Android matter编译chiptool app


  • java
  • Android sdk
    • api 26
  • android ndk
  • ninja(安装详细见后面问题)
  • kotlin(安装详细见后面问题)
  • 20G左右的磁盘空间


  • git clone
  • 完整教程


  • cd code/android/connectedhomeip
  • 执行source scripts/
    • 已有Android开发环境前提下
    • 按照说明文档调用脚本,编译本地库
    • 脚本会拉取所需第三方库,Setting up CIPD package manager<font color='red'>这一步需要1小时候左右</font>
    • 完整输出:
wuyifan@wuyifandeMac-mini connectedhomeip % source scripts/
为 'examples/common/QRCode/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'examples/common/m5stack-tft/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/boringssl/repo/src' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/bouffalolab/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/cirque/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/editline/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/freertos/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/imgui/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/30739A0' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/CYW930739M2EVB-01' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-include' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/cyw30739_sdk/repos/btsdk-tools' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/TARGET_CY8CKIT-062S2-43012' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/abstraction-rtos' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/anycloud-ota' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/bluetooth-freertos' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/btstack' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/clib-support' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/connectivity-utilities' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/core-lib' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/core-make' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/freertos' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/kv-store' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/lwip' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/mbedtls' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/mtb-hal-cat1' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/mtb-pdl-cat1' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/psoc6cm0p' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/recipe-make-cat1a' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/retarget-io' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/secure-sockets' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/serial-flash' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/whd-bsp-integration' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/wifi-connection-manager' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/wifi-host-driver' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/infineon/psoc6/psoc6_sdk/libs/wifi-mw-core' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/jsoncpp/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/libwebsockets/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mbed-mcu-boot/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mbed-os-cypress-capsense-button/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mbed-os-posix-socket/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mbed-os/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mbedtls/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mt793x_sdk/filogic' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mt793x_sdk/lwip' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/mt793x_sdk/mDNSResponder' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nanopb/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nlassert/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nlfaultinjection/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nlio/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nlunit-test/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/nxp/mw320_sdk/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/open-iot-sdk/sdk' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/open-iot-sdk/storage' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/openthread/ot-efr32' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/openthread/ot-ifx' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/openthread/ot-nxp' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/openthread/ot-qorvo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/openthread/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/ot-br-posix/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/pigweed/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/pybind11/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/qpg_sdk/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/silabs/gecko_sdk' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/silabs/matter_support' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/silabs/wiseconnect-wifi-bt-sdk' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/simw-top-mini/repo' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/ti_simplelink_sdk/repo_cc13xx_cc26xx' 同步子模组 url
为 'third_party/ti_simplelink_sdk/repo_cc32xx' 同步子模组 url


     ▄   █   ▄                                █     █
     ▀▀█████▀▀      ▄▀▀▀▄ ▄▀▀▀▄    ▄▀▀▀▀▄█  ▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀█▀▀   ▄▀▀▀▀▄    ▄▀▀
   ▀█▄       ▄█▀   █     █     █  █      █    █     █    █▄▄▄▄▄▄█  █   
     ▀█▄   ▄█▀     █     █     █  █      █    █     █    █         █   
  ▄██▀▀█   █▀▀██▄  █     █     █   ▀▄▄▄▄▀█    ▀▄▄   ▀▄▄   ▀▄▄▄▄▀   █   
 ▀▀    █   █    ▀▀

  BOOTSTRAP! Bootstrap may take a few minutes; please be patient.

Downloading and installing packages into local source directory:

  Setting up CIPD package manager...done (63m57.2s)
  Setting up Python environment.....done (10m9.0s)
  Setting up pw packages............skipped (0.1s)
  Setting up Host tools.............done (0.1s)

Activating environment (setting environment variables):

  Setting environment variables for CIPD package manager...done
  Setting environment variables for Python environment.....done
  Setting environment variables for pw packages............skipped
  Setting environment variables for Host tools.............done

Checking the environment:

20230406 15:51:52 WRN Current uname (21.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:29 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64) does not match Bootstrap uname (21.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:29 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64), you may need to rerun bootstrap on this system
20230406 15:51:52 INF Environment passes all checks!

Environment looks good, you are ready to go!

To reactivate this environment in the future, run this in your 

  source ./

To deactivate this environment, run this:


  • 执行./scripts/build/ --target android-arm64-chip-tool build
  • 安装adb install out/android-arm64-chip-tool/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
  • android studio运行构建
    • 打开/out/android-arm64-chip-tool/lib/build/chip/java/tests/
    • 复制child_jar.jar到chiptool项目libs目录,重新构建项目
    • 运行



需要Android sdk、ndk,以及python环境

export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.4.7075529
export JAVA_HOME=/Applications/Android\


fatal: 无法访问 '':HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly before end of the underlying stream
fatal: 无法克隆 '' 到子模组路径 '/Users/wuyifan/code/android/connectedhomeip/third_party/qpg_sdk/repo'
克隆 'third_party/qpg_sdk/repo' 失败。按计划重试

fatal: 无法克隆 'xxx' 到子模组路径 'xxx',可以手动克隆到对应目录

git clone /Users/wuyifan/code/android/connectedhomeip/third_party/qpg_sdk/repo

Setting up CIPD package manager...出现python报错

  • TimeoutError: [Errno 60] Operation timed out
  • socket.gaierror: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known


提示which was not found.

ERROR at //third_party/nlio/ Source file not found.
source_set("nlio") {
The target:
has a source file:
which was not found.
ERROR at //third_party/nlio/ Source file not found.
source_set("nlio") {
The target:
has a source file:
which was not found.
ERROR at //third_party/nlunit-test/ Source file not found.
static_library("nlunit-test") {
The target:
has a source file:
which was not found.
ERROR at //third_party/nlunit-test/ Source file not found.
static_library("nlunit-test") {
The target:
has a source file:
which was not found.

还有库没有下载,github搜索后git clone./third_party/指定目录

提示WARNING ninja: error: loading '': No such file or directory


提示kotlinc: command not found

  • 安装kotlin
brew install kotlin



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