1. A good technique for getting students attention is to 'countdown'(eg. from 10 to 1)
2. 'Embellish your countdown with clear instructions so that students know what is expected and be prepared to modify it for different groups:
'Five, you should be finishing the sentence that you are writing
Three, excellent Marcus, a merit for being the first to give me your full attention
Two, quickly back to your places
One, all pens and pencils down now
Half, all looking this way
Zero, thank you.'
* Use rewards and praise to help you make it more and more effective
3. 最有效的方法是:表扬几个表现好的。最好捡坐在那个开小差学生周围的。这样可以引起他的注意,他肯定会立刻坐好,以期获得你的表扬。此法屡试不爽,尤其是对一二年级小学生)当然课后的单独谈话教育也是必不可少的。