
Our days on earth are numbered, according to Professor Stephen Hawking.

The world-famous physicist has 

be numbered 屈指可数,数量有限;

Others note that with rapid increases in tele-photography and the science of acoustics(声学), the days of privacy(隐私) are numbered.


Suddenly, Klay almost bump into a great stone rise up in front of him.

bump into 无意间的遇到、碰到、不期而遇

draw a blank 脑中一片空白


The ultimate triumph: President Trump

Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States, CNN projects, a historic victory for outsiders that represents a stunning repudiation of Washington's political establishment. 

The billionaire real estate magnate and former reality star needed an almost perfect run through the swing states -- and he got it, winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida.

The Republican swept to victory over Hillary Clinton in the ultimate triumph for a campaign that repeatedly shattered the conventions of politics to pull off a remarkable upset. Clinton conceded to Trump in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Speaking at a victory party in New York, Trump was gracious toward Clinton and called for unity.

"We owe (Clinton) a very major debt of gratitude to her for her service to our country," Trump said. "I say it is time for us to come together as one united people."

ultimate 美 ['ʌltəmət] adj.最终的;极限的;根本的 n.终极;根本;基本原则『ulter-, 词源同ultra-,那边的,-im, 最高级后缀,词源同prime, extreme. 引申词义最那边的,最终的。』

triumph ['traɪʌmf] n.胜利,凯旋;欢欣 vi.获得胜利,成功 

project 预计是、大概是、很可能是

historic victory 历史性的胜利

repudiation n.否认,拒绝;抛弃,断绝关系

It is in fact, a repudiation of the very goals he has established.

magnate ['mæɡnet] n.巨头;大资本家;要人;富豪;……大王

sweep [swip] vt.扫除;猛拉;掸去 vi.扫,打扫;席卷;扫视;袭击 n.打扫,扫除;范围;全胜

shatter ['ʃætə] vt.粉碎;打碎;破坏;破掉;使散开 vi.粉碎;损坏;落叶 n.碎片;乱七八糟的状态

One year ago today, a quite peaceful town was shattered by unspeakable violence. 

pull off 赢下,脱下,努力实现

concede [kən'sid] vt.承认;退让;给予,容许 vi.让步『con-, 强调。-cede, 走,离开,词源同accede, cease.即让步的,承认的。』

He concede that the train engineer has failed to fully secure the brakes.

gracious ['greɪʃəs] adj.亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的 int.天哪;哎呀『grace [greɪs] 优雅,恩宠』


we don't have to fell stuck anywhere. 我们不会在任何地方感到束手无策。

stuck adj. 被卡住的,不能动的。(来源stick n.棍棒,v.粘贴)

once on Mars, you are likely to be stuck there for year or more. 一旦在火星上,你有可能被困一年或更长时间。

And Freud(弗洛伊德) believed as well, that if you have problem and certain stage, if something goes wrong, you will be stuck there.

stay in touch/ keep in touch/ keep in contact 保持联系


Apple has now added China's Alipay as a payment method for iTunes.

According to local reports, Apple's latest iOS 10.1.1 update quietly added Alibaba's digital wallet to its payment options.

This means users will be able to pay for apps, movies and music all with their Alipay accounts.

The move comes after it was revealed China's now the world's largest iOS app spender, overtaking the U.S., which had held on to the number one spot for years.

Until now, most people in China would have added their China UnionPay credit cards to their iTunes account, but with Alipay having the virtual monopoly over China's digital payments, it's clear that Apple is hoping to make it even easier for people to spend some cash on the App Store.


come after 随...到来

reveal vt.显示;透露;揭露;泄露 n.揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧

Youth unemployment now tops one million it revealed on November 16th.

overtake 超过

Chinese tourists have  overtaken Germans and Americans as the world's biggest spending travellers.

spot 地点、发现

virtual 实际上的

monopoly 美 [mə'nɑpəli] n.垄断;垄断者;专卖权 『mono-,单个的,-poly,卖』

A number of new industries are set to face anti-monopoly investigation here in China.


trait 英 [treɪt; treɪ] n.特性,特点;品质;少许

indicative [ɪn'dɪkətɪv] adj.象征的;指示的;表示…的

disorder 病症 n.混乱;骚乱vt.使失调;扰乱

parallel 英 ['pærəlel] n.平行线;对比 vt.使…与…平行 adj.平行的;类似的,相同的

be parallel to sth. 

in parallel (with) 与...相平行/同时...

The researchers say the traits indicative the both disorders parallel to each other.

The book said in 1887 which draws parallel with Britain today.

congenial [kən'dʒinɪəl] adj.意气相投的;宜人的;性格相似的;适意的;一致的

Engineers find congenial, because they have aware of think constructively about the world, that it is a kind of parallel to find it.

in your dreams: 没门/不可能,你就想吧。there is no way to sth.


arm 部门 n.手臂;武器;袖子;装备;部门。

potentially 美 [pə'tɛnʃəli] adv.可能地,潜在地.

virtual 美 ['vɝtʃuəl] adj.[计] 虚拟的;实质上的,事实上的(但未在名义上或正式获承认)

backend n.后端

incubator 美 ['ɪŋkjubetɚ] n.[禽] 孵卵器;[儿科] 保温箱;早产儿保育器;细菌培养器 {incubate 美 ['ɪŋkjubet] 孵化,培养细菌 in-,进入,使,在上面,-cub,躺,词源同cubicle,succumb.即躺在上面,引申词义孵化,培养。}  


I'm hoping you all will come up with some innovative solutions.

innovative ['ɪnəvetɪv] adj.革新的,创新的 {-nov,新的,词源同new.引申词义创新。}

a basket case 精神紧张而难于应付场面的人。


strategic [strə'tidʒɪk]  adj.战略上的,战略的  来自 strategy,战略,策略,-ic,形容词后缀。

convince [kən'vɪns] vt.说服;使确信,使信服

skeptical ['skɛptɪkl] adj.怀疑的;怀疑论的,不可知论的 1、skept- + -ical.  2、以审视的眼光去看待问题、看待各种事物/现象,也就是以怀疑的眼光、态度去看待问题、看待各种事物/现象。

second coming of ... 步...的后尘

opening bell 开盘

I'm convinced that == I'm sure that


Advice about which plans are compatible is sometime based more on tradition than proof.  

There can be changes in your body that are compatible with it still be the same body.

compatible [kəmˈpætəbəl] adj.  兼容的,相容的; 和谐的,协调的; [生物学]亲和的; 可以并存的,能共处的;

controversial [ˌkɑntrəˈvɜrʃl] adj.  有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的; 好争论的;

miss the point: you don't understand sth. 没有抓住要领;没有掌握。


laureate [ˈlɔriət] n.  资金[荣誉]获得者;

honor 英美发音不同。英:污呐;美:哦那儿。

legendary [ˈledʒənderi] adj.  传说的; 传奇的; 极其著名的;

legend [ˈlɛdʒənd] n.  传说; 传奇人物; 铭文; 图例;

permanent [ˈpɜrmənənt] adj.  永久(性)的,永恒的,不变的,耐久的,持久的,经久的; 稳定的; 常务的,常设的; permanent member 常任理事国。

mum [mʌm] adj.  沉默的,无言的; n.  妈妈; 沉默; 菊花; 烈性啤酒;

prompt 美 [prɑmpt] adj.  敏捷的; 迅速的; 立刻的; 准时的; v.  促使; 导致; 鼓励; 提示; n.  激励; 提示符; 提词; 提示; adv.  准时地;

arrogant [ˈærəɡənt] adj.  傲慢的,自大的; 带有傲慢,出自傲慢; 骄慢; 骄;

elusive [ɪˈlusɪv] adj.  难以捉摸的; 不易记住的; 逃避的; 难以找到的;


schedule 美 [ˈskedʒul] 日程表 (s-chedule, s-车堵了)

flexible [ˈflɛksəbəl] adj.  灵活的; 易弯曲的; 柔韧的; 易被说服的;

It is a business to get into with schedule of flexible. 那是个时间表很灵活的工作

Despite all the layers, the suit (宇航服) is flexible allowing free movement, so we can work. 尽管宇航服有很多层*

scratch [医]抓伤,抓破,搔、抓、抓痕;

start from scratch 白手起家、从头开始

scratch their head 绞尽脑汁

One guy said the secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching, so don't quit trying just because your trying times are hard. 有人说,成功的秘诀就是从零开始并且不懈努力,所以不要仅仅因为尝试的过程艰辛就轻言放弃了。


premiere  n.  首映; vi.&vt.  初次公演,首次露面; adj.  首要的,至上的; The premiere of a movie.

英 [ˈpremieə(r)] (有儿化音)
美 [prɪˈmɪr]

recap  [riˈkæp]  vt.  翻新(轮胎)的胎面; vt.& vi.  扼要重述,概括; n.  胎面翻新的轮胎; 重述要点; <新闻>简明新闻; 

take a gamble on (n. v. 赌注/赌) 赌。。。事/冒险做。。

compelling [kəmˈpɛlɪŋ] adj.  引人入胜的; 扣人心弦的; 非常强烈的; 不可抗拒的;

compel [kəmˈpɛl] vt.  强迫,迫使; 强制发生,使不得不;

optimal 美 [ˈɑptɪməl] adj.  最佳的,最优的; 最理想的;

frontier 英 [ˈfrʌntɪə(r)] 美 [frʌnˈtɪr] n.  边疆,边境; 边界,边缘; 尚待开发的领域; adj.  边疆的,边界的; 新垦地的,边地的; 开拓的;

Better ideas are compelling, and the best ideas are at the optimal frontier. 

titillate  [ˈtɪtlˌet] vt.  使觉得痒; 挑逗; 使高兴; vi.  觉得痒; 被激发; 感到兴奋;

intrigue 美 [ˈɪnˌtriɡ, ɪnˈtriɡ] 阴谋论 vt.  以谋略达成; 激起…的好奇心; n.  密谋,阴谋; 私通,奸情; vi.  耍阴谋;


fascinating adj.  迷人的,有极大吸引力的; 使人神魂颠倒的; v.  使…陶醉(fascinate的ing形式);

fascinate vt.  使着迷; 使神魂颠倒; 蛊惑;  vi.  入迷;

the thing fascinated me was that we could see valleys.

intriguing adj.  有趣的; 迷人的;  v.  搞阴谋诡计(intrigue的现在分词); 激起…的好奇心;

intrigue n.  密谋,阴谋; 私通,奸情;  vi.  耍阴谋;  vt.  以谋略达成; 激起…的好奇心;

This intriguing book is both * and * .

keep your finger crossed. 祈求某种好事情的发生。

坑!同是 iPhone 7,速度差8倍! | E1029

and up with; 拥有的

differentiate vt.& vi.  区分,区别;

capacity n. 能力;容量;生产力;资格,地位;


confront   vt.  面对; 使面对面,使对质; 碰到,遇到; 比较;

confront sth.   面对sth.

confront sb. with sth.   把sth呈现在sb前;让sb面对sth.

sb. be confronted with sth. 面临sth.

keep your chin up  别灰心,保持斗志。

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