
Using Sleep Analysis in HealthKit With Swift


作者:ANUSHK MITTAL,原文链接,原文日期:2016-06-18

Today, Sleep Revolution is a fad and users are curious than ever to not only know about the the time they’ve been asleep but also to analyze the data gathered over a period to reveal their sleeping trends. Advancements in technology including hardwares, and mobiles in particular have brought this seemingly ever-growing subject into a whole new light.


Apple provides a cool way to communicate with user’s personal health information in a secure manner and store the information securely through the built-in Health app. Not only can you use HealthKit to build a fitness app
, the framework also allows you access sleep analysis data.


In this tutorial, I will give you a quick introduction to the HealthKit framework, and demonstrate how you can build a simple app for sleep analysis.




The HealthKit framework provides a structure to save data in an encrypted database called the HealthKit store. You can access this database using the HKHealthStore class. Both iPhone and Apple Watch have their own HealthKit store. Health data is synced between Apple Watch and iPhone; however, old data is periodically purged from Apple Watch to save space. HealthKit and the Health app are unavailable on iPad.

HealthKit框架提供了一种结构来存储数据到被称为HealthKit store的加密数据库。你可以使用HKHealthStore类来访问这个数据库。iPhone和Apple Watch都有他们各自的HealthKit store。健康数据在Apple Watch和iPhone之间进行同步;然而,旧的数据会被定期清理以节省空间。HealthKit和Health应用均不支持iPad。

HealthKit is a powerful tool if you want to create an iOS or watchOS app based on health data. It is designed to manage data from a wide range of sources, automatically merging the data from different sources based on user’s preferences. Apps can also access the raw data for each source, and merge the data themselves. Not only for body measurements, fitness or nutrition, the data can also be used for sleep analysis.


For the rest of the article, I will show you how to make use of the HealthKit framework for saving and accessing sleep analysis data on iOS. The same methods are applicable for watchOS applications as well. Please note that the tutorial is written using Swift 2.0 and Xcode 7. So make sure you use Xcode 7 (or up) to follow the tutorial.

文章的剩下部分,我将向你展示如何利用HealthKit框架来保存和访问iOS上的睡眠数据。在watchOS上可以用相同的方法。请注意这篇指南是基于Swift 2.0和Xcode 7写作的。所以请您遵守指南使用Xcode7(或以上)版本。

Before moving on, download the starter project and unzip it. I have already created the user interface with basic functionalities for you. When you run the starter project, you will see a timer UI that shows the time elapsed after you push the start button.


Working with the HealthKit Framework


Our aim with the application is to save sleep analysis information and retrieve the data using the Start & Stop buttons. To use HealthKit, you must begin by granting the HealthKit capabilities to your app bundle. In your app project, navigate to your current target -> capabilities and turn on HealthKit.

我们应用的目标是使用StartStop按钮保存睡眠分析信息和获取数据。你必须在应用bundle中打开允许获取HealthKit的权限方可使用HealthKit。在你的应用项目,选择当前的target -> capabilities并且打开HealthKit。

Next, you will need to create an instance of HKHealthStore in the ViewController class using the following code:


let healthStore = HKHealthStore()

Later we will use the HKHealthStore instance to access the HealthKit store.

然后我们使用HKHealthStore实例访问HealthKit store。

As mentioned, HealthKit grants users control over their health data. So you have to first request users’ permission before you can gain access (write/read) to the Sleep Analysis data of the user. To do so, first import the built-in HealthKit framework and update the viewDidLoad method like this:


override func viewDidLoad() {
    let typestoRead = Set([
    let typestoShare = Set([
    self.healthStore.requestAuthorizationToShareTypes(typestoShare, readTypes: typestoRead) { (success, error) -> Void in
        if success == false {
            NSLog(" Display not allowed")

This code will prompt the user to allow or deny the requested permissions. With the completion block, you can handle success or error and get the final result. It is not necessary that the user grants your app all the requested permissions. You must handle the errors gracefully in your app.

这段代码可以提示用户允许或者拒绝权限请求。通过completion block,你可以处理success或者error信息并且得到最后的结果。并不需要用户获得所有的请求权限。你必须在应用优雅的处理错误信息。

But for testing purpose, you must have to select the “Allow” option to grant the app permission to access the health data on your device.


Writing Sleep Analysis Data


First, how can we retrieve the sleep analysis data? According to Apple’s documentation, each sleep analysis sample can have only one value. To represent the user being both in bed and asleep, HealthKit uses two or more samples with overlapping times. By comparing the start and end times of these samples, apps can calculate a number of secondary statistics:


  • the amount of time it takes for the user to fall asleep(用户睡着的时间)
  • the percentage of time in bed that the user actually sleeps(用户在床上真正睡眠时间所占的比例)
  • the number of times the user wakes up while still in bed(用户躺在床上醒来的次数)
  • the total amount of time spent both in bed and asleep(躺在床上和睡眠的总时间)

In brief, you follow the below approach to save sleep analysis data to the HealthKit store:

简而言之,你可以遵循下面方式来保存睡眠分析数据到HealthKit sotore

  1. We need to define two NSDate objects corresponding to the start time and the end time.(我们需要定义两个跨越开始时间和结束时间的NSDate对象)
  2. We then create an instance of HKObjectType using HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis.(下来我们使用HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis来创建HKObjectType实例)
  3. We need to create a new object of the HKCategorySample type. You normally use category samples to record sleep data. Individual samples represent time periods when the user is in bed or asleep. So we will create both an in-bed sample and an asleep sample with overlapping times.( 我们需要创建一个HKCategorySample类型。你通常需要使用category samples记录睡眠数据。用户可以个性化的展示躺在床上或者睡眠的时间段。所以我们将要创建躺在床上和睡眠的重叠时间。)
  4. Finally, we’ll save the object using saveObject of HKHealthStore.(最后我们需要使用HKHealthStoresaveObject来保存对象)

Editor’s note: For the type of the sample, you can look it up in HealthKit Constants Reference.

编者注: 对于样本的类型, 你可以在HealthKit Constants Reference里面查询.

If you translate the above into Swift, here is the code snippet to save sleep analysis data for both in bed and asleep values. Please insert the method in the ViewController class:


func saveSleepAnalysis() {
    // alarmTime and endTime are NSDate objects
    // alarmTime和endTime是NSDate对象
    if let sleepType = HKObjectType.categoryTypeForIdentifier(HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis) {
        // we create our new object we want to push in Health app
        let object = HKCategorySample(type:sleepType, value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.InBed.rawValue, startDate: self.alarmTime, endDate: self.endTime)
        // at the end, we save it
        healthStore.saveObject(object, withCompletion: { (success, error) -> Void in
            if error != nil {
                // something happened
            if success {
                print("My new data was saved in HealthKit")
            } else {
                // something happened again
        let object2 = HKCategorySample(type:sleepType, value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.Asleep.rawValue, startDate: self.alarmTime, endDate: self.endTime)
        healthStore.saveObject(object2, withCompletion: { (success, error) -> Void in
            if error != nil {
                // something happened
            if success {
                print("My new data (2) was saved in HealthKit")
            } else {
                // something happened again

This function can be called at the time we want to save the Sleep Analysis data to HealthKit.


Reading Sleep Analysis Data


To read the sleep analysis data, we will need to create a query. You should begin by defining the HKObjectType category to HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis. You may also want to use a predicate to filter the retrieved data using startDate and endDate which are NSDate objects corresponding to the time range that you may want to retrieve. You will also need to create a sortDescriptor for sorting the retrieved queries to select the desired result.


Your code for retrieving sleep analysis data should look like this:


func retrieveSleepAnalysis() {
    // first, we define the object type we want
    // 首先,我们定义我们想要的对象
    if let sleepType = HKObjectType.categoryTypeForIdentifier(HKCategoryTypeIdentifierSleepAnalysis) {
        // Use a sortDescriptor to get the recent data first
        // 首先使用一个sortDescriptos获取最近的数据
        let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: HKSampleSortIdentifierEndDate, ascending: false)
        // we create our query with a block completion to execute
        let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: sleepType, predicate: nil, limit: 30, sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor]) { (query, tmpResult, error) -> Void in
            if error != nil {
                // something happened
                // 某些情况
            if let result = tmpResult {
                // do something with my data
                for item in result {
                    if let sample = item as? HKCategorySample {
                        let value = (sample.value == HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.InBed.rawValue) ? "InBed" : "Asleep"
                        print("Healthkit sleep: \(sample.startDate) \(sample.endDate) - value: \(value)")
        // finally, we execute our query

This code queries the HealthKit to get all Sleep Analysis data and then sorts it down to descending order. Then each query is printed with the startDate and endDate along with the type of value i.e. In Bed or Asleep. I have set the limit to 30 to retrieve the last 30 recorded samples. You can also use the predicate method to choose your custom start and end dates.


App Testing

App 测试

For the demo application, I have used an NSTimer to show the time elapsed since you push the start button. The NSDate objects are created on the start and end buttons to save sleep analysis data as the elapsed time. In the stop action method, you can invoke the saveSleepAnalysis() and retrieveSleepAnalysis() methods to save and get the sleep data.


@IBAction func stop(sender: AnyObject) {
    endTime = NSDate()

In your apps, you may want to change the NSDate objects to choose relevant start and end times (probably different) for saving the in bed and asleep values.


Once you’ve made the changes, you can run the demo app and start the timer. Let it run for a few minutes and then tap the Stop button. After that, open the Health app. You’ll find the sleep data in there.


Some Advices for HealthKit Apps

对HealthKit 应用的一些建议

HealthKit is designed to provide a common platform for app developers to share and access user’s data easily and avoids any possible duplication or inconsistency in data. Apple review guidelines are very specific for apps using the HealthKit and requesting read/write permissions without a clear demonstration of their use might result in the app being rejected.


Apps that save fake or incorrect data to the Health App would also be rejected. This means, that you cannot be naïve with your algorithms for calculating different health values like sleep analysis in this tutorial. You should try using the inbuilt sensor data for reading and manipulating any parameters to avoid calculating false data.

应用保存无效或者错误的数据到Health App也可能会被拒绝。这就意味着,你不能像指南中的睡眠数据一样用你的算法计算不同的健康值。你应该尝试去读和操作内置的传感器数据,以避免错误的数据。

For the complete Xcode project, you can get it here.


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