本篇文章分析 Tornado 中 secure cookie 的实现,代码基于 Tornado 4.4.3
关于 secure cookie 的使用请参考文档
Tornado 中的 secure cookie 是通过 set_secure_cookie
和 get_secure_cookie
方法对 cookie 进行签名来实现的,主要是用来防止篡改,保证其完整性但并不保证私密性。 使用这两个方法的前提是在 app 中传入的 settings 中包含名为 cookie_secure
# tornado/web.py
class RequestHandler(object):
# ...
def set_secure_cookie(self, name, value, expires_days=30, version=None,
"""Signs and timestamps a cookie so it cannot be forged.
You must specify the ``cookie_secret`` setting in your Application
to use this method. It should be a long, random sequence of bytes
to be used as the HMAC secret for the signature.
To read a cookie set with this method, use `get_secure_cookie()`.
Note that the ``expires_days`` parameter sets the lifetime of the
cookie in the browser, but is independent of the ``max_age_days``
parameter to `get_secure_cookie`.
Secure cookies may contain arbitrary byte values, not just unicode
strings (unlike regular cookies)
.. versionchanged:: 3.2.1
Added the ``version`` argument. Introduced cookie version 2
and made it the default.
self.set_cookie(name, self.create_signed_value(name, value,
expires_days=expires_days, **kwargs)
def create_signed_value(self, name, value, version=None):
"""Signs and timestamps a string so it cannot be forged.
Normally used via set_secure_cookie, but provided as a separate
method for non-cookie uses. To decode a value not stored
as a cookie use the optional value argument to get_secure_cookie.
.. versionchanged:: 3.2.1
Added the ``version`` argument. Introduced cookie version 2
and made it the default.
# 如果 self.application.settings
# 不存在 cookie_secret 或者 secure cookies 的键则会抛出异常
self.require_setting("cookie_secret", "secure cookies")
secret = self.application.settings["cookie_secret"]
# secret 如果为一个 dict 才会用到这个变量,作为键来取 secret 中对应的 value
key_version = None
if isinstance(secret, dict):
if self.application.settings.get("key_version") is None:
raise Exception("key_version setting must be used for secret_key dicts")
key_version = self.application.settings["key_version"]
return create_signed_value(secret, name, value, version=version,
# ...
def create_signed_value(secret, name, value, version=None, clock=None,
if version is None:
if clock is None:
clock = time.time
# utf8 在 tornado/escape.py 中定义,会将 text 转成 utf8 如果为 bytes 则直接返回
timestamp = utf8(str(int(clock())))
value = base64.b64encode(utf8(value))
if version == 1:
signature = _create_signature_v1(secret, name, value, timestamp)
value = b"|".join([value, timestamp, signature])
return value
elif version == 2:
# The v2 format consists of a version number and a series of
# length-prefixed fields "%d:%s", the last of which is a
# signature, all separated by pipes. All numbers are in
# decimal format with no leading zeros. The signature is an
# HMAC-SHA256 of the whole string up to that point, including
# the final pipe.
# The fields are:
# - format version (i.e. 2; no length prefix)
# - key version (integer, default is 0)
# - timestamp (integer seconds since epoch)
# - name (not encoded; assumed to be ~alphanumeric)
# - value (base64-encoded)
# - signature (hex-encoded; no length prefix)
def format_field(s):
return utf8("%d:" % len(s)) + utf8(s)
to_sign = b"|".join([
format_field(str(key_version or 0)),
if isinstance(secret, dict):
assert key_version is not None, 'Key version must be set when sign key dict is used'
assert version >= 2, 'Version must be at least 2 for key version support'
secret = secret[key_version]
signature = _create_signature_v2(secret, to_sign)
return to_sign + signature
raise ValueError("Unsupported version %d" % version)
def _create_signature_v1(secret, *parts):
hash = hmac.new(utf8(secret), digestmod=hashlib.sha1)
for part in parts:
return utf8(hash.hexdigest())
def _create_signature_v2(secret, s):
hash = hmac.new(utf8(secret), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
return utf8(hash.hexdigest())
version 1 和 version 2 都使用了 HMAC 进行签名,但是两者的加密方式一个为 sha1 一个为 sha256,都是不可逆的算法
下面假设 time.time() = 1491747917
cookie_secret = 'secret'
的情况下调用 self.set_secure_cookie('hello', 'world')
对生成的 cookie 格式进行分析
version 1
cookie 的格式如下
可以按 |
将 value 拆分为 3 部分
第一部分 d29ybGQ
为 world
进行 base64
第二部分 1491747917
第三部分 ff266e2b3c35aaa9cd9e52d2347a6ec0e38ce76c
为 signature 的值,具体是由 cookie_secre
t 和 value
和 timestamp
version 2
cookie 的格式如下
同样使用 |
拆分成为 6 部分
第一部分 2
第二部分至第五部分均为 len(value):value
的形式,具体的 value 依次为 key_version
, 时间戳, cookie 的键, cookie 的值(base64后)
第六部分为 signature 的值
从以上分析可以得出 Tornado 的 secure cookie 的内容是用户可见的,但是由于 signature 的存在我们无法在不知 cookie_secret
的情况下对 cookie 进行伪造(不过可以采取样本暴力猜解)。并且由于 version 2 中加入了 key_version
, Tornado 可以支持多签名密钥,即使一个密钥被猜解,不会导致全部沦陷。
再来看看获取 cookie 的实现
class RequestHandler(object):
# ...
def get_secure_cookie(self, name, value=None, max_age_days=31,
"""Returns the given signed cookie if it validates, or None.
The decoded cookie value is returned as a byte string (unlike
.. versionchanged:: 3.2.1
Added the ``min_version`` argument. Introduced cookie version 2;
both versions 1 and 2 are accepted by default.
self.require_setting("cookie_secret", "secure cookies")
if value is None:
value = self.get_cookie(name)
return decode_signed_value(self.application.settings["cookie_secret"],
name, value, max_age_days=max_age_days,
def get_secure_cookie_key_version(self, name, value=None):
"""Returns the signing key version of the secure cookie.
The version is returned as int.
self.require_setting("cookie_secret", "secure cookies")
if value is None:
value = self.get_cookie(name)
return get_signature_key_version(value)
# A leading version number in decimal
# with no leading zeros, followed by a pipe.
_signed_value_version_re = re.compile(br"^([1-9][0-9]*)\|(.*)$")
def _get_version(value):
# Figures out what version value is. Version 1 did not include an
# explicit version field and started with arbitrary base64 data,
# which makes this tricky.
m = _signed_value_version_re.match(value)
if m is None:
version = 1
version = int(m.group(1))
if version > 999:
# Certain payloads from the version-less v1 format may
# be parsed as valid integers. Due to base64 padding
# restrictions, this can only happen for numbers whose
# length is a multiple of 4, so we can treat all
# numbers up to 999 as versions, and for the rest we
# fall back to v1 format.
version = 1
except ValueError:
version = 1
return version
def decode_signed_value(secret, name, value, max_age_days=31,
clock=None, min_version=None):
if clock is None:
clock = time.time
if min_version is None:
if min_version > 2:
raise ValueError("Unsupported min_version %d" % min_version)
if not value:
return None
value = utf8(value)
version = _get_version(value)
if version < min_version:
return None
if version == 1:
return _decode_signed_value_v1(secret, name, value,
max_age_days, clock)
elif version == 2:
return _decode_signed_value_v2(secret, name, value,
max_age_days, clock)
return None
def _decode_signed_value_v1(secret, name, value, max_age_days, clock):
parts = utf8(value).split(b"|") # base64_value, timestamp, signature
if len(parts) != 3:
return None
signature = _create_signature_v1(secret, name, parts[0], parts[1])
# python 3.3+ 中 _time_independent_equals 为 hmac.compare_digest 的一个 alias
# other version 中 _time_independent_equals 是通过异或的方式比较是否相同
if not _time_independent_equals(parts[2], signature):
gen_log.warning("Invalid cookie signature %r", value)
return None
timestamp = int(parts[1])
if timestamp < clock() - max_age_days * 86400:
gen_log.warning("Expired cookie %r", value)
return None
# 下面两个分支感觉有点奇怪
if timestamp > clock() + 31 * 86400:
# _cookie_signature does not hash a delimiter between the
# parts of the cookie, so an attacker could transfer trailing
# digits from the payload to the timestamp without altering the
# signature. For backwards compatibility, sanity-check timestamp
# here instead of modifying _cookie_signature.
gen_log.warning("Cookie timestamp in future; possible tampering %r",
return None
if parts[1].startswith(b"0"):
gen_log.warning("Tampered cookie %r", value)
return None
return base64.b64decode(parts[0])
except Exception:
return None
def _decode_fields_v2(value):
def _consume_field(s):
# 按 : 分割成三部分(只分一次)
# Example
# In [40]: string = '1:0|10:1491747917'
# In [41]: string.partition(':')
# Out[41]: ('1', ':', '0|10:1491747917')
length, _, rest = s.partition(b':')
n = int(length)
field_value = rest[:n]
# In python 3, indexing bytes returns small integers; we must
# use a slice to get a byte string as in python 2.
if rest[n:n + 1] != b'|':
raise ValueError("malformed v2 signed value field")
rest = rest[n + 1:]
return field_value, rest
rest = value[2:] # remove version number
key_version, rest = _consume_field(rest)
timestamp, rest = _consume_field(rest)
name_field, rest = _consume_field(rest)
value_field, passed_sig = _consume_field(rest)
return int(key_version), timestamp, name_field, value_field, passed_sig
def _decode_signed_value_v2(secret, name, value, max_age_days, clock):
key_version, timestamp, name_field, value_field, passed_sig = _decode_fields_v2(value)
except ValueError:
return None
signed_string = value[:-len(passed_sig)]
if isinstance(secret, dict):
secret = secret[key_version]
except KeyError:
return None
expected_sig = _create_signature_v2(secret, signed_string)
if not _time_independent_equals(passed_sig, expected_sig):
return None
if name_field != utf8(name):
return None
timestamp = int(timestamp)
if timestamp < clock() - max_age_days * 86400:
# The signature has expired.
return None
return base64.b64decode(value_field)
except Exception:
return None
def get_signature_key_version(value):
value = utf8(value)
version = _get_version(value)
if version < 2:
return None
key_version, _, _, _, _ = _decode_fields_v2(value)
except ValueError:
return None
return key_version
secure cookie 通过正向再生成 signature 并比对 cookie 中的 signature 来进行签名验证,并判断 cookie 是否还具有时效性。
再来看一个问题,我们看到在 self.set_secure_cookie
和 self.get_secure_cookie
中都有参数 expires_days
出现。为何这两个方法都需要这个参数,或者说仅仅 self.set_secure_cookie
中使用 expires_days
结果是不行的,虽然我们可以通过 self.set_secure_cookie
告诉 client 这个 cookie 的过期时间(client 会去遵守这个约定)。但这只是正常的情况,对于一个 hacker 来说并没有用,所以还需要在 self.get_secure_cookie
中再判断 cookie 是否已经过期。由于比对需要 cookie 生成的时间戳,所以两个 version 的 secure cookie 中都包含了时间戳部分。不过因为有 signature , hacker 不能强行更改时间戳
signature 不能被伪造全靠 cookie_secret
和加密算法的种类,所以为了使 Tornado 的 secure cookie 更加安全,应当
- 使用 version 2
- 采用多签名密钥(即
) - 增强
的强度(防暴力猜解) -