英语China likely to issue 5G mobile licenses in 2019


China is likely to issue 5G licenses to telecom carriers in the second half of 2019 at the earliest, as the country scrambles to commercialize next-generation mobile communication technology, Wang Zhiqin, an expert with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, told China Daily on Wednesday.

"We will be among the first batch of countries to issue 5G licenses in the world, most likely between the second half of 2019 and the first half of 2020," said Wang, vice-president of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, a government think tank affiliated with the MIIT.

Wang is also head of the IMT2020 (5G) Promotion Group, a team established under MIIT to accelerate development of the super-fast technology in China.

In the past, China fell behind other countries when issuing 4G and 3G licenses, about three to eight years later than the pioneers.

"China is also likely to distribute frequency bands to telecom carriers in the second half of this year, which will speed the construction of 5G networks," Wang said.

After reading this news,please answer the following questions.

Ⅰ.Please translate the fourth paragraph.

Ⅱ.How much do you know about 5G network life and how you feel about 5G network life?

Ⅲ.Please give a short comment or recognition on Wang's words that we will be among the first batch of count ries to issue 5G licenses in the world.(about 50 words).


汪林欣 金融1601(9.8分)


2.For 5 G, huawei proposed several characteristics: peak reached 10 GBPS network rate and network transmission 10-100 times faster than 4 g, the network delay from 4 G 50 milliseconds to shorten to 1 millisecond, meet the 100 billion level of network connection, 1000 times every bit of the whole mobile network to reduce energy consumption.

In my case,it will bring great convenience to our life.

3. The governments of various countries regard 5G construction and application development as important national targets, and 5G telecom operators and equipment operators of each technology camp are also ready to launch.China is confident that it will become one of the first countries to issue 5G licences by 2020, demonstrating the rapid development of Internet communication technology in China.

郝炜 金融1601(9.6分)


2.I know very little about the 5G network life.But I think 5G will make information break through the limitation of time and space,providing excellent interactive experience and immersive information feast for the user.

3.With the development of science and technology,China's technological level has reached the world's top level.So we can be the first batch of countries to issue 5G licenses in the world.In order to cope with the future of mobile data traffic explosive growth,5G licenses is necessary for Chinese people.

倪斌玲 能动1602(9.8分)


2.As the next generation mobile communication network, the theoretical transmission rate of 5G network is up to 100 thousand GB per second, which is hundreds times faster than the current 4G network transmission speed. The entire super high quality movie can be downloaded in one second. And the 5G network will support more devices than smartphones. It also supports smart watches, fitness wristbands, and intelligent household appliances, such as indoor thermostat in bird's nest. AI technology, Home Furnishing, wisdom wisdom energy and networking, will be because of the advent of 5G technology, accelerated into the ordinary life, real life style influence human society!

3.In 2018, the 5G research and development test of our country entered the official stage. This year is also a very critical year. According to the previous schedule, China will carry out the 5G commercial test this year and will be able to put into use formally by 2020. 5G communication technology will bring great convenience to us, and it is hoped that China's technology in this field will lead the world.

王星凯 金融1601(9.6分)


2.The transmission speed of the 5G network can reach tens of GB per second. It can support a variety of different devices flexibly.

3.With the continuous progress of communication technology, people's experience on the Internet is more and more demanding.Mobile phone 5G will be available in 2019.For average mobile smartphone users, the promotion and popularity of 5G means changing phones. Apple salespeople say none of the current phones can support 5Gs, and if you want to use 5Gs, you have to replace your phone.

胡胜威 能动1604(9.5分)


2.(1)5G, abbreviation for fifth-generation, refers to the fifth generation of mobile phone systems, also an extension of 4G.

  (2)It is so convenient for our life.

3.First of all,I feel proud of my country from Wang's words.Then,China has grown stronger than before.I hope we can make further efforts to create a brilliant future.There's nothing to stop us from doing.

温雅 金融1601 (9.5分)


2,At present,many countries in the world have competed to develop 5G network technology.The main goal of the 5G network is to allow end-usual ways be in a networked state.5G network will support devices far more than smart phones . It also supports smart watches ,fitness wristbands,smart home devices ,such as nest type indoor thermostat,etc.

3,With the development of science technology,our countries start to pay attention to Internet. In the past, China fell behind other countries when issuing 4G and 3G licenses, about three to eight years later than the pioneers. So I am proud that we will be among the first batch of count rises to issue 5G licenses in the world.

荣天舒 金融1601(9.6分)


2.As the living standards improve.4G internet can’t fulfill people’s demands.So 5G will come in the near future.I learn about 5G,which can link much more computers and equipments and have much faster speed in transmission and reaction.What’s more 5G bring convince not only in our life work but also in recreation and entertainment.I think as 5G arrive our life will automatic in the future.

3.Recent years our country more and more support technology development.2G and 3G period our country had been over by other countries.As the second economy entity in the world,our country should as the first country to  use it.when 5G arrive we can as pioneer to led others to follow our footsteps.So I agree with wang’s speaking.

李晓丹 金融1601 (9.6分)


2.I think it is really cool.First,I know a quick definition of 5G:it's the next(fifth) generation of cellular technology which promises to greatly enhance the speed,coverage and responsiveness of wireless networks.I believe it is really important for us and I hope the 5G network life coming quickly.

3.I agree with Wang's words that we will be among the first batch of countries to issue 5G licenses in the world.In the past,China fell behind other countries when issuing 4G and 3G licenses,but in the few years,with the development of Chinese economics and technology,our power is amazing.So we will be among the first batch of countries to issue 5G licenses in the world.

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