Speaker: Jack Conte
Key words:艺术 变化 数字
Abstract:数字时代互联网的出现让艺术家与受众之间变得触手可及,也打破了沿袭一百年来传统的艺术产生金钱的模式,这个时代,艺术家应如何取得报酬呢?TED演讲者Jack Conte创立了一个Patroen会员网站来解决这个问题,让我们来听听他的思考和看法。
@TED:It's been a weird 100 years for artists and creators, says musician and entrepreneur Jack Conte. The traditional ways we've turned art into money (like record sales) have been broken by the internet, leaving musicians, writers and artists wondering how to make a living. With Patreon, Conte has created a way for artists on the internet to get paid by their fans. Could payment platforms like this change what it means to be an artist in the digital age?
Patreon website: https://www.patreon.com
a membership platform that makes it really easy for creators to get paid -- every month from their fans to earn a living. For a creator, it's like having a salary for being a creative person.
Comment:Patreon网站名称来源自patron( a person or organization that supports another) ,本质上还是利用粉丝经济,这个网站的出现让“凯文·凯利的一千个铁杆粉丝”理论得以更好地应用在现实中。Patreon网站的会员模式又有点像Kickstarter的众筹模式,设置了不周等级的patron class和会员服务。