survival of the fittest 适者生存
sb. makes as many mistakes as possible 能犯得问题都犯了
not so much 不仅仅
parthenogenesis 单性生殖
ovum 卵子
heritable quality 遗传物质
dissection 解刨
practise 这个词经常和医学用语连用
practise medicine行医
suture 缝
skull 头盖骨
amicable 友好的
reptile 爬行动物
sb knows nothing of.....
highly developed and specialized a species 高处不胜寒,找不到同类
he believes, incredibly, and unforgivably, that woman has fewer teeth than man. Apparently his relations with women were of the most amicable kind. (自行体会其中的幽默)