#21天翻译挑战# 本期打卡1/10
12月4日,开始修改第一段,继续第二段,一个番茄钟过去了,第二段也没完成,想着一天一页的任务量,直接跟Zoe说想放弃, 可Zoe给予了充分的理解和鼓励,我鼓起勇气说不放弃,犹豫了再犹豫,当天晚上11:20坐到电脑前,重新开始,20分钟,光一个心理测试的专有名词就耗时15分钟,还是那两段,修改了,读,再改,再读……最终还是没敢发圈打卡。
1. 爱面子,担心自己翻译的不好且太少。爱面子是重视外部评价系统,虚体自恋,对内在的自我成长不利的。
2. 轻视目标,没有结合自身情况做合理真实的任务分解。想象着一天一页的翻译量对已经学了很多年英语的自己来说是小意思。
3. 害怕走出舒适区,用看懂大意即可来欺骗自己没有实现承诺的事实。
1. 接受自己翻译能力不足的事实。正是因为这样所以才需要训练,翻译中真字酌句是最基本的需求。
2. 每天一段也可以,万事开头难,别轻易给自己打退堂鼓,对于这种实际操作,直接行动即可,在行动中改,哪怕每天只有15分钟。
3. 三思而后行,未必完全正确,得看情况。因为关于很多事情的思考是在行动中不断触发及生长的。
As you’ll see when we get into Work Principles, I’ve developed a number of tools and techniques that help overcome that resistance, individually and across organizations. Instead of expecting yourself or others to change, I’ve found that it’s often most effective to acknowledge one’s weaknesses and create explicit guardrails against them. This is typically a faster and higher-probability path to success.
4.4 Find out what you and others are like.找到你和他人是什么样的人
Because of the biases with which we are wired, our self-assessments (and our assessments of others) tend to be highly inaccurate. Psychometric assessments are much more reliable. They are important in helping explore how people think during the hiring process and throughout employment. Though psychometric assessments cannot fully replace speaking with people and looking at their backgrounds and histories, they are far more powerful than traditional interviewing and screening methods. If I had to choose between just the assessments or just traditional job interviews to get at what people are like, I would choose the assessments. Fortunately, we don’t have to make that choice.
The four main assessments we use are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)1[A1] , the Workplace Personality Inventory, the Team Dimensions Profile, and Stratified Systems Theory.33 But we are constantly experimenting (for example, with the Big Five) so our mix will certainly change. Whatever the mix, they all convey people’s preferences for thinking and action. They also provide us with new attributes and terminologies that clarify and amplify those we had identified on our own. I will describe a few of them below. These descriptions are based on my own experiences and learnings, which are in many ways different from the official descriptions used by the assessment companies.