
Previously on ...前情提要 

I have a proposition for you.  我有个提议 

if you can help me with a little access to the Sheriff's Department. 如果你能带我进


I want to be here for you.我想支持你 陪伴你

come clean 坦白交代            bring them to justice. 将他们绳之以法

That is the only way this can work. 只有这样我们之间才能继续下去

This is classified case 98 这是机密实验 编号98

an unidentified subject 一个未知物体  

 The acting director will oversee today's procedure and document all subsequent related discoveries in accordance with his jurisdiction. Catalogue every piece of it.

执行主管将会监督今天的流程,并依照他的管辖权 记录后续的相关发现,把每一部分都记下来

Commencing midline laparotomy. 开始中线剖腹手术.

There are five stages of grief.  Denial is first, but we're way past that.I haven't hit stage three yet.In fact, I might never get there.悲伤分为五个阶段,首先是否认 但我们早就经过了那个阶段,我还没走到第三阶段 ,可能永远都到不了.

rage feels a lot better than sadness. 愤怒比悲伤好受点

best friend. 挚友            It's my fuel. It's my armor.我的动力,我的铠甲

You stayed the night. 你留下来过夜了

Not on purpose. 本来没这打算的 

I planned on the late-night walk of no shame at all.  .我本来准备半夜离开的,

 But I think I may have been over-served.,但又觉得我可能想多了.

 ----I know this is a "any port in a storm" situation.我知道我对你来说就像“风暴中的任意一个港口”

----And you're just a scratching post for me, too,你对我也一样 

Copy you.懂了

I got to get to the office.我得去办公室了

bring in some suit to evaluate my mental fitness 带了些专人来评估我的精神状态.

take a bullet,中了一枪  ,   shoot his kneecap off,击中了他的膝盖

There is such a thing as too macho.这也太大男子主义了吧

So your hours are strictly 9:00 until whenever.你的上班时间是从九点到打烊

a local's bar 当地人常来的酒吧  

keep out. 阻止   

Renaissance Fair: 文艺复兴集会 一种在户外举办的周末集会 常以重现历史事件为主题

They are not innocent intergalactic ren-faire types, 他们不是什么参加文艺复兴集会的普通人

they're one stiff drink away from the worst kind of crazy: the alt-right conspiracy nutjobs and..I have a strong pour..喝上一杯烈酒就会原形毕露,变成另类右派的阴谋论家 而且我的酒很烈。

They've been hiding in... in plain sight.就躲在我们眼皮底下

That's my kind.她由我来管 

shipping crate 货箱

Look, I already gave my statement that night. 听着 我当晚已经录过口供了

We just want to know if things have clarified at all, 我们只是想确认一下有没有疏漏

Anyway. At what point did you call him?话说回来,你是什么时候给他打电话的/

He sensed you were in trouble and showed up? What a knight in shining armor. 一感觉到你出事就赶到了 ,还真是英雄救美啊

I was just passing through.我只是路过

That warehouse is surrounded by nada. 那个仓库周围荒无人烟

the open road. 开阔的大路 .

Not calling for backup? 不叫后援吗

You discharged an unregistered firearm 你缴下的是一把未登记的手枪

He executed a man, tried to barbecue a woman,and then put a hole in my arm.开枪打死了一个男人 准备烧死一个女人,还朝我的手臂开了一枪.

The shot was justified.我开枪是正当的

If you think of anything else...如果你想起来别的什么...

Didn't you... recently save her life?你不是才救了她一命吗

I just need a minute.听我说 一分钟就好

You should be locked up, period.你该去坐牢 没什么好说的了

I can't call attention to myself我不能引起他们的注意

So there is no justice.所以没有正义可言

 My sister dies a statistic and we're just another immigrant family that America will be better off without. 我姐姐的死无关痛痒 我们也不过是 另一个被美国社会排挤的移民家庭。

We never meant to make her into a villain.我们没想把她塑造成坏人

You know that. 你也知道

 keeps me up at night让我夜不能寐

had another blackout  又失忆了

It could escalate again.说不定事情只会恶化

that blood is on my hands.我的手上也会沾染鲜血

Mad scientist is a good look for you.你真适合“疯狂科学家”这个角色

You don't have your crutch.你没拄拐杖

I just... I needed a little time to get used to the new normal.我只是...需要点时间来适应

an excuse to avoid running sounds like a perk to me.我倒希望能找个借口不用四处奔波

I haven't really looked at my phone.我没怎么看手机

 I've just been really focused on my work.我真的是在认真工作

Look, Maria's too nice to say anything. 听我说 玛丽亚人太好 什么话都藏在心里

But I left nice back in the Middle East.但我早把善良这东西落在中东战场了

crappy friend. 糟糕的朋友

Since you've been home,have you two talked at all bout what's going on with her? 你回来之后 你们俩谈过她到底怎么了吗

I've been preoccupied.一直诸事缠身

It is easy to get caught up in your problems.很容易就会深陷其中

But sometimes, you got to be a human being, too. 但你有的时候也得当个正常人

l wasn't convinced either. 我原来也不相信,  bunker 基地

 You can be such a buzzkill.你真的很令人扫兴

 Can I get a jacket? -能给我拿件外套吗

Oh, I've been everywhere but here, but I'm back now.我去遍了小镇以外的地方 但现在回来了

Oh... stuff happens.有别的事

What's important is you're here now 重要的是你回来了 .

the drive-in 露天汽车影院\

Girl, you got hot. 姑娘 你越长越漂亮了.

What happened to "I can handle the truth"?你怎么不说“我可以面对现实”

"I am the protagonist of my own story, “我主宰着我的人生

it's just a matter of time 是迟早的事

an isolated event  一次意外

 no clue 根本不知道

I won't let there be a next time.我不会让你有第二次的

I wanted to be the fun friend.我想当圈子里那个有趣的朋友

before the reality show contestant sob story set in 悲伤的真人秀故事成为现实前

early-onset dementia 早发型痴呆症

--- What's the diagnosis?诊断书上怎么说

-----There isn't one.查不出病因  

I can't even count the number of  doctors that have not-so-subtly implied  that she's just faking all of this. 不知道有多少医生 明着暗着告诉我 ,这一切都是她装的。

doing the psychic thing. 帮人算命                    care facility 疗养院

We're doing just about anything for a buck ,so we don't lose the people we love. 我们只有想尽办法赚钱 ,才能不失去我们爱的人。

I'm not down for that yet. 我还没走/惨到那一步。

Let's give her a full-on  Mothers'  day. 让她体验一回母亲节。

greatest hits. 最棒的地方             burn her alive.烧死她

rustle up some milk shakes  搞来一些奶昔

I don't remember jack.我什么都不记得了

I had a few too many, I passed out in my truck 我那天喝多了 晕倒在车上。

The end.就这样           getting wasted   喝得烂醉

Do you really have that much hate in you?你真的这样怀恨在心吗

  Not until you tell me why. -在你告诉我原因前,休想,

I am not gonna play "good cop, bad cop" with you.我不想跟你搞红白脸那套

you're off duty and violating his rights.你现在不在执行公务 侵犯了他的权利

If you get your badge pulled,如果你被停职

write down your account of the evening.写下那晚的证词。

Do you need help sounding out the big words? 需要我提醒你作伪证 的后果吗

I really blacked it all out.我真的什么都不记得了

Yeah, that kind of sounds like me.确实听上去像是我会做的事

you'd have two murder charges on your hands.就会背负两项谋杀罪名

Honest.这是真心话                         Saturn's Ring 土星环

blue lives matter. 警察的生命很重要呢

Shatner's Special Shake, hold the cherry.沙特纳特制奶昔 加樱桃

I just need some air. I'll be right back我出去透透气,一会儿就回来。

You have a worried face. You didn't used to have that face.你看起来忧心忡忡。你以前不是这样的

come out to you 向你出柜

get some wheels.. 买辆汽车

skip a generation. 隔代遗传

Your aura.你给人的感觉

And I knew the very day that he learned too much.我知道就在那天 他知道的太多了。

And the pieces shattered.碎片散落一地

The other world creeps into us nd makes us ugly inside.另一个世界会潜入我们的身体,让我们的内心变得丑恶无比

Don't let it do to you what it did to your father. 它对你父亲下了手 你不要重蹈覆辙

Where did she run off to? -她去哪了 

You were about to say something about him.你刚要说他的事

he cheats on his wife, 他有外遇

This isn't a conversation, 我不是在和你闲谈

So get off my property.所以请离开这里                   grieve悼念

Pretty sure you two have been just fine figuring things out on your own, leaving me in the dark about my own life.你们俩背着我,自己想办法 ,不也好的很吗

We had no choice but to run him out of town,我们当时除了让他离开以外别无选择

We knew you would cave.我们知道你会屈从的

----That wasn't your decision to make.那也轮不到你们做决定

-------You weren't capable of making it.你就有能力做决定了吗

I have work to do.我有事先走了

 totally fine.好得很

How are you not angrier?你怎么不生气

If I was going through what you're going through, I would just want to break stuff all the time. 如果我经历了你所经历的,肯定会总是想摔东西。

I just...just try to be more like my mom.我只是想和我妈一样

Truth is, everything I like about myself I got from her.实际上 我身上的优点都是她遗传的

she just  raised me to love myself.是她教会了我接受自己

literally thought 真的以为

Now every day it's like a.piece of her just slips away.但现在每天..她仿佛在一点一点地消逝。

 I have full range of motion.我行动自如

take desk duty 做文书工作

Is this a bad time?现在不方便吗

instead of suffering in a coffin-sized cell.而不是在棺材大的牢房里受苦

I appreciate the effort, but please stay out of it. Out of our fight.我感谢你的关心,但请别插手,我和她之间的矛盾

it's not something I can explain to you. 我也不好解释

I couldn't deal with her lies anymore.我实在忍受不了她的谎言了

I figured she was staying here.我以为她住在这里

man 伙计          Splitting up.分居

That's not really the pep talk I came here for.我来不是想听你说这个的

And you treat her so well.你对她真的很好。

a little off with that take算的不太准           

I'm very attuned. 我算得很准的

I'm getting a little clarity.我看清楚了

A great set of legs.有一双美腿

 Tail to die for.迷死人的尾巴

a cute little snout可爱的鼻子

no peering into my future.不能帮我算命

I hate spoilers. -我讨厌剧透

you are up.轮到你了

read your aura 帮你占卜

Reality sucks.现实就是这么糟

Why drag her into any of it?为什么要把她扯进来呢

I was at the precipice of something.At a turning point. 我身处险境,站在人生的转折点。

I had a couple heartbreaks.And a few spectacularly epic romances.爱情让我心碎了几次,也让我体验了无与伦比的美妙

make churro pancakes 做煎饼

and any time I feel like I am slipping into a dark place, I confide in him, he help me find the light.感到迷茫无助的时候 我都会向他倾诉,他帮我找到了希望

You have a beautiful destiny.你的人生会很美好的/你有很好的归宿。

I took a page out of your book,and tried to channel all my romantic woes into work. 我接受了你的建议,试着将我感情生活的不顺转化为工作的动力。

Listen, you're gonna want to lay off him。 听着 你最好放过他

buddy  朋友                 self-defense.正当防卫

Oh, that's bull.一派胡言                      testify against him,出庭指控他

drive his charges up, 增加他的罪名

dig into your time on the force. 挖出你在军队服役的那段历史

Try to discredit you...让你丧失信誉...

my record is clean.我没有不良记录

They are not gonna come after you. 他们不会针对你

you've been making efforts to protect him你在尽力保护他,

As deputy, you're legally obligated to notify ICE if you suspect作为警官 在有所怀疑的情况下你有义务 ,通知移民局

there's no justice in the world, copy that. 世间没有正义 我知道了。

Everybody needs an escape sometimes.每个人都有需要逃避现实的时候

the rotten one 坏人             hunting you. 盯上了你

hoodie兜帽衫                Stuff you left at my place你落在我家的东西

Is this supposed to feel like a breakup? 这是要分手吗

but I feel like it's probably better if we don't scratch anymore.不过我觉得如果我们可以不再互相寻求安慰,可能更好

we're clear on that, 就这件事达成了共识。

I'm a little low on friends at the moment.我其实 最近没什么朋友

Random, but I'll bite. 问得很天马行空啊 不过我会回答的

Drunken dare on leave with my unit. 分队休假时喝醉了玩的大冒险

I feel like, bodies are a road map to our lives 我觉得身体就像记录我们人生轨迹的线路图\

Two birds, finally uncaged. 两只鸟 终于飞出了牢笼

In some ways,  从某种意义上说

Blew a whistle 触响了警报

 be locked up  入狱              doodle 随手画的,信手涂鸦

means something different  有了新的含义

I wish I had a better story. 我也希望我有故事可以讲

got trashed喝多了               scum 渣滓

Howdy. 你好啊

tear up the whole town 摧毁整个小镇        Assisted Living 疗养院

break free from her  摆脱她。 go ahead.你去吧

have an experiment in progress 在做一项实验

Are you going after him to threaten me? 你是打算利用他来威胁我吗

You have no idea the lengths I will go to to bring you to justice,no matter what fiery hell that might be.你根本不知道为了把你绳之以法,我会做到什么地步,不管那意味着什么。

a guy in traction一个做牵引治疗的人             a sack of garbage.垃圾

This isn't about him.这与他无关

What do you stand for?你到底什么立场

You were just talking about justice, but you're a hypocrite.你口口声声说要伸张正义 但自己是个伪君子

let the killer walk around planning brunches让罪犯逍遥法外

mute your powers削弱你们的能力

do the opposite of acetone.它的功效与丙酮相反

put bad people away.把坏人关起来             blackouts.失忆

Are we just supposed to sit down and wait for the next murder spree?难道我们应该袖手旁观 等着她再次大开杀戒吗

Something has to be done.我们必须采取行动

pour salt in a wound往伤口上撒盐

I shouldn't have thrown him in your face like that. 我不该跟你提他的

None of that matters to me.那些对我都不重要

We don't know anything.我们一无所知

start over.重新开始

We don't get to have lives anymore, okay? 我们不能再有正常生活了 好吗

We don't get to be with the people we want to be with. 也不能和我们爱的人在一起

The three of us, we only have each other. 我们三个只有彼此

The stakes.风险

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.我就不应该感到惊讶

As long as I'm blacking out, I am dangerous.我一失忆,就会给别人造成威胁

I have to be stopped.必须有人来阻止我

From now on,I make the decisions about my own life.从现在起,我要为自己的人生负责

'Cause as it turns out,you two suck at it.因为事实证明,你们俩做不好

temporary psych精神管制病房                     is it booze?是因为酗酒吗

Cut ties with all the lies 切断与所有谎言的联系

Icing over a secret pain 在隐秘的痛处上撒冰

He pulled some strings 他找人安排的

hold off on sth 别做某事             Put the past away放下过去

keep people from slipping away before their time. 在为时已晚前

This isn't how I want my mind to work, all rage and vengeance.我不想让自己满脑子都是愤怒和仇恨

keep working on the serum.继续研制血清

figure out a way  找到办法

You were right earlier. 之前你是对的

My sense of fairness and justice does not apply to my family. 我对公平和正义的理解 不适用于我的家人

Everyone's got to face down the demons  每个人都必须直面心魔

step back from that ledge悬崖勒马

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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 41,532评论 2 342
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 40,739评论 2 335
