Whether with or without the failure to earn the entrance ticket to Russia, our loss of the confidence and determination for this sporting cause is far from realistic. After all, the history of its ups and downs had been entwined with our growth years. Admittedly, each time their performance disappointed us in a predictable way. Whereas, it is likely that the age-old affinity does not only derive from itself, but is a carrier of immortal glory as well—cease to struggle you cease to leave. May the warmest wishes, sureness and a clear conscience come in the following.
在我们的路上,有妥协; 我们也把它称作 一笑泯恩仇。
The once-somber path was kindled with compromise that we often liken to the Tears of Reconciliation.
尽管有一天,我儿时的偶像身陷囹圄; 那个让我在肯德基开心套餐中毫无迟疑选择到的玩偶,已然镌刻在青春的戒指上,虽在反面,但已然渗入骨髓。
Even though my idol to whom I entrust our perpiration at early childhood was convicted one day, his sleeper feature has still engraved onto the other side of youth ring.
This Jugoslavian man, whose motto is the attitude determines everything, introduced Hapy Football and Net Style Soccer, while the once unfamiliar truth about football was also enlightened by him in front of the largest group of followers in the world.
也许,有一天繁忙的生活会以足球为代价,而且现在城市土地的开发已然以大量足球土壤为代价; 不过,如果再给我一次机会,即便生在当下,我依然会选择足球,让他成为我童年少年生活的一部分,尽管那会比之前更难。
Maybe, now the busy lifestyle costs football for thousands of you .Grantedly, the commercializations of urban land have already been on this premise.However, given another chance, I will keep my first option,without any hesitation.
Author:Kevin Mi, a teacher whose life is peppered with huge vocabulary and incessant fun. Hope to share my limited experiences and feelings with U. Also, I hope U are like me--hooked on life forever. Jianshu Account: Domino123