I have a piece of string which I stretch out in astraight line. I then take a thin red felt-tip pen and make a small mark in themiddle of the string.
Then I fold the string in half and again stretch itout, holding onto the fold and to the two ends. This time I make a small markin the middle of both strands of the folded string with a thin green pen.
Then I fold it in half again and make a small bluemark in the middle of each strand of the folded string.
Finally I fold it in half once more, and this timeI make a small purple mark in the middle of each strand of the folded string.
Now I unfold the string and stretch it back out toits full original length.
How many marks are there on the string in betweenthe two green marks?
A 6
B 7
C 8
D 9
E 12
F 13