1)Today we are going to continue our discussion of the parenting behaviors of birds and organism starts by talking about what known as distraction displays.Now if you were a bird and there is a predator around, what were you going to do?Well, for one thing,......you can try to attract as little attention as possible.Because if the predator doesn't know you there, it's ......each......
2)Now, why would you do that? Well,they do that to draw the predator away from their nests,away from their eggs or their young birds. And behaviors that birds engaging to distract ptedators are called distraction displays. And there were a number different kinds of distraction displays. Most of the time when birds are engaging in distraction displays.They are going to be pretending either their......or......exhausted.
3)One pretty common distraction display was called the broken wing display. And in the broken wing display, it slowly move away from nest.So it really looks like a bird with a broken wing.And these broken wing displays can be pretty convincing.
4)What is interesting is that birds have diffetent levels of performance of this distraction displays.They don't give their top performance......every time.What they do is they save their best performances:their most ......most risky displays for the time just before the baby birds becone able to take care of themselves.
5)Now a number of things happen when we all tale gets written down.First, the language changes.It becomes more former, more standard.Some might say less colorful.It's like the different thing. ......language depend on whether you are talking to someone or written a letter.Second, ......story is written down and a ...vision with a recognized author is created ...~the ......aspects gets lost.The tale ......community.It belongs to the world......speak.