DeepMind and London hospital focus AI on spotting eye diseases from scans
- Day1:地道表达:任务A(必做):1-5段;任务B(选做):全篇
- Day2:篇章分析:全篇逻辑分析
- Day3:语音任务:任务A(必做):第2段熟读/背诵;任务B:自选复述、背诵等段落
Day 1
- Google’s DeepMind has developed artificial intelligence to diagnose diseases by analysing medical images, in what could be the first significant application of AI in healthcare.
- (1)地道表达
* Google’s DeepMind:谷歌的一个研究机构
* artificial intelligence:AI的简称,人工智能
* develope sth to diagnose disease by:将某种技术通过某种方法创造性地应用于诊断,develope是“创造性、初创性”的词眼
* **the first significant application of A in B **:A在B领域的首次重大应用 - (2)篇章分析
* 本段引出人工智能在疾病诊断领域的应用,是为人工智能的一次重大意义上的现实应用。注意本段并没有提到“眼病”哦
* Who:DeepMind在做这件事情[好牛的样子哦,应该是某个高精尖]
* What:develope AI技术去诊病
* How:通过让AI分析医学图像的方式
* So?:这是AI领域非常先进的应用了哦~
* 预测:下面会写如何在这个领域实现应用(方式如何),优势如何,意义如何,在别的领域如何实现应用
- London-based DeepMind has crunched data from thousands of retinal scans to train an AI algorithm to detect signs of eye disease more quickly and efficiently than human specialists.
- (1)地道表达
* crunch data:处理数据
* retinal scans:视网膜扫描图
* AI algorithm:人工智能算法
* train an AI algorithm to sth:这里的train和上文的develope的用法一样,“发展、训练、锻炼、培养、延展”而得出某种新的技能
* detect:探测 - (2)篇章分析
* 本段写健康领域的更具体的眼科应用,并且将分析医学图像的前提基础明确——通过大量数据整合,形成科学算法——应该是原理吧,第一段所称分析让AI图像的原理
* Who:DeepMind 在London的base[原来他们说某个律所在某个地方有base是从这个表达来的啊]
* What:train AI算法去探测眼病图像
* How:整合处理大量图像数据(crunch date),提炼、归纳得出某种AI算法AI 特有的算法?其他计算机不能计算?AI特别在哪?
* So?:比人类专家更快更高效哦~(预测之一实现)
- Findings have been submitted to a medical journal by the company after “promising signs” from a two-year partnership with the National Health Service and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital, one of the best-known in the world for ophthalmology. The technology could enter clinical trials in a few years if results pass a peer review by academics.
- (1)地道表达
* medical journal:医学杂志
* enter clinical trials:进入临床应用
* peer review:同行评审?
* a two-year partnership with A and B:与A和B长达两年的齐心协作
* ophthalmology:眼科 - (2)篇章分析
* 本段写第二段的那个发现的目前进展,以及之后的预期——发表到杂志上了,是三方合力的结果;那学术领域取得了如此大的成就,下一步就是实践应用
* Who:DeepMind 在London的base,the National Health Service (伦敦国家卫生局)and London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital(伦敦Moorfields眼科医院,原文顺便提一句在眼科领域的权威性);
* What:给杂志提交了他们的研究发现
* How:经过整整两年的通力协作,并且特意之初其中一家在眼科这个领域里特别有名
* So?:结论已经发表了,下一步再小小前进( pass a peer review by academics. ),就可以应用于实践了
- “In areas like medical imaging, you can see we’re going to make really tremendous progress in the next couple of years with artificial intelligence,” Dominic King, clinical lead for DeepMind Health, told the Financial Times.
* clinical lead:临床主管(2)篇章分析
* 本段通过某一个受访人的视角处罚,夸口(没有负面含义)AI技术在其他地方的进步应用,也会取得巨大的进步了。
- DeepMind’s algorithm has been trained using anonymised 3D retinal scans provided by Moorfields and painstakingly labelled for signs of disease by doctors. The DeepMind division has now begun discussing clinical trials with hospitals including Moorfields.
* painstakingly:煞费苦心地
* labelled for signs of disease:标出疾病迹象
* division:部门,团队(2)篇章分析
* 本段:DeepMind的算法以Moorfields医院提供的匿名信息为训练素材,并且已经开始讨论临床应用了。
- Because the images provide rich data with millions of pixels of information, the algorithm can learn to analyse them for signs of three of the biggest eye diseases: glaucoma, diabetic reti’nopathy and age-related macular degeneration.
* pixels:像素
* glaucoma:青光眼
* diabetic reti’nopathy :糖尿病视网膜病变
* age-related macular degeneration:老年性黄斑退化
* ** learn to**:算法学习某种技能,拟人化啊(2)篇章分析
* 本段:图像提供数以十亿计的像素的丰富信息,这种算法已经可以学习分析他们去识别三大眼科疾病了:青光眼、糖尿病视网膜病变、老年性黄斑退化。
- Peng Tee Khaw, director of research and development at Moorfields, said: “I am optimistic that what we learn from this research will benefit people around the world and help put an end to avoidable sight loss.”
* avoidable sight loss:可以避免的失明
* research and development at Moorfields:某个机构的研究和发展部门(2)篇章分析
* 本段:某个领袖的意见:对未来的乐观
- The artificial intelligence is “generalised”, according to Dr King, meaning it can be applied to other kinds of images. DeepMind said the next stage would involve training the algorithm to analyse radiotherapy scans, through a partnership with University College London Hospitals, and mammograms, in partnership with Imperial College London.
* be applied to:被应用于
* involve: involve在此处是“投入”的意思
* radiotherapy scans:分析放疗扫描图
* mammograms:乳腺X光照片(2)篇章分析
* 本段:另一个领袖的意见:AI技术是普世的,这意味着可以被适用于其他图像分析。DeepMind 说下一步就是【train】这个算法去分析放疗扫描——通过和伦敦医院学院大学合作;乳腺X光照片——通过和伦敦皇家大学合作。