CNN 外刊精读︱为何奥密克戎会加剧供应链困境

Here's how Omicron could make the supply chain mess worse



于今年11月初发现的新冠病毒变种奥密克戎(英文名:Omicron,编号:B.1.1.529,),已被世卫组织评估为全球范围内风险“非常高”的变种,可能在世界广泛传播。 2021年12月3日,据日本富士电视台消息,随着印度等国新增确诊病例的出现,变异新冠病毒奥密克戎毒株已波及全球32个国家和地区。目前日本和以色列已进入锁国状态。


Washington (CNN Business)  Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo is concerned the Omicron corona virus variant will exacerbate pressure on the already stressed-out global supply chain.

"It's way too soon to tell. But I do worry, because we know people are afraid to go to work,"Raimondo told CNN during an interview at her Washington office.

商务部长Gina Raimondo对奥密克戎冠状病毒变体会加剧已十分紧张的全球供应链形势表示担忧。


Raimondo pointed to the shortage of workers impacting a range of businesses in the United States.

"Some portion of that is people are afraid to go to work," Raimondo said. "In manufacturing facilities, people work in

person, close together. And there have been outbreaks. We've had problems in places where people work close."

Outbreaks from the Delta variant worsened supply chain turmoil earlier this year, causing computer chip and other factories to shut down,especially in Asia.




'Get vaccinated'                                                                                   


"I can't say enough times: Get vaccinated. If everybody would get vaccinated, it would help enormously," Raimondo said. "I'd be less worried if 95% of Americans were vaccinated, because it takes the guesswork out of it."

The Commerce Secretary conceded this is a global issue due to the intricate nature of supply chains, meaning outbreaks on the other side of the globe can cause higher prices and layoffs for US workers. For instance, new car prices spiked in October by the most since the 1970s because automakers couldn't get all the computer chips they need to build cars.

“我还是要说,要接种疫苗。如果每个人都接种,会有很大帮助。如果95%的美国人都接种了疫苗,我就不会这么担心了,因为可以减少无谓的猜测。”Raimondo 说。


Supply shock at the heart of inflation                                               


During a hearing on Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that officials were surprised by the extent and impact of supply bottlenecks sparked by Covid.

"What we missed about inflation is that we didn't predict the supply-side problems," Powell said, adding that those disruptions are unusual,non-linear and difficult to forecast.

联邦储备委员会主席Jerome Powell提到,在周二的一场听证会上,官员们对于因新冠引起的供应瓶颈的影响力和波及范围感到吃惊。


Although supply chains remain under stress, Biden officials have highlighted recent glimmers of hope.

White House pointed out that the number of container ships stuck on docks for nine days or more has declined by 41% since November 1, falling to 75,000. And on-the-shelf availability stands at 90%, down just one percentage point from February 2020, according to market research company IRI.



'People are still on edge'                                                                    


Supply chains are starting to"open up," agreed Joshua Bolten, CEO of Business Roundtable, an influential lobbying group comprised of top US executives. But it's happening "much more slowly than they would like. They are worried something like Omicron will cause backsliding,"he added, referring to member CEOs.

“供应链逐渐“打开”,但速度远未达到他们的预期。他们担心奥密克戎变异会引起倒退”。一家由美国顶尖高管组成的具影响力的游说团体“商务圆桌”首席执行官Joshua Bolten指出,“他们”指的是那些顶尖高管成员。

Meanwhile, on the consumer side,several factors have contributed to a sharp decline in sentiment including high inflation and elevated gas prices in addition to the supply chain. Americans also give the US economy poor marks in polls.

Raimondo, the former governor of Rhode Island, said she's not frustrated by the polls because they reflect the reality of the situation.



Every time we think we're past it,there's a new mask mandate. Every time we think we're on our way, a new variant comes out. That creates a level of uncertainty. And I know from being governor when people are feeling uncertain, that shows up in polls."

"All of this is temporary," Raimondo said, "but at the moment, it doesn't feel great."



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mess                              n. 肮脏,杂乱,困境,混乱局面

variant                            n. 变种,变形,变异

exacerbate                      v. 使加剧,使恶化,激怒

way too                            太…

portion                            n. 一部分

in person                        亲自,本人

outbreak                        n. (战争、疾病、暴力等的)爆发,突然发生

turmoil                            n. 混乱,骚动

vaccinate                        v. 接种疫苗

enormously                    adv. 非常地,极其,在极大程度上

guesswork                      n. 猜测;臆测

take…out of                    取出,除去

concede                          v. (不情愿地)承认;认(输),承认(失败)

intricate                          a. 错综复杂的;难理解的,难学会的

layoff                                n. 解雇,下岗

spike                                v. 用尖物刺穿

at the heart of                  位于…的中心,关键

hearing                              n. 听力,听觉;审讯,听证会

bottleneck                        n. 瓶颈;障碍物

spark                                  v. 引发,触发;产生火花;点燃

predict                              v. 预言,预测

disruption                        n. 扰乱,干扰

non-linear                        a. 非线性的,非直线的

under stress                    在压力下

highlight                            v. 突出,强调;用亮色突出

glimmer                            n. 微光;闪光;少许

on-the-shelf                    在书架上;束之高阁;被搁置的;闲置的

stand at                            达到,处于

on edge                            adv. 紧张,急切

influential                        a. 有影响力的,有势力的

lobbying                            a. 游说的

be comprised of              由…组成

backslide                          v./n. 倒退,堕落

sentiment                        n. 观点,看法,情绪;伤感情绪

consumer sentiment      消费者情绪,消费者信心

elevated                            a. 提高的

poll                                    n. 民意调查,民意测验;选举投票

frustrate                            v. 使懊恼,使沮丧,挫败

mandate                          n. 强制执行,授权,委托

optimism                          n. 乐观,乐观主义

temporary                        a. 暂时的,临时的,短暂的

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