ok,we're done 好,就这么决定。
it's time for school 该去上学了。
calm down 冷静。
excuse me,is there anything i can do? 打扰一下,有什么我可以帮忙的吗?
can i help you? 我能帮你什么吗(有事吗)?
are you ok? 你没事吧?
follow me 跟我来。
no problem 不客气。
that sounds like fun 那听起来很有意思。
we got company 我们有伴了。
who's next? 下一个是谁?
can't complain 还过得过去。(没什么可抱怨的)
it's so pretty 真是太漂亮了。
come on,trust me on this 拜托,相信我这次。
we gotta be quick 我们得快点。
it's my turn 这次该我了。
that's all thanks to you 这些都要归功于你。
don't you get it? 你难道不明白吗?
pardon me 对不起。(我没听清楚)
he's gorgeous 他帅呆了。
he's not for me 他不适合我。
it's a shortcut 这是条近路。(捷径)
incredible 不可思议。
how'd it go? 进展如何?
you have my word 我向你保证。
what for? 有什么用?(what are you doing this for)
you can count on me 放心吧,包在我身上。
i'm not sleepy 我不困。
nice going 干得好。
well done 干得不错。
i'm listening 我听着(请说吧)
i'm on my way 我马上过来。
how could you do that? 你怎么能这么做?
i'm home我回家了。
i miss you so much 我太想念你了。
i knew it 我就知道。
everything is going to be fine 一切都会好起来的。
you'll be late for work 你上班要迟到啦。
is something wrong? 出了什么问题了吗?
nothing is impossible 一切皆有可能。
it is time 是时候了。
how interesting 真有意思啊。
absolutely not 绝对不是。
i guess so 我想是吧。
there is no such thing 没有这种事情。
good night,sleep well 晚安,睡好。
there's a saying 俗话说。
don't mention it 别客气。
excellent 太棒了。
let's get started 我们开始吧。
that was awesome 那真是太酷了。
i will never quit 我绝不放弃。
you must believe 你一定要相信。
what? you serious? 什么,你说真的?
enjoy 尽情享用(吃吧,玩吧)
you idiot 你个笨蛋。