single choice

(82)  What does the "Accuracy" property describes in "Click Image" Activity?

      Percent unit (0, 100] of the minimum similarity between the image found and the image you are searching for

    “Click Image” does not have such a property

    Minimum Similarities in [0..1] percentage units for an image to be returned as a match(√)

Click OCR Text activity

Single choice

(83)  What method would be more reliable when clicking on a specific text label in an application running in a Citrix environment, given the fact that its font size might be easily changed?

          Using the Click Image activity.

          It can’t be done if its size fluctuates.

          Using the Click OCR Text activity. (√)

Clipping Region

Single choice

(84)  Is Reset Clipping Region mandatory to be executed at the end of a scrape relative sequence?

          Yes, because Clipping Region is a shared resource. (√)

          No, for the next actions we can use other Clipping Regions.

Lesson 8 - Advanced Citrix Automation

Single choice

(85)  How can we make sure that an app is in a certain state in a Citrix environment?

          By making use of the WaitForReady property.

          By checking the UI element’s attributes.

          By waiting for certain UI elements to appear or disappear and making decisions based on  that.(√)

Single choice

(86)  How can the robot pass a variable argument when opening an application in Citrix (eg: a web address for a browser)?

With an Open Application activity Setting the argument to the shortcut on the desktop

In the command prompt, type in the path to the application and the argument

Cannot be done (√)


Click OCR Text

Click Image activity

Multiple Choice

(87)  If a Click Image activity was created with an image of an icon, and meanwhile that icon becomes highlighted, will the activity still work?

        No, if the accuracy is too high. (√)

        Yes, the robot will always find it.

        Yes, if the clipping region avoids the background of the icon. (√)

Multiple Choice

(88)  Which of the following activities can be used to select an item in drop down list, in Citrix?   

          Click OCR Text (√) Click Image (√) Click Text          Select Item

Pick Branch activity

Single choice

(89)  Can a Pick Branch activity be used alone?

          No, it can only be added inside a Pick activity body. (√)

          Yes, for example, inside a Then/Else section of an If activity.

Find Image activity

Send Hotkey activity

Multiple Choice

(90)  How can you start an application within a Citrix environment?

Using a Open Application activity

Using a Start Process activity

Defining a shortcut key and then triggering the app with a Send Hotkey activity (√)

Double clicking the application icon on the desktop (√)

Type Into activity

Multiple Choice

(91)  Imagine you have to use a Type Into activity in an element that loads slowly. Will it be a good idea to add some delays before executing Type Into?

          Yes, it’ll give the robot some time and when the element is loaded it can carry on typing.

          No, this solution is not reliable because sometimes the loading time can take more than the delay time. (√)

        Yes, use On image appear and start typing only after the trigger happens. (√)

keyboard commands/hotkeys

Single choice

(92)  What is the EASIEST navigation method to be used in a form within Citrix?

          By sending keyboard commands/hotkeys (√)

          By using Click relative to image

          By using Click with fixed coordinates

Lesson 9 - Excel & Data Tables


Excel Read Range activity

Single choice

(93)  What happens if you use the Excel Read Range activity to read a .xlsx file that is already opened?

          It will read an empty document.

          It will read the document successfully. (√)

          It will throw an error.

Single choice

(94)  What happens if the AddHeaders option is checked for Read Range Activity?

          The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column names(√)

          An exception is thrown

          A new row is added to the excel sheet Nothing happens

Single choice

(95)  What activity should you use to read all the data from a .xlsx file?

          Workbook Read Cell

          Excel Read Range (√)

          Workbook Read Range

          Excel Read Cell

Single choice

(96)  You need to read from an Excel sheet and you don’t know the range. What do you write in the “Range” property of the Read Range Activity?

        Write just the end cell

        Write an empty string (√) 

        It’s impossible, you have to specify the range

        Write some random range

Single choice

(97)  What activity can be used to read an entire sheet from a excel file?

          Write CSV    Read Range(√)    Get Table Range      Read Cell

Generate Data Table

Single choice

(98)  What activity can you use to create a DataTable from an input string?

          Generate Data Table(√)  Output Data Table        Build Data Table

Read Cell activity

Multiple Choice

(99)  How do you specify the Excel file to read from, in a Read Cell activity?

          You have to manually open the workbook

          In the WorkbookPath property, provide a relative path, if the workbook is in the project folder (√)

          In the WorkbookPath property, provide the full path of the workbook (√)

Excel Write Cell

Single choice

(100)  What activity you should use if you want to calculate a sum into a cell using Excel formulas?

    Excel Write Cell  (√) Workbook Write Cell    Excel Write Range    Workbook Write Range

Write Range activity

Single choice

(101)  What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exist?

            It will create that file for you and write the data in it. (√)

            It will continue the execution without writing the data.

            It will throw an error.

Append Range

Multiple Choice

(102)  What activity should you use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document?

            Excel Write Cell

            Workbook Append Range (√)

            Workbook Write Range

            Excel Append Range (√)

Excel Sort data table activity

Single choice

(103)  If you need to sort a table from an .xlsx file, what should you use?

            An Excel Get Table Range activity.      You cannot sort a table.

            An Excel Sort data table activity. (√)  A Workbook Sort Table activity.

For Each Row

Single choice

(104)  In order to loop through all the rows of a datatable, which activity should be used?

            For Each Row (√) Do While    While    For Each

Filter Data Table


DataTable.Rows As DataRowCollection.IndexOf(row As DataRow)As Integer

eg. inputsTable.Rows.IndexOf(row) + 1

参照foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) 仿写"DT.Rows in rowIndex"



Lesson 10 - PDF


Read PDF Text activity

Single choice

(105)  How can a robot read only the first page of a PDF file, using the PDF activities?

            Set the Range property to: 1

          Set the Range property to: “all”

            Set the Range property to: “1” (√)

Read PDF with OCR activity

Multiple Choice

(106)  The Read PDF with OCR activity will throw an error if the following is not specified:

            The Text property.

            The FileName  property.(√)

            The Password property.

            The OCR Engine that is to be used.(√)

Multiple Choice

(107)  Which of the following statements regarding the Read PDF with OCR activity are true?

            It can use different OCR engines (Microsoft, Google) (√)

            It works with native .pdf files (√)

            None of the options

            It allows you to specify the range of pages to be read (√)

Single choice

(108)  Will the Read PDF with OCR activity open the PDF document on the screen in order to read it? 

            Yes          No(√)

Single choice

(109)  If the PDF contains both images and native text, what activity should you use to read all the text from it?

            Read PDF Text    Read Image    Read PDF with OCR(√)  Get Text

Multiple Choice

(110)  Which of the following methods can be used for reading text from a native .pdf document?

            Read PDF Text activity (√)

            Ui Automation (open .pdf document in Adobe Acrobat Reader, then Get Text) (√)

            Read PDF with OCR activity (√)

Get Text

Single choice

(111)  Which of the following activities requires the PDF file to be opened with Acrobat Reader in order to read it?

          Read Image      Read PDF Text      Get Text (√)    Read PDF with OCR

Single choice

(112)  If you want to extract specific information from multiple native PDF files with the same structure, what activity should you use?

Get Text (√)      Read PDF with OCR              There is no activity for this        Get Text with OCR

Single choice

(113)  If you want to extract specific information from a series of PDF files with a similar structure but the workflow only works for one file of the series, what should you investigate? 

        The ContinueOnError property.

        None of the options

        The TimeoutMS property.

        The Selector property. (√)

Single choice

(114)  If the PDF activities are not listed in your Activities Panel, how can you get them?

            By going to the Output panel.

            By finding them in the Library tab.

            By installing them using the Manage Packages feature.Single choice(√)

Single choice

(115)  What is the easiest way to get the invoice number from a native PDF file?

          Use Read PDF Text and get the value using string manipulation

          Use Read PDF with OCR and get the value using string manipulation

          Open the PDF with Acrobat and scrape only relevant information (√)

Multiple Choice

(116)  How can you specify the location of a PDF file?

            As a full path to the PDF (√) As a relative path (√) As a path to the workflow (×)

Multiple Choice

(117)  We have a native PDF invoice and we need to read the amount in USD next to the label AMOUNT. What methods can we apply to get the desired value?

A. Open the file in Acrobat Reader or any other compatible PDF reader and use Anchor Base with the label as an anchor (√)

B. Use a Read PDF Text activity and then use the required String manipulation methods to retrieve only the amount (√)

C. Use the Get Text activity with a reliable selector (if available) in order to only retrieve the amount from the PDF file (√)

Lesson 11 - E-mail Automation


Get Outlook Mail Messages activity

Single choice

(118)  Which of the following properties are found in the Get Outlook Mail Messages activity?     

            Password        Port          Server        MailFolder (√)

Send Outlook Mail Message activity

Single choice

(119)  The Send Outlook Mail Message activity will work without having Microsoft Outlook installed:

            False (√)    True

Single choice

(120)  What activity can you use to send an email without entering the username and password of the email account?

            Send Exchange Mail Message

            Send Outlook Mail Message (√)

            Send SMTP Mail Message

Save Mail Message activity

Single choice

(121)  What is the output of the Save Mail Message activity?

            None of the options.

            It saves a .eml file.(√)

            It saves a .pst file.

            It saves a .msg file.

Get Outlook Mail Message activity

Single choice

(122)  Will The Get Outlook Mail Message activity delete the emails from the account after it reads them?

            Yes          No (√)

Single choice

(123)  If you want to get only filtered MailMessage variables, what activity should you use?

            Get Exchange Mail Messages (×)

            Get POP3 Mail Messages

            Get IMAP mail messages

            Get Outlook mail messages (√)

For Each activity

TypeArgument property

Single choice

(124)  If you are using the For Each activity to loop through a list of MailMessage variables, what should you set the TypeArgument property to?


System.Net.Mail.MailMessage (√)

send an email message

Multiple Choice

(125)  What activities can you use to send an email message?

            Send IMAP Mail Message.

            Send Outlook Mail Message. (√)

            Send SMTP Mail Message. (√)

variable type

Single choice

(126)  What is the supported variable type in the Output property field of all Get Mail activities (POP3, IMAP, Outlook, Exchange)?

            List (Generic)    Generic      MailMessage      List (MailMessage) (√)

Visual Basic property

Single choice

(127)  Which Visual Basic property within the MailMessage class will you use to get the Date of an email?

Date            the Date cannot be retrieved

Headers(“Date”) (√)          Attachments

Lesson 12 - Debugging and Exception Handling


Try/Catch activity

Single choice

(128)  The Finally block of a Try/Catch activity is executed when:

            The activities in the Catch block are executed and had errors.

            The activities in the Try block are executed and had errors.

            Every time, regardless if an exception occurred or not.(√)

      The activities in the Try block are executed with no error.

Single choice

(129)  What can you use to make sure that the execution continues even if an activity fails?

            DelayAfter property    Throw activity    Try/Catch activity (√) TimeoutMS property

Single choice

(130)  How many Catches can you have in a Try/Catch block?



            There is no limit on the number of catches. (√)


Click activity

Single choice

(131)  What is the most effective way to handle the click on a UI Element that is not always available?

          By using an Element Exists activity and then a Click activity.

          By placing the Click activity inside a Try/Catch block. (√)

          By setting the ContinueOnError property of the Click activity to True.

Single choice

(132)  What happens if you put a Breakpoint on a Click activity and start the workflow in Debug mode?

            The workflow will be paused until you click the Continue button. (√)

            The workflow will throw an error when it reaches that activity.

            The workflow will be paused for 5 seconds when it reaches that activity.

            You can only put a Breakpoint on a Break activity.

Wait Element Vanish

Single choice

(133)  If you need to stop the workflow until a UI Element has disappeared from the screen, what activity should you use?

            Element Exists        Find Relative Element      Wait Element Vanish (√) Find Element

Element Exists

Single choice

(134)  If you need to know if a UI Element is available on the screen or not, what activity should you use?

      Find Element          Element Exists (√)    Wait Element Vanish


Multiple Choice

(135)  When running a workflow how can you see the steps the workflow is executing?

          Using Debug and inspecting the Output panel (√)

          Using Debug with Highlight Activities option (√)

          Using Run and inspecting the Properties panel

Single choice

(136)  What does the Locals panel display when you are working in Debug mode?

            All the activities inside the workflow.

            There is no Locals panel.

            The current values of your variables. (√)

            The logs of the workflow.

Lesson 13 - Project Organization


Single choice

(137)  What is the recommended layout for sequential activities?

      Sequence (√) Decision    Flowchart    For each

Single choice

(138)  What is the recommended layout for a sequence of UI interactions?

            Flowchart    Decision    Sequence  (√)


Single choice

(139)  What is the recommended layout to define business logic in a complex process automation?

            Flowchart (√) Sequence    For each    Decision



Invoke Workflow File activity

Single choice

(140)  How can you trigger another workflow from within your current one?

            By using the Open Application activity.

            By using the Invoke Method activity.

            By using the Invoke Workflow File activity. (√)

            You cannot trigger another workflow.

Single choice

(141)  What activity is used to chain together multiple workflows in a single automation?

            Open Application

            Sequence activity

            Flowchart activity

            Invoke Workflow File activity (√)

Multiple Choice

(142)  What can you use to add more details about the process in the workflow itself?

            Adding activity annotations (√)

            The Comment Out activity

            The Use Flowchart activity

            The Comment activity (√)

local desktop application

Multiple Choice

(143)  As a best practice, how should workflows use a local desktop application?

            A. By opening the application using the Click Image activity on the application’s desktop shortcut.

            B. By checking if the corresponding process is running and if not, opening the application by using the Open Application activity. (√)

            C. By using selectors to interact with the application. (√)

            D. By closing the application once it’s no longer needed. (√)

Below parts are addtional excercises.

Lesson 2 - Variables Data Types& Control Flow

Multiple Choice(144)

Which of these are workflow types available in UiPath Studio?




Single choice(145)

When having multiple activities executing in a fixed sequential order, what kind of workflow should you use?

None of the options



State machine

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