~Serious Spoiler Alart~
Tommy捡起Lizzie丢下的子弹,带着一身泥:Mother. They let you pass through. They wonldn't let me pass. As if there were to be another consequence. (又一次闭环了,呼应了~)
IRA女Laura McKee在Tommy办公室给他打电话(从他的抽屉拿了一个本子):Please be aware, Mr Shelby, that the deaths of your people are your own responsibility because you consistently fail to understand your own limitations. (关键词出现——Limitation;这里剪辑得超棒;Polly的离开很突然,很喜欢这里的处理方式,没有给任何多余的镜头,只是一个Polly Grey画像的定格。不过……唉,RIP Helen McCrory OBE)
然后然后……Tommy Shelby戒酒了!Tommy: I now realise that whisky is just fuel ofr the loud engines inside your head. (Sex, freedom and whisky sour, I guess Tommy gave up the last one first.)
这次二刷细看,Tommy的名片,Shelby Company LTD. International 分公司Birmingham, Boston, San Francisco, Shanghai。这里戒酒以后的Tommy三下五除二解决了酒吧里几个小混混:Before this goes any further, please let me explain. I will not drink your toast cos for years ago, I forswore alcohol.(No... Don't...吴宇森躺枪)Since I foreswore alcohol, I've become a calmer and more peaceful person. Sometimes, in moments of personal conflict I can resort to my old ways.
沉着冷静的Tommy真的太迷人了,被Michael带来的美国佬按着要念诗:I was angry with my friend/ I told my wrath, my wrath did end/ I was angry with my foe/ I told it not, my wrath did grow. (from the Posion Tree by William Blake)
Lizzie to Ada: No more Polly, no more whisky, no more Tommy.
Tommy转头把Michael给举报了,留的名字还是“Concerned citizen. Mr Jones”
Gina简直太讨厌了,仗着有个有背景的uncle Jack Nelson装作很深不可测天不怕地不怕,被Tommy稍微一吓就哆嗦,看似很有计谋,但脑子里全都是被人一看就穿的小聪明,举止轻浮,外强中干,不知道是剧本角色就是这样的,还是这个演员演得太夸张。
Ruby生病……这里Tommy真是一个好爸爸,得知了Ruby生病看过医生,马上就问医生怎么说,得知现在的身体状况不适宜旅行,马上安慰Lizzie,并且问能不能跟女儿讲话,女儿在睡觉,也没有说非要叫醒来听电话,他跟Lizzie不仅仅详细说了未来的工作和休假的安排,还非常直白地诉说对女儿的想念,接着又非常细心的注意到刚才Lizzie提到Ruby咳嗽,于是问咳了多久……这样的爸爸,在当今都非常难得了……这里Ruby神志不清的时候说的吉普赛语,查了一下tickner maura是女孩的意思,o beng是恶魔,有人说是杀童恶魔的意思。Tommy听到以后瞬间坐不住了,马上要坐下一班船回去,同时给Lizzie下达了一些列的指令,Lizzie不知道事情的严重度,Tommy急的直爆f-word,不过马上跟Lizzie道歉“I’m sorry, Lizzie. Do you understand?”这里再次要吹一下基莲的演技,前一秒还跟Lizzie顺着电话谈情说爱,后一秒瞬间切换模式,情绪饱满但是不过头。
临走以前还不忘去监狱探望一下小表弟Michael. M: So, you didn't learn. When my mother died at the hands of your ambition, you didn't learn your limitations.// Tommy: I have no limitations.
这一集结束没有任何片尾曲,只是鸟叫声,Dedicated to the memory Helen McCrory OBE 'Polly Gray'.
一上来Tommy就跟Lizzie立了一个flag"We will escape, Lizzie. One last deal to be done." Tommy跟Lizzie解释他的办事方式:"It'll be difficult. Difficulties are to be expected. This is why I must move from item to item."
先是一上来在医院门口吐了,接着回家洗澡的时候癫痫发作。Lizzie在给Tommy伤口上药的时候,基莲有一个肌肉紧缩的小动作,非常细节了……然后接着又疯狂立flag:" We're going to keep going till the Boston business is done. Then we rest. Then we Peaky Blinders fucking rest."
Tommy去Labour Party演讲,真的赞叹Tommy Shelby muti-tasking的能力了,从北美回英国,中间癫痫还发作了一次的情况下,既要盘算回来以后的business怎么一步一步计划,还要想Ruby的身体情况,顺便还设计准备了一次如此精彩的演讲……关于Tommy演讲的主题“Slience”,其中一句话非常引人思考“You must not complain, because that would be unpatriotic.”
Tommy: Laura McKee, in the Shelby family, business comes before issues of vengeance. Our beloved departed would understand and approve.
Laura McKee: You spoke with passion and compassion.You understand forgiveness and you drink water. Yet Iheard from many reliable sources that you have a reputation ofr moral turpitude.// Tommy: "Moral turpitude". It's a good name for a racehorse.// LM: You don't know what it means?// T: I know what it means. It means you fuck people. Fuck people over. Don't give a fuck. It means you covet and steal and burn all principles for the sake of self-interest. Well, I'm changing, Laura McKee, and my organisation is also changing.// ... // T: My racehorse, Moral Turpitude, is just one of many in my stables. Sometimes even now I'll take her out for a run, if there is a good cause that requires her services.// ... // LM: I thought you were a socialist.// T: Well since I've entered politics, I've learned that the line doesn't go out from the middle to the left and the right. It goes in a circle. I'll show you. You go far enough left eventually you'll meet someone who has gone far enough right to get to the same place. Working-class socialists like me, working-class nationalists like you. The result? National Socialism. And that's me, in the middle. Just a man trying to make an honest living in a very dark world.
Tommy: A friend loves at all times but a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17,17
Tommy: Ada, if you don't want to help me carry the bucket then I wouldn't blame you. But this is my mission. And I will have no limitations.
Tommy跟Nelson在教堂见面,有一个小小小穿帮,一开始俯视镜头Nelson是站在一个圆形图案的正中央抬头仰望教堂的建筑,接着切换视角Tommy从背后走近,Nelson依旧仰望但是站在了圆形图案的后面了……强迫症简直要犯了。Nelson: What made you angry?// Tommy: Slowness in anything. I wanted to have everything already.//...// Nelson: When did you last kill a man, Mr Shelby?// Tommy: Four years ago. His name was Tommy Shelby. He drank whisky.
Ruby is sick and Tommy is delusional.
Esme: What use is a man? A hourse pulls the wagon. A dog keeps me safe. A cat keeps me warm at night.
Ruby葬礼后Tommy突突了Esme告诉他可能lay curse的吉普赛人。不得不说这集的配乐都是忧伤阴郁的路线了。
Tommy终于又喝了!跟Arthur在地窖里回忆往昔,曾几何时Arthur也是真正的大哥,护着曾经的Shelby一家,Arthur let Tommy win....Tommy: You wanted me to win. You've wanted me to win ever since.可是有点不懂Arthur的逻辑是,这个剧自始至终Arthur和Tommy都不是竞争的关系,Tommy是需要Arthur做他的左膀右臂,是需要大哥的辅佐和帮助的,就算Arthur想要Tommy win,也不足以支撑他现在一滩烂泥,不仅帮不上忙还天天裹乱的状态吧……Tommy: That's where we are now, Arthur. Just a few more yards to go. Then you'll change your ways. And I'll change the fucking world.
接下来这里的剪辑很喜欢,每个人都用自己的方式deal with the pain and trouble,Lizzie在家里发疯最后走到马棚抱着Ruby的白马,Arthur跑到chinatown乱砸一气最后一个人倒在大雨瓢泼的小巷里,Ada一人带着孩子家里被丢砖头最后拿着枪冲下楼赶走那群骚扰者,而Tommy Shelby,站在黑暗的角落里,睁着他蓝色的眼睛,注视着餐桌那一头的即将影响整个世界格局 的四位客人。
这里真的感觉包括Nelson和Mosely在内的人,和Tommy比起来还是嫩了,Nelson问Tommy: But underneath, do you truly believe in the cause, Mr Shelby? //Tommy: I'm here. ... I am here and I am serious.// Mosely: Prove to him. 然后Mosely站起来行了一个Fascist的礼,Tommy随后起身也跟着说出了那句“Perish Judah”,这里的情绪和节奏CM处理得很妙,刚刚好,没有过分的拖延和做作的挣扎,因为在Tommy Shelby看来,这种流于表面形式化的“表忠心”说明不了任何事情,如果抬个手臂说两个单词就能让对方信服了,在Tommy看来简直是解决问题最高效的方法了,仅此而已。Tommy Shelby追求的get things done,而Nelson和Mosely还在纠结“believe”的事情。
Tommy一方面可以眼睛不眨一下地“表忠心”,但接着就到旷野里突突突机关枪发泄,他把Ruby的小椅子烧了,但是又不肯开窗通风驱散烧焦的味道。Lizzie劝他休息,Not yet, not just yet 是他唯一重复的句子……这里的镜头近景是一个燃烧的冒着烟的半截烟头,寓意不言而喻了。再次心疼汤米谢尔比了……
Gina和Mosley fucked……Tommy利用此事要Gina给自己提供情报信息。Tommy: When I do business with someone, I make it my business to know their secrets.
Tommy被告知得了tuberculoma结核瘤,最多还有1年-一年半,重看第二遍这里已经开始生气了,不过第一次看的时候真的是替Tommy绝望……这里Lizzie竟然不认识Tommy的personal doctor也是有一点点的小Bug不是吗?Tommy骗Lizzie说是他的accountant,然后说只是“just a bill I wasn't expecting and I'll have to pay.”双关被Tommy玩的不能更转了……
“Not a devil... just an ordinary mortal man.”
开场音乐回归重鼓点,Tommy Shelby从迷雾中走来,拎了一包炸弹,喝了一口茶,没收了一包opium,让small heath clean from opium。(不得不说这个剧里的中文讲的应该是我目前看的英美剧里最正宗的了。)这里的节奏真的好棒,Tommy配着bomb ticktok的声音慢悠悠地喝茶,走到桥上丢下公文包,涟漪慢慢散开,接着就是bomb一声水花高起。
这里Tommy禁止商铺售卖power,说谁卖就拆了谁家的店改建公寓,最后说的是by order of the Birmingham Urban Districk Council,所以不再需要by order of the peaky blinders,取而代之的是更加能放的上台面的council,不过仔细想其实本质都一样,都是TS达成目的的手段罢了。同样的句式,不同的主语,还蛮有意味的。
Finn结婚了,老婆叫Mary,Tommy失散多年的儿子was introduced to the family(话说这个演员有点像年轻时候的诺兰啊……可能最近刷到他俩的物料有点多哈哈)
Tommy约了Linda,T: Is there forgiveness in your heart for Arthur Shelby? // L: No. But htere may be forgiveness from God.// T: And you will do God's work? (这可能就是信仰的力量吧,个人无法做到的事情,想象God可以做得到,于是act for God)
Stagg: Is that why you do it, Mr Shelby? Is that why you keep all this going? To have people say thank you? You could close all this down. You could leave the sport behind. You could live like an ordinary mortal man. On your gravestone - "an ordinary mortal man". But, instead, you still go round collecting "please" and "thank you" and "sorry" and "forgive me, mr Shelby". Is that what it's all for?// Tommy: You want to know? You want to know why I've carried on all these years? It's so I can do this. And then ... do this. Feel it? // Stagg: I feel it.// Tommy: Junk doesn't even come close. Soon, Mr Stagg... when my last bit of business is done... I will indeed be an ordinary mortal man.
Tommy和Lizze啪啪啪,(这里Tommy全程盖着被子,导演这就见外了不是~lol)L: There was a time when we'd say nothing afterwards because we didn't have to say anything. Now we've goting nothing left to say.// ... // L: Your book of regrets. 23,24, 52,55. The combination to the safe. Regrets. And I'm on there. I'm on the list. On the very top of the list.// Tommy: Yep. Yes, you are. I regret marrying you, Lizzie. Cos I've put you through so much. Put you through all of this. Ruby. Everything that is to come. When you married me, you married a man and you married a curse. You have shared my fate. That is my regret. But know this, Lizzie. In this moment, in this room... I love you.// L: You sound like you're ticking a fuck box, and I don't know what's inside the box! Never have you let me in even though Iknow the combination to the safe.
Diana: Mostly, I do whatever I want to do. Sometimes, I do things for the cause. In this case, it's both.
Nelson: The currency here, it's blood.
Mosley and Lizze fucked. Diana and Tommy fucked. 但是Mosley对Tommy: (Lizze)She doesn't deserve you, Mr Shelby.
Tommy: She doesn't deserve what I am. She doesn't deserve what I will become. ... Truth is, I belong here, at this table, with fuckers like you. She doesn't. For all I try to hide it... I'm just one of you. Could there be a sadder ending, eh?
Lizzie is leaving and Tommy allows Charlie to go with Lizzie.... He is making final arrangment for his family.
Arthur知道了Tommy的病,Tommy: How long have we been dead for, eh? You and me, how long? At least now I'll have a certificate. Wherever it is, I'll get the drinks in and I'll wait for you. ... All them bullets that missed. It's funny, Arthur. It's funny is what it is. Don't you fucking weep. ... When everyone is taken care of financially, I will take myself away. On my own. I don't want anyone... anyone who may or may not love me to have to see me crawl or grow insane and helpless. It would be a cruelty to me and to them. By the time people know the truth, I will be gone.// ...// (5 million pound) And that will be my legacy. Instead of me, there will be money. Because for most of the people who are close to me, that is what I am! Fucking money. That is my agency.// ... // When the time comes, I'll call you. I'll tell you where. It'll be a wagon.// Arthur: Fuck you wagon.// T: You light the flame. You bring Charlie and Curly and no-one else. Get drunk. Rake the ashes for silver and gold.
Tommy计中计解决了内奸Billy,Finn也因此被赶出家族,Duke终于说出了那句象征身份认同的“By order of the Peaky fucking Blinders.”
Arthur & IRA还有一个神秘第三方(Nelson?)在Garrison门口最终对决,这里画面灯光处理有点电影感了,最终Arthur替Polly报了仇,也算画了一个句号了。
Tommy计中计解决了Michael,并且说:“I have no limitations.”
All business is done. Tommy把他的家炸了。召集了所有家人在野地里吃饭聚会:“To family. Sometimes it is shelter from the storm. Sometimes it is the storm itself.”
Tommy flip the coin and load the gun.... and he saw Ruby.... Tommy弄清了所有的真相,最后这里的处理第二次看好爱,“The eleventh hour. Armistice. Peace at last. Peace at last.” 有一种呼应了第一季一开始Shovels beats the sun 还是sun beats the shovels,这一次the sun beats them and peace finanlly came.....
最后的片尾曲……All the tired houses in the sun. How am I supposed to get any riding done? 看完第一遍到现在一个月,时不时就自动在脑子里单曲循环……