What is Moya ?
So the basic idea of Moya is that we want some network abstraction layer that sufficiently encapsulates actually calling Alamofire directly. It should be simple enough that common things are easy, but comprehensive enough that complicated things are also easy.
Link: https://github.com/Moya/Moya
Some awesome features of Moya:
- Compile-time checking for correct API endpoint accesses.
- Lets you define a clear usage of different endpoints with associated enum values.
- Treats test stubs as first-class citizens so unit testing is super-easy.
Default Configure
- MoyaProvider Default init
public init(endpointClosure: EndpointClosure = MoyaProvider.DefaultEndpointMapping,
requestClosure: RequestClosure = MoyaProvider.DefaultRequestMapping,
stubClosure: StubClosure = MoyaProvider.NeverStub,
manager: Manager = MoyaProvider<Target>.DefaultAlamofireManager(),
plugins: [PluginType] = []) {
self.endpointClosure = endpointClosure
self.requestClosure = requestClosure
self.stubClosure = stubClosure
self.manager = manager
self.plugins = plugins
- Default EndpointClosure
public final class func DefaultEndpointMapping(target: Target) -> Endpoint<Target> {
let url = target.baseURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(target.path).absoluteString
return Endpoint(URL: url, sampleResponseClosure: {.NetworkResponse(200, target.sampleData)}, method: target.method, parameters: target.parameters)
- Default RequestMapping
public final class func DefaultRequestMapping(endpoint: Endpoint<Target>, closure: NSURLRequest -> Void) {
return closure(endpoint.urlRequest)
- Default Manager
public final class func DefaultAlamofireManager() -> Manager {
let configuration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
configuration.HTTPAdditionalHeaders = Manager.defaultHTTPHeaders
let manager = Manager(configuration: configuration)
manager.startRequestsImmediately = false
return manager
Reference: Moya Docs