



just at the bottom.  就在底下 

I think you know something about it already. 


 You know what?  你知道么?  

Don't blame me , mate. 这可不怪我。 

You married her. She is married to you. 

There won't be any...  那可不会有。。。

 I can't afford it. 我付不起。 

That's just as well. 也就那样吧。 

You know who will be there? 


rob you blind 抢光了 

loads of... 一堆。。。 

move in pack. 成群结队。

 on one's own. 独自


【词链儿】I thought you were supposed to do...


I think you were supposed to take me to my flat.

I think you were supposed to go home earlier.

I think you were supposed to wear sweater in this cold days.

【词链儿】XXX years since the day we XX, and you've never once XX.


Seven years since the day we meet, and you've never once worn sweater in the winter.

Seven days since it's started to snow, and you've never once swiped the yard.

Seven hours since you write the article, and you've never once leave your seat.

【词链儿】I used to live in ... XX years ago


I used to live there seven years ago. It was a tranquil hamlet. And there were loads of ducks swimming in the river. I enjoyed its enchanting environment.

But now, the river reeks of dead fishes. And the mice move in packs. There won't be any fresh air like before. I can tell you don't like this too. I've made up my mind to change it. I learned that we're better together. When we put aside our differences and work as a team, we can make it happen. Then we can enjoy our golden years here.

【词链儿】You might be needing them again.


I want you to have this.

Thanks, I could borrow it from you later.

Maybe you'll be needing them again tomorrow.

It's so warm-heart of you. Seven years since the day we met each other, you've always taken good care of me.

That's all right.



My grandfather is on his golden years.


I thought you were supposed to cook today.

3. 以前我每天都来这儿吃饭。

We used to eat hear every day.

4. 我们在一起3年了,我一次都没对你撒过谎。

Three years since the day we were together, I have never told a lie to you.


He might be missing you right now.


A:Would you wanna buy some fruits?

B:I can't afford them.(买不起)

A:I think you were supposed to你是不是应该)see their price again.

B:I have noticed it, but it's too expensive. I used to live here 7 months ago(我七个月前曾经住在这儿). Its price only half of that.

A:Okay,that's just as well.(那也行) 7 yuan for one kilogram.

B:You are a completely(你纯粹是) cheater. I will not buy them here.

A:I can tell you(我能看出来)like the bananas. So how about 6 yuan for one kilogram?

B:Let's me see. I like that idea.I want to buyl oads of(一大堆)them,could you please take them to my flat?(带到我公寓)

A:You know what.(你说吧)I can't leave here. Or I would be robbed blind.(抢光) I can tell you're a completely mugger.(我能看出来你就是一个) And you move in packs.成群结队)I've called the police. They are just standing behind you. You are smart. But I've already gotten your photos on the board. The police told us to watch out.(告诉我们要当心)This is tranquil hamlet, but you have disrupted its peace. In all these 7 months, have you ever regretted your behavior.(这七个月你可曾反省过)Take your bananas, you might be needing them in your cell.(你待会儿在监狱可能用得上

B:I think you have known something about that already.(我以为你早就知道了呢)This man is one of us. Don't blame me, mate.(别怪我大兄弟)It's all your fault to reveal us.

(Boom. The robber shots at the fruit dealerat his head and runs away with packs of bananas.)


I used to live in a small village. We have little communication with the outer world. So, I had no idea what's the curry was several years ago. And I didn't feel this foreign food was for me.(我不觉得他们适合我)

I ate food with curry in the third year of my college in a Thai restaurant with a friend. They cooked the crab with curry. It's delicious. In all this three years, I have eaten beef curry several times(这三年啊。。。). I like the taste of curry. It tastes exactly like(尝起来就像) the feeling of an old city.

I have little knowledge of India. As far as I know it's a country with many Buddhists. It is densely populated with the population of about 1,324,000,000. It must be very crowded. I've been told that there are loads of(一大堆) robbers who move in packs(成群结队). They can rob you blind(抢光光) if you don't watch out. I can tell(我知道) it's dangerous to go here. But I still wanna go there if I can afford the fare. I think we are supposed(我们是不是应该) to make enough preparetion for it instead of giving up the enjoyment. You know what. I like its culture of Buddhism. I would enjoy my experience in its temple sitting under one bo tree and finding inner peace during meditation. And of course, I will eat classic India food with curry. I could swipe my card(刷卡) instead of paying with cash to avoid the robber. And I will hole up(窝起来) in the hotel at night and so on. I will try my best to keep myself secure and enjoy the journey.

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