JUST SAY “YES, AND . . . ”---只需要是的而且---商业即兴7

IF A PERSON KNOWS just one thing about the techniques of improv, it’s probably two words: “Yes, and . . . ” This phrase describes the cornerstone philosophy of theatrical improvisation around the world.No matter the country or continent, no matter whether what’s being taught is short-form games, long-form theater, or classroom exercises,if people are improvising they’re using the concept of “Yes, and” (or si y, oui et, ja und, ye gwa in Spanish, French, German, and Korean).

如果一个人只知道即兴创作的一件事,那就大概是两个词:“是,和。。。”这句话描述了全世界戏剧即兴创作的基石哲学。无论是在国家还是大洲,无论教的是短式游戏,长篇戏剧或课堂练习,如果人们即兴表演, “是,和”(或西班牙语,法语,德语和朝鲜语的si,oui等,ja und ye gwa)的概念。

In this chapter we’ll take a look at what the “Yes, and . . . ” philosophy entails and how it can be applied practically and effectively to business. We’ll also look at a couple of key outgrowths of “Yes, and”:the importance of separating individual perspective from individual agenda, and the ways in which improvisational communication can boost the emotional intelligence of a workplace.


In the realm of comedic improvisation the phrase might actually be spoken aloud in the course of a scene. More importantly, though,each word in the phrase—whether actually spoken or silently implied—represents a key part of the team dynamic and mind-set that must be established between performers. “Yes” represents the unconditional acceptance of an idea that has been presented and established by another performer or a group of performers.


 “And” means that you take that expressed idea and build directly on it. What this means onstage is that if one performer says, “Wow, it’s hot in this kitchen,”the second performer does not say, “No, it isn’t—I’m freezing,” or“We’re not in the kitchen. We’re in a cruise ship bathroom.” Both of these statements deny, negate, and otherwise undermine the offer the first performer brought to the table. A “Yes, and . . . ” response might instead be, “Yes, it is hot. And the fact that I set the house on fire probably isn’t helping any.”


Onstage it’s crucial that everyone embrace “Yes, and . . . ” In fully improvised musicals for example performers are in a situation where an entire show is inspired by a single suggestion from the audience,and the comedy is going to grow from the series of split-second decisions the performers make about how to create a scene and how to move it forward, in real time. In order for the process of improvisation to work, there has to be mutual trust and understanding that everyone onstage has the same agenda in mind: to work together at peak intelligence as a team and create a process or product that entertains an audience.


 A violation of “Yes, and” means the scene crumbles, because a performer’s pursuit of a personal agenda (“Look at me—funny, funny me!”) negates what’s been built and doesn’t give the other performers in the scene anything to build on. The pure musical equivalent of a“Yes, and” violation would be something like a drummer in a jazz ensemble suddenly taking a wild, extended hard-rock drum solo in the middle of “My Funny Valentine” simply because he wanted to seize the chance to show off his chops in front of a paying crowd.


I like to refer to “Yes, and . . . ” as the “scarlet thread” of improvisation—the one element of the improvisational fabric that is always present and ties all other improv techniques together. As simple sounding as the phrase “Yes, and” may be, its practical applications can be varied and nuanced. On a comedy stage a troupe of eight improvisers is usually made up of eight individuals with very different comedic styles, educations, and backgrounds.


 The fact that they all work together by way of “Yes, and” does not mean they give up their distinctive approaches or all react and engage with each other in the same exact way. “Yes, and . . . ” really becomes more a philosophy than a prime directive, encouraging each performer to work toward a common goal while maintaining an individual intellectual and comedic perspective. 


In fact the common agenda is achieved on the strength of each individual perspective that supports it. Consequently there is a clear recognition that individual perspective is different from individual agenda.


Watching improvisers onstage, an audience doesn’t have to be aware that any particular philosophy is being embraced by the performers—the audience simply reacts to what’s funny, interesting, or impactful. “Yes, and . . . ” should be similarly invisible in a business setting; what is supposed to shine through is actual communication,not the usage of a communication technique. 


The real engine of “Yes,and” is simply respect. Whether onstage or in a boardroom, those who use a “Yes, and” approach are demonstrating respect for colleagues,respect for the idea that a group’s common goal takes precedence over any personal agenda, and respect for the process of communication and idea sharing. The yes of “Yes, and” is not supposed to be empty agreement. 


It’s not enough simply to say the word for the sake of saying it. On its own, “Yes” is an affirmation and acts as a conversation-stopper when no new information is brought into the mix. The authentic “Yes” in conjunction with the word “and” is a show of respect because it implies focus and concentration. 


A “Yes” that comes out of your mouth when your head has been speeding through an unrelated to-do list while a colleague is talking—that yes is meaningless.The point is to be present and in the moment. Your “Yes,” spoken or not, must carry the power of thoughtfulness and understanding.


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